Melissa - how shocking for you

I know the cancer screening is totally routine as part of diagnosing lupus (from going through this with my mom), but it is completely scary to have that word hanging around at all. *hugs* Maybe it is really just pregnancy induced lupus and it will clear up after baby is born!
Sacha - Glad your bits are feeling better. I was hoping for a deposit last night, but DD1 had a big project due for school (her first 'research' assignment, wasn't expecting that in first grade!), and OH and I had kind of not really followed up on that since I started having more regular contractions last night, so we had her stay up well past her bedtime to finish her project while I supervised. Tonight we head to a basketball game with the kids, who almost ALWAYS fall asleep in the car on the way home, which means....

tonight hopefully! Gotta prep for my sweep tomorrow.
Claire - So cool that you got new beds for the kids! We're thinking about doing that next year so we can switch to bunk beds. Almost did it this year, but we worried about DD2 climbing around and falling (she turned four this fall), and DS getting into his sisters' room and hurting himself. He manages to do that already with just a normal bed

But I hope by end of next summer that they'll be reasonable, and that this new LO will be young enough that we'll instill proper behavior around bunkbeds before he/she gets mobile. You doing bunks? Or separate twins or fulls? And did you get new bedding too? I love how changing a bedspread can really change an entire room!
Donna - Tooth pain stinks

I missed my normal dentist appointment this fall, and never rescheduled.... I'll just have an annual appointment in April instead

But I haven't had any pain issues this time around, just the 'normal' bloody gums of pregnancy. Hope yours isn't an abscess
Charlene - I know what you mean about being excited but terrified. If they say the baby has grown another pound this week and is at 9 lbs, I really don't know what I'm going to do - at what point do they decide to do a c-section instead of trying to birth a large baby?
AFM - confession to make - I *STILL* do not have a proper hospital bag packed for myself or baby, nor overnight bags for my kids. Must do that tonight