PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Absolutely, positively, ZERO plug. I don't even have any discharge happening. I am having some contractions, so maybe they are doing something. I've pretty much realized I'm not having this baby any time soon :P On Tuesday I'm going to schedule for 2/7. I'm just so done :D

Kellie - good to hear from you! Hope your recovery is going well :)
mel- sounds like a fab day for a baby. of course, I hope the sweep works and you go before then <3

Claire- I wouldn't worry about weight at all if I were you.

sacha- I had a sweep and went on an hr long walk the next night and went into labor right after a deposit :blush:.... so I hope this works for you!!

kellie- glad you and baby are doing so well :hugs: seem so much better!

welcome silver penny!!! congrats!!! we got a couple people mention on #4 that he must be it for us. then with #5 we got some rude reactions. mil scolded DH about the cost of 5 children, so he didn't speak to her for a while. #6 we heard a few more bad reactions. sil said she was scared for 'my health'. I think everyone who has something rude to say has heard it out of us with the previous ones, so we didn't hear much with #7. really its silly to us, but hey what can you expect from the world??? when bil is around he always makes comments about how weird we are for having so many kids and says he wants to take pics to show his friends. nice to know he doesn't have anything better to talk about with them I guess. but he is someone who happily admits he is too selfish to ever have any, so its probably best he doesn't. really my side of the family doesn't say anything rude, but I come from big families. and DH's family all live in different states so we rarely see them or have to deal with them.
Sacha try to relax and forget about it hun. With my last pregnancy I was so stressed about wanting a home birth, hubby stopped work the week baby was due cos he was sure baby would arrive and I felt under pressure from everyone to deliver on time. I am sure that is why I never went spontaneously,I was so stressed and worried and pressurized. Relax, visualize your cervix opening, have a nice hot bath, candles nice music, deep breathing lol.

This time I am sure I will go over, not going to stress, hubby is totally on board for going over too, only one who may stress me is my stupid mum and her timescale to get back to Spain lol.

Iesha lol, you will be going straight to the hospital from your work place lol

Claire, I put on double that weight gain first tri hun, am now up to 40lb on. Same as last pregnancy too, and did lose it again.... Eventually!!

Mel, not long until 7th hun, hope you go some time between now and then, but if not, at least the end is in sight xxx

I slept last night! Yay!! Still woke up with my pelvis a few times, needing to pee and my LO woke once but after two nights of pain from my mouth it was bliss! Ah the joy of no toothache lol.

I was having severe pains shooting down the inside of both thighs yday, am hoping baby is moving down a bit :) and hubby eventually tried the pool. Fits lovely and takes only minutes to get out and inflated, filling will take about 30/40 mins though, so hope we have time. The pump to inflate seems so noisy though haha, hope it is not a 3am filling lol ( or maybe better if it is, boys would sleep through a bomb going off)

Have a great weekend ladies xxx
silver_penny... Welcome... When we told people about number 6, don't think many congratulated us... OH mother keeps asking if i am being sterilized when im having my c/section, she is really starting to annoy me, its none of her business, plus we don't ask them for any help what so ever !! My aunt also commented that this better be my last... Could see their point if we were asking for help all the time.

Claire.... Think 7lb gain is fine for 15 weeks... I have no idea how much i have gained.

FeistyMom... Sounds like a great appointment... I would have went for the 7th feb too :)

Its finally February :happydance: Im feeling totally rubbish today... I have yet another cold, not sure if this will be 4th or 5th cold this pregnancy, but i never usually catch so many coughs & colds :( Feeling really sick also today :cry:
Charlene sorry you are feeling bad, hope your cold clears up soon xx

And yay it IS February!! My baby its due this month!!! How exciting! Will keep me waiting till March but nonetheless, exciting to say it. My baby is due THIS month!!!

Penny, most of my family were really excited and happy, my oldest sister smirked and said something sarcastic about it, but then that is her. And stupid MiL asked which one of us was getting ' done' afterwards!! That really annoyed me too!! Hubby told her straight, we have five all planned for kids and don't need advice on family planning! Silly woman!

Welcome and congrats penny!! We had a more shocked reaction with no 4 but not so much with this one maybe it was because we're now married or something I don't no but luckily we've had no horrible remarks really a couple of braves and crazy comments on fb but I just replied in not brave I'm just lucky! I don't see why people seem to think they have the right to comment??

Mel oh not long now then 1 more week!!! Exciting!!

Sacha I agree with Donna try and do staff to take your mind off it then it might surprise you!!

Iesha go home lol you crazy women xx

Char I hope you feel better dud you have your flu jab?

I do like to go into labour naturally but depending on how close or far over I go I may ask for it just purely for convinence as I only have my aunt to look after kids as my dad booked a trip to his place in Spain between the 17th-27th July and I'm due on the 26th!! Will see xx
Donna... Its great to be able to say baby is due this month :) Really hope you're not kept waiting till March !! I hate the unwanted family planning advice that people feel the need to provide :grr: Glad your toothache is away and your happy with your pool :)

Claire... I had the whooping cough jab, but gave the flu one a miss coz i usually don't get sick and didn't think i would need it... Hope this cough is away for next week !!
Kellie I hope you and Jenessa are finding your way to figuring it all out. Are you finding that you are getting more sleep at least??

Melissa I am just not convinced that he was close enough to being ready for the sweep to work.:shrug: Can't everything we wish for.

Donna that is awesome that your pool fits. That must be a relief. Though 30/40 min to fill will be a bit of a bummer. I have always wondered how you empty it all out afterwards….?

Donna and Claire I know that you are right. It finally set in last night that I am sure that this sweep did nothing but cause confusion. He obviously has date in mind of when he will be ready, and I just have to suck it up cause he will be late. :dohh: I have tried to stay away from timing them if I get any cause I think that can make things worse. I also don't get excited if one wakes me up because so far I have been able to sleep them off (except for the nigh I had nausea). I doesn't help that my mom will be calling asking about if I feel anything yet. I am just going to tell her that everything died off, cause they really have. I still just pray that I don't have to be induced. That is all that matters. NO DRIP!

Char very exciting that it is February :happydance: I do hope that you feel better soon! I know that I am absolutely tired of blowing my nose 2-10 x's a night.
There is a pump for emptying the pool too Sacha, so just need to scoop out any larger bits of debris ( yuk) lol but midwife will do this seemingly, then stick the submersible pump in and empties back along hose and gone.:) I plan to be cuddling an infant and relaxing lol, so hubby and midwife can deal with it haha.


And just picked up my sister to take her home from hospital, so that it's good news.
And even more exciting, just put our pram together xx
Donna - wow ok well that will make it easier then. What do you do with the placenta after? Does the MW dispose of it? Or are you making something with it?
Donna - wow ok well that will make it easier then. What do you do with the placenta after? Does the MW dispose of it? Or are you making something with it?

Lol,no not planning on doing anything with it... Midwife disposes of it too, thankfully. Maybe if I had ever suffered from PND I may have looked into it but does not appeal to me really. :haha:

Lots of braxton hicks tonight, has got me quite excited lol, won't be that when the real pain starts haha

Donna - wow ok well that will make it easier then. What do you do with the placenta after? Does the MW dispose of it? Or are you making something with it?

Lol,no not planning on doing anything with it... Midwife disposes of it too, thankfully. Maybe if I had ever suffered from PND I may have looked into it but does not appeal to me really. :haha:

Lots of braxton hicks tonight, has got me quite excited lol, won't be that when the real pain starts haha


I worry about the PND a lot. i had it with my first and second. Though way worse with my second. That is why I will have mine encapsulated. It is the only way I can stand to think of taking it.:wacko:

Exciting about the BH!!
sacha- happy due date tomorrow!! I honestly didn't think you would make it this far. hope he comes any minute :hugs:

iesha- you are seriously gonna be transported from work to hospital with that LO! :haha:

donna- yay for the pool!!!! :dance:

had the weirdest day today. had a lot of pains in the same spot where the placenta lies. baby had not moved by 1 so I laid down with my orange juice for an hr and she kicked once. so off to l&d we went for the 2nd time this pregnancy. of course a few minutes after they hooked us up she was bouncing around. I tried explaining to the dr about my placenta abruption with #5 and how I was experiencing the same pains. and that at my last ob visit they said if I felt the pain again to come in for an u/s. and off he went to help someone else. next dr comes in and same thing. 2nd dr comes back and while asking questions steps in and out 3 times. im clearly not being heard and DH was getting frustrated. told them I had recently had tests run for lupus and was positive and they asked who I was being referred to for high risk care. I told them and they called him and he said he would do an u/s at my apt with him..... on feb 10th! so I hope she is ok til then :wacko: not happy about the whole experience to say the least. I have no faith in l&d anymore and wont be going back in no matter what til labor begins.

so then tonight of course she is bouncing around. which after the scare she gave me today I cant complain about. but went ahead and got the epo, since DH and I wont be able to dtd daily this time from the spd I thought it would be best. took one tonight and had 4 contractions in an hour :saywhat: I haven't had as many BH this pregnancy as I usually do by now so that was odd. don't know if it was the epo or not. may wait to start it, not sure yet. im usually very sensitive to the herbs I have taken in the past.
Melissa that it's really scary hun, hope you are okay I! Keep an eye on your temperature, seemingly that it's raised generally if problems develop with placental separation.

Sacha happy due date hun didn't two of your babies arrive on their edd? Hopefully Zander will xxx

Have you end encapsulated your placements before and did it have a positive effect?

and do you do it yourself?

Melissa I didn't think I would make it this far either&#8230;. Wow that sounds like horrible trip to the L&D. I have had it like that before too, where you feel like they are treating you like a hypochondriac and some worried mother. It is ridiculous. Really we could be worried about it for nothing, but what you maybe experiencing could be something very serious. Now that is crap that they didn't even just check. I totally get how you don't want to go in there any more. Don't blame you!!
Donna - no I have not done that before, but I have friends who have, and some that have had PND and it worked amazingly. Even when a bad day, take one and feel way better, or have a low milk day, take one and it increases milk. Also it tends to bring your uterus back to normal a lot faster, so a lot less post natal bloating. you can even apparently keep them in the freezer for menopause. I have nothing but good things about it. I won't be doing it myself. We have doula's here in the city that do it, they do a dehydration process so the placenta keeps all of the nutrients.
Sacha I think my sweep ended up same as you. I had a few decent contractions Friday night but pretty much nothing Saturday and today until a bit ago. And quite frankly I'm not sure if these are doing anything or just a side effect of eating too much guacamole during the Super Bowl. Dh makes really yummy guacamole, but my heartburn is killing me now! I did lose some plug, really similar to yours.

The weird thing is that I was all set on an induction but now I'm freaking out! My body is clearly done being pregnant considering the heartburn and general pains at this point, but I am not sure I'm totally ready.

Melissa that sounds like a crappy trip :( and the 10th does seem a long wait! Glad lo started moving more now.
Oh my goodness im in so much pain my right hip has completely locked up! Can't walk or move my right leg without using my hand to lift it :( don't know what to do I can barely move do U think it will go away :(

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