PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

kellie- what about stripping membranes with you?? any thoughts or will your dr not do it
Melissa so sad about your ex colleague, thinking of them all xx

And that is awful about the flu/ children ban thing! Surely adults are just as likely to bring in bugs and at least with children the parents can enforce good hygiene measures like hand washing, using hankies etc Hope it has lifted before you go in, or your stay is short and you can get out of there to introduce siblings quickly xx

They generally don't do stripping of membranes here until 40 weeks, or even 41 weeks for first time mums - never done any thing for me last time tho, don't think I will bother this time lol. Although I am sure will change my mind when I am 14 days over and getting desperate lol

Hope everyone has a fab day and maybe today will be the day for some lucky mummy. Xx
Finally got round to going for my whooping cough jag... Was supposed to go about 4 weeks ago but could never find the time... Just hope it still gives the baby some protection... The nurse was lovely, she asked if this was my first baby, lol the look on her face when i told her its number 6 :wacko: One thing i wont miss once this baby is born is heartburn... Its constant 24/7 now :(
Kellie - I hope all goes well with you appt today!! I too have an appt with u/s this afternoon. :thumbup: I honestly didn't think I would have made it today, but I think this is going to my child that has to make up his own mind up before he makes a decision.

Donna - not feeling like today will be any different then any other day, so I am sure I am not going to be the lucky one :haha:

Char - I have been lucky with this one, all my others I had saltine crackers by my bed and extra reserves of tums all over the house. So I feel for you girl!! Have you tried Zantac yet??

AFM i got my deposit last night and then slept like a baby…. Ya so off to my appt today. My mother said that we can't have him this weekend. HA! If we do though they will not be around to look after the boys….. So I may not have DH with me in the labour room either. :shrug:
mel so sorry to hear of your friend that is awful cancer is such a horrible thing!xxx

that's a shame about the ban on children I hope is all over with by the time you have your baby!!x

reaaly not long now girls!! mine seems ages away!!
dtd def worked fro us so fx it works for you guys!!
Waiting for pitocin to be turned on. :) fluid levels are low so baby is coming today. Hopefully she is cooperative.
AFM I have been given the go ahead for a home birth as long as I get to 37 weeks, I'm so chuffed, so now I just need baby to stay put as I really do not want to go into hospital!

wannabubba - I noticed you had posted a few in the home birth section, are you going ahead with it?
Yay, Kellie! I pray the labor, delivery, and birth are smooth and uncomplicated for both of you.
How exciting Kellie! Can't wait to hear how things go and for Jenessa to put in her appearance!

Hope the other appointments go well today too. Mine is tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to see what the OB says. I haven't had an internal, but I did find out I am NOT positive for group b strep this time, so that is good. I wasn't able to get to hospital in time for the treatment (3 hours of IV antiobiotics prior to birth) last time, and its a mandatory 48 hr stay for baby in that case. And with the restriction on visitors, I definitely will be leaving asap.

My mom will be able to watch the kids thankfully, so DH will definitely be there for the birth, but depending on time of day, he may not stay the night. We'll have to play it by ear and see how LO and I are feeling. Honestly, I hate giving up the potential medical benefit of being in hospital while the risk of hemorrhage is high (had it happen once) and also for while those immediate afterpains are going on, but I've never had it mean total separation from my other kids, and I also don't want them to reset this LO at all.

Zantac 150, twice a day, has really helped me manage the heartburn better since early December. I also still have tums all over the place, but I only seem to wake up from it if I eat too big of a dinner and/or too close to the time I lay down. Hope you can find some relief Charl!
Eeeeeeee Kellie OMG well any one betting I would go first before her just lost LMAO I still don't think I am going anytime soon. Other than some CRAZY pressure pains and pinching, but I am just hoping with the deposit last night will get my cervix changing!!
Kellie... So exciting... Cant wait to see update from you :)

I have been taking Rennies for the heartburn, don't know if there is anything better available for heartburn in pregnancy.
Oh kellie I'm so excited for you I'm wishing a lovely smooth labour for you!!!! Xxx
Char - I am not sure if those are the same thing as Zantac or not. I would ask if there is anything stronger you can take.

Melissa - I was soooo wrong. On Tues my OB is going to do a sweep. :shock: I am kind of excited about it. :happydance:

Good news though even though I am not gaining any weight baby still is. So that is a relief. I was a bit worried about that.
Kellie!!!!! whoop!!! yay :dance:

Sacha- hope the sweep moves things along :happydance:

we had our apt today. ob did a nonstress test that the baby failed. then a bio-physical profile u/s that she passed on everything except movement. the u/s tech had to extend the time and finally the baby moved once. she counted it as though we passed even though she had to extend the time. im very nervous for this LO. the wonderful thing is that her fluid levels have went up and are actually in normal range now!! im so thankful for that, but then there must be some other reason baby isn't moving like she should be. ob agrees that she isn't having normal movements, but just said to check twice a day and lay down for an hour with some juice. supposed to count 5-7 movements in that hour. i have done this several times over the last week and never get close to 5, more like 1 or 2. supposed to call immediately if she doesn't move the 5-7 times. this is a joke. im already telling her she never makes that. so i would be calling every day. don't really feel like im being heard or that anything is being done.

i looked up some reasons why baby wouldn't be moving like she should be if everything else seems normal and didn't come up with much. there were several stories of babies having this go on and being stillborn around 38-40 weeks. that scares the crap outta me. so DH and i are switching gears and will stop doing all we can to keep her in as long as possible. we will quit all the stuff to keep contractions at bay like less walking, using condoms, no bouncing on the ball, and soaking in Epsom salt. we will be doing all we can to get her out as soon as 37 weeks gets here. and will probably even get the sweep at 37 weeks. with my record i truly doubt she will be in past 38 wks. im happy about that even if i don't make it to the hospital. and even if i have to call an ambulance. i feel its necessary.
Kellie woohoo so excited for U!!!!! Good luck
Sacha im haven't gained anything for a few weeks either but we both had big babies so im sure they're fine
Heartburn has got me terrible too :(
On a bright note we got our new 7 seated car today so lovely Toyota Prado now we can fit everybody in and go camping and 4wding too :)
Melissa - :hugs: That just sounds so very scary! If your Dr wants you to call then call every day. Maybe then they will finally see there needs to something done! I will keep you and Sophia in my prayers!!!
Blessed - I can't imagine how nervous you are! Have you thought of asking for a second opinion? Will they do a BPP again?
Melissa - that sounds scary to me too. Can't believe your provider doesn't seem to be listening to you :( I agree with Sacha - keep calling in every day, and if possible get a second opinion.

Mason- ooh, the new car sounds lovely! We currently have a minivan that will fit all of us, but if/when I go back to work, hubby will need to abandon his commuter car that BARELY fits all three kids shoved in the back, and won't fit this new LO at all. We're looking at all kinds of options from old station wagons to new SUVs and everything in between. I want something we can pay cash for but depending on the type of car I don't want it to be very old/have too many miles, so it is really limiting our selection.

Sacha - omg sweep! I know that sometimes absolutely nothing happens, and didn't Donna mention she'd had sweeps before with no results, but still sounds exciting! I had both my girls within 48 hours of a sweep :D
Well I have been noticing stronger BH today…. I just had one that I swear is did something to my cervix! :thumbup: It was a good and strong one! bring more on!!

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