Sacha - I am completely in the same situation now. I got SOOO excited over the weekend with the contractions getting closer together, and more intense. I tried not to get my hopes up because I had ZERO discharge/plug going on, but really...
And now NOTHING. I think I've had 4 meaningful contractions all day. *whine* My sweep is Friday. My OB hasn't done any internal exams, since up until this weekend I hadn't really had any decent contractions to speak of, so I won't know until Friday if there is *anything* going on. But even DTD last night didnt trigger the same onrush of contractions. We'll probably try again tonight anyway

DH is not looking forward to the 6ww
Melissa - I hope you don't have lupus! My mom was recently diagnosed (supposedly... she has a tendency to stretch the medical truth so you always have to take it with a grain of salt). There are tons of lupus-friendly diets available though that are supposed to really help you avoid the bad symptoms! Also, since mom has been diagnosed, I'll probably need to go in for tests at some point soon too, but we'll see.
Iesha - I'm still working too, and I feel totally mixed about it. On the one hand, WTH am I thinking! I should be relaxing and prepping for this baby to get here, not holding people's hands at work and stressing about stuff, but on the other.... I'm FINALLY feeling a bit appreciated after months of being rather crapped on. So it is really nice to feel appreciated, and the house full of kids at home don't really do that the same way, so I totally get why you are willing to help them out
Kellie - I'm with Sacha on this one; don't try to keep the nips dry. I had had issues with cracking early on with #1, and tried a TON of things and eventually things sorted out, but with #2 a friend introduced me to these silicone breast pads that have lanolin on one side and you can put in the fridge. HOLY SMOKES that helped. I would just pop one on after feeding and it was great. They have an even wider variety now; I think I'm going to try Soothies (by Lansinoh), and Medela makes hydrogel pads (those are the ones I had last night and plan on using again too). Hope something helps! Also, 10 oz - with a GD baby, I don't think that is really that unusual! Did they weigh her right before discharge? Because if that is just dropped weight from the immediate birth weight, seems pretty normal to me! My 2nd, who wasn't GD (although doc suspects that I may have been more insulin resistant at the end) lost about 13 oz from her birth weight in the first few days. And I agree - it IS a good thing this little bundles are so darn cute

For all the trouble and work they cause, can't help but to love 'em!
Ann-Marie - that is so exciting! Was your DH totally thrilled? I always feel like I'm more excited for DH to feel baby move than he is heheh.