Sacha try to relax and forget about it hun. With my last pregnancy I was so stressed about wanting a home birth, hubby stopped work the week baby was due cos he was sure baby would arrive and I felt under pressure from everyone to deliver on time. I am sure that is why I never went spontaneously,I was so stressed and worried and pressurized. Relax, visualize your cervix opening, have a nice hot bath, candles nice music, deep breathing lol.
This time I am sure I will go over, not going to stress, hubby is totally on board for going over too, only one who may stress me is my stupid mum and her timescale to get back to Spain lol.
Iesha lol, you will be going straight to the hospital from your work place lol
Claire, I put on double that weight gain first tri hun, am now up to 40lb on. Same as last pregnancy too, and did lose it again.... Eventually!!
Mel, not long until 7th hun, hope you go some time between now and then, but if not, at least the end is in sight xxx
I slept last night! Yay!! Still woke up with my pelvis a few times, needing to pee and my LO woke once but after two nights of pain from my mouth it was bliss! Ah the joy of no toothache lol.
I was having severe pains shooting down the inside of both thighs yday, am hoping baby is moving down a bit

and hubby eventually tried the pool. Fits lovely and takes only minutes to get out and inflated, filling will take about 30/40 mins though, so hope we have time. The pump to inflate seems so noisy though haha, hope it is not a 3am filling lol ( or maybe better if it is, boys would sleep through a bomb going off)
Have a great weekend ladies xxx