Welcome and congrats Penny! My MIL passed a few years ago, but the rest of of my in-laws were super excited when we announced #4. They live over 1k miles away, but we happened to be having a family get together this summer shortly after we discovered I was expecting so got to tell them in person. It was the first pregnancy we told in person so that was fun too! My mom was also excited, although less so than previous pregnancies. Both my family and DH's family had 4 kids (3 girls, 1 boy in mine, 3 boys & 1 girl in his!), so it isn't really considered that unusual. Plus we suspect our siblings might not have many (if any) kids, so we might be the only source of grandkids
Sacha - I don't think you are crazy. I seem to get significantly more contractions and tightenings and lightening crotch at home, although I get way more lower back and groin/hip/leg pain while out and about (especially getting in and out of cars!). Doesn't seem to do with activity levels either.
Iesha - yup, you are a certified workaholic. I completely get you though. DH had to force me to come straight home after my appts today (had ultrasound, OB, and then visit to pediatrician for 2 of the kids) instead of heading back in the office for a quick check. And I really do plan on continuing to show up there until I am actually in labor. A passive aggressive part of me that is still angry with some of the folks there wants my water to break in office so they have to deal with it... Plus my office is 5 minutes from the hospital I deliver at, so I'm not worried about getting there in time

The main thing is with your SPD pains, just make sure trying to be in the office setting isn't making it that much worse for you!
Claire - with each of my pregnancies I have hit 174 lbs shortly before delivering. With the first I started pretty underweight, so it was a very large gain in each trimester. With #2, I actually lost for the first part of first tri, and ending up breaking even overall there, and then gained between 4-8 lbs a month the rest of the pregnancy. With #3, It was a most steady gain, so I think I probably gained 8 lbs in first tri, and slightly less a month than with #2. This time, I was all over the place! One month I would gain nothing, the next double digits! So 7 lbs doesn't sound like a big gain to me for 15 week point!
AFM - Had a great ultrasound with my favorite tech. All the techs are good where I have been going, but this one seems to have more of a connection to me - she has 4 kids, and one is about a year old, so similar ages, and she just always seems to put in a little extra effort to get really good images. I typically end up with 5-10 pictures from her, versus the 2-4 you might get otherwise! So baby looking good - has fuzzy hair all over the front of the head, blinked several times while we were watching, AND stuck out a little tongue to lick the umbilical cord. It was quite an exciting show

The OB visit went well too. Cervix is still very high (I felt like he was trying to tickle my ribs from down there with as much as he seemed to be reaching!), but a 'loose' 2. In OB's words - pretty much anything will take it to a 3. Sweep was interesting - I mentally did the 3-2-1 relax mantra from hypnobirthing, and while I felt what was happening it did not hurt at all. I remember my others being quite uncomfortable/painful. So that also seemed positive. On the other hand, I remember getting at least a few contractions right away, and so far nothing really to speak of, although I do feel bloated after eating McDonald's (standard reward for decent behavior at the pediatrician!) Scheduled for another check and repeat sweep, if necessary for Tuesday, and my pick of induction dates - 2/7 or 2/11. Guess which one I'm favoring....