PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Lmao...I am convinced I have spd right now. I'm in terrible pain. I came home, went pee, could barely stand back up. When I walked out I had to hold the wall to get to the couch, now I'm verrrrrrry uncomfortable! :( my last day is this Friday actually. Close soooo close!
It sounds like you do Iesha. When I get up in the middle of the night I always am holding on to the walls as I feel like my pelvis is going to tear.
Iesha- yay you are almost there!!!! hang in there mama :dance:

Sacha- the middle of the night pee's are the worst. I have nearly had to crawl before :( and we have a bathroom in our bedroom so its not like I have far to go
Sorry everyone is hurting with SPD! Hugs to you all!!

It really weird that so many of us have it, according to my physio age or amount of babies carried does not cause it though. Last pregnancy, I asked her if it was due to any of those reasons and she said no! It happens to first time mom's as well although once you have it, then with subsequent pregnancies you WILL get it again! This one is definitely my last lol, may end up in a wheel chair if I do it again ;) and seriously running out of room in my house too haha

Most women have much easier second stage with SPD so that is a bonus, everything is so loose already that baby pops out lmao :) hoping to be the case this time with me.

SPD sounds simply miserable! Hugs to you mamas!

I was totally hoping to get out of the corporate Christmas party that will be later tonight. . . (it's 4am here). Come ON Ness. . .let's DO THIS! LOL!
woohoo kellie 37 weeks!!!!! come on baby!! whats you evacuation plan?x

iesha sounds awful I hope the pain eases and Friday flies by!!

I hope spd isn't catching:haha: I do not want it I feel for all of you who do! but iam already starting to feel a bit sore at times:nope: off to my consultant apt later.
Bless you all with SPD, it must be horrid. I have never had SPD but I suffer with chronic backache (from lifting my son so much) which is a gazillion times worse in pregnancy. Poopy part is that my DH is a physiotherapist but he has to be so careful in pregnancy that I am not getting any benefit from him at the moment :shrug:

Builders started yesterday, it's so noisy and I seem to be constantly making cups of tea, but they have given a finalisation date of the 7th March :happydance: as long as the really bad weather doesn't decide to turn up now! The 3 youngest were off school yesterday and today cos the boiler has broken at school :dohh: so they seem to be high as kites because there is so much going on here, I had to cancel a midwife appt this morning simply because I know they would drive me bonkers in there with the way they are acting and it's too darn cold and frosty to take them to the park to work some steam off :haha:
donna - Well lets hope all we need is to breathe the baby down in one surge!! :thumbup: I would be so lovely to have them just sorta slide right out!!

Kellie - you must still be having issues sleeping. :sad1: I wouldn't want to go to a christmas party this far along either. maybe you can fake being ill…… I think I would do that.

Claire - good luck at your appt!!

Ann-Marie - :dance: thats is awesome things are starting. Hopefully they don't drag their asses doing it. I think there is some strange energy cause mine have lost it too….

AFM we dtd last night. Well it didn't create any new bh, but it did cause tons of cramping. So I didn't sleep so well as I was uncomfortable as hell!! I just hope the pain was my cervix doing something, cause the loss of sleep has to be for something. Also the second morning in a row I feel my digestion system arguing with me. So I know what that means…. a run to the bathroom before it is too late…. :dohh: Other than this no sign that labour is on its way. :shrug: I can't count that my feet hurt this morning LOL
Claire Hope all goes well at you consultant appointment today hun. Xx
Sacha sounds like body having a nice clear out for labour
Kellie I would so play the nine months pregnant thing and decline the party lol, you could even fake a few contractions lol, and happy happy 37 Weeks!! After all that worry, c' Mon baby! Mummy is waiting now lol. And at the most, only two weeks to go hun. Hoping she comes sooner for you though.

My hubby was doing so well at accepting that baby was going to b be late!! Until this weekend, I have been so sore and miserable and feeling useless that he is now starting to say " it's Nearly over babe, only a month to go" Aaarrgghh we have probably two months still, and pretending that it will happen sooner just puts me under added pressure to perform and deliver a timely baby!!!
Silly man!

Midwife asked me last week if there was any plan to get me in early as I was in so much pain!!
I answered, I am planning home birth!
Oh yeah sorry silly me she said I forgot!
Now I am thinking mmmmm maybe an option lol!!! I will be totally annoyed if I go beyond 42 weeks and still end up delivering in hospital/ being induced. But do want my home birth. Very tempting though! I have a midwife appointment tomorrow, wonder if it with asking her about! Our are they trying to put me off the home birth just because they are short staffed and /or cannot be arsed coming out to the house??

Mmmmm dilemma.

im starting to get a bit panicky about labour :( have never had any pain relief but this time I think I might I feel too old for this lol
Masonbaby - I think you will be fine!! You will be a pro at this, since you haven't had any pain relief before. Me on the other hand will have to focus that much more since I have always had the epi, even if the last one was too late LOL
im starting to get a bit panicky about labour :( have never had any pain relief but this time I think I might I feel too old for this lol

Too old lol, I am 40 you are a spring chicken. And anyway, I find my pain thresh hold has gotten higher with age not less lol. You will be just fine, positive mental attitude hun You can do this!! Hugs xx :thumbup:
I've been freaking out a bit about labor too, and I don't know why. Maybe just to have something to worry about?

I am SOOOO grumpy today. I grumped at my kids for sleeping in (*I* slept in, which is why THEY slept in, so totally unfair), grumped at them for not eating fast enough, grumped at them for not getting dressed, and then grumped at DD1 AND DH (over the phone) for DD1's earring issues (I've never had pierced ears, but DH insisted that we let DD have them as soon as they asked; she got them pierced this summer, and over Christmas we started swapping out earrings and now it seems one ear is infected and I'm at a total loss and don't like feeling clueless), the girls were over 30 minutes late to school, and DS missed 'second breakfast' which he adores at daycare.

To top it off, when I got the girls to school, I learned that DD1's teacher, who was due the same day as me but with her first, was starting her leave because her water broke late last night/early this morning and the baby should be arriving today. And I know it is silly because honestly I am NOT READY, but I am so jealous :(

I really do not like myself today, and I feel sorry for everyone who has to deal with me, but everytime I open my mouth something snarky/grumpy comes out! If I could I would just curl up in bed and pout/sulk all day to avoid being such a bitch!
I have quite fast labours 3-5 hours so usually by the time I get in it's too late for pain meds lol then im one of those women that don't like being touched or massaged during labour so nothing for dh to do but watch and wait and tell me how awesome I am hehe im getting in my massages now though
The ups and downs that we get in the last month is really crappy!! I am now ready for a nap. I put the pork roast in the crockpot, and I am just ready for bed! That walk wiped me out LOL
I have quite fast labours 3-5 hours so usually by the time I get in it's too late for pain meds lol then im one of those women that don't like being touched or massaged during labour so nothing for dh to do but watch and wait and tell me how awesome I am hehe im getting in my massages now though

I stalled last time, so i am not sure how fast I am naturally.

Mmmm ooooh a massage would be heavenly. I have even heard that they can set off labour LOL

Had my usual scan and consultant appointment today... Baby is 6lb 10oz just under the 50 centile still... Head is well down she said... Then seen the doctor and got my date for c/section... Ive to go into hospital on the 10th and will have my section on the 11th... I actually feel fine about having another c/section even though i really wanted a normal delivery... Think probably more because i know i wont go over 39 weeks and don't have much longer to wait... Now i can get organised, get bags packed and babysitters etc sorted... Never know i might still go into labour before then.

Donna... I know how you feel about potentially going 2 weeks overdue and being disappointed about still not getting your home birth... I was feeling the same, that i could get to 40 plus weeks and still not go into labour myself, they wont induce me, so id still end up with another c/section and be overdue, thats probably my main reason for deciding on another section... Hoping you get your home birth and dont go overdue !!

Claire... How was your appointment today ?
masonsbaby you will be fine we are old pros now lolx

feisty mel sorry your feeling so grumpy its horrible being in a mood you cant shift isn't it! I hope you feel more like you!

not long for some of you now!!! exciting!

went to my consultant apt didn't get seen for an hour but it was fine, we spoke about past labours and bleeding after birth I told her about my bad after pain and she told me this is a good sign that my uterus s contracting back, so all they want to do is keep a better eye on me in labour and monitor my bleeding and also put me on a drip for 4 hours after birth to help my uterus contract back all precautionary but im happy with it. also with the gbs I will be on antibiotics before labour so im relieved about that, she also did a little scan which was a lovely surprise so I could see babies heartbeat! so it was all fine and quite helpful!!
emma goes on a school trip tomorrow for 2 nights she is very excited I on the other hand will be glad when shes back lol x
To great appts!! Congrats guys.

Char - I am glad that you are little more at piece with the section thing. Man two of you now won't even go past 39 weeks and I may just be still waiting around :shrug:

So you know how I was talking about my bh disappearing a bit? Well today they are back. My body also feels angry at me for emptying itself. I am sitting here feeling the grumbling in my tummy that I will need to run to the loo very soon. :blush:
I am currently gorging myself with chocolate cake and trying to pretend my job doesn't suck and that I like the people I work with :D

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