PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Good news about the plug Sacha!! Exciting!! So the race is on who will give birth first???
Char I'm sure dh will be fine and he will have no choice but to get up if needed! My dh doesn't get up either but Tbo I'm fine with that as I do a better job lol plus if any of mine wake in the night they want me anyway. But I no if I'm not there then he will.

I like the brake in hospital I love once all have gone home it's just me and the baby I lovd that time for just the 2 of us!
Yes u guys are so right. I was having a bit of a pity party because I hate the pain.

Yea my doc was rude as shit. I'm tempted to say something on the 10th, but maybe I will be focused on baby. Old fart. He's lucky I need him to be able to deliver at the hospital I like.

Char-I'm totally feeling your frustration. We have a saying in Jamaica that basically says "u broke him bad" which means u didn't teach or train him well so now he doesn't know any better. Oh this is the story of my life. Like cleaning my house, the kids have chores but they do it sloppy & half assed, so I would rather do it myself properly yea? But you need to give yourself a break.I really think u should tell him how u feel or it will build up. Guys have zero intuition lol u need to literally spell it out. I'm trying to figure out now how I'm going to train this one here to do feedings & nappy changes, I doubt he has ever done that!

Melissa, I do think its a touch of spd, & I'm glad u got the specialist appt. So much stress for u....seriously feeling like a horrible witch for moaning about my pains when so many women like yourself go through so much more!

Sach- Lmao yea, I do feel I've experienced some really crazy stuff, which is why its throwing me for a loop. Speaking of your plug, & your cervix of steel :rofl: I feel like I keep losing lil chunks of mine. I'm not sure or if its just mucus discharge (sorry gross) it will be in like a blob the size of a nickel or so?
Yes u guys are so right. I was having a bit of a pity party because I hate the pain.

Yea my doc was rude as shit. I'm tempted to say something on the 10th, but maybe I will be focused on baby. Old fart. He's lucky I need him to be able to deliver at the hospital I like.

Sach- Lmao yea, I do feel I've experienced some really crazy stuff, which is why its throwing me for a loop. Speaking of your plug, & your cervix of steel :rofl: I feel like I keep losing lil chunks of mine. I'm not sure or if its just mucus discharge (sorry gross) it will be in like a blob the size of a nickel or so?

Everyone here including me has had a pity party or two about pain or men, so don't feel bad love!!

I could see you ripping a strip off your Dr behind, but it makes sense why you didn't because of the hospital thing…. We only have the one hospital for birthing, we are such a small city LOL

AFM plug it just keeps coming out a tbsp at time. Just when I thought that there could be no more left more comes out. I slept ok too, though when I did get up to pee I would feel like AF was bothering me but I ignored it and went back to sleep. I have years of experience with bad AF pains with endometriosis, so I have loads of practise with this kind of discomfort. So far that is all I have been experiencing too. Hardly any surging. Wonder if it will be today or tomorrow.

You don't think my plug is replenishing itself this late in the game do you??

Oh and Char my man doesn't get up well with the kids either. But I think that comes with the SAHM territory. It was the same way with my previous H. Though this time I completely warned him that there are certain expectations of him to step it up 100 notches until I recover. Which includes putting them into the bath, and bed or getting up with them in the middle of the night, oh and cooking like parent and not a bachelor LMAO

Edit: Iehsa that sounds like what is coming out me …… So probably starting something….
yea, I was thinking the same thing, but I am just watching it. it's only happened a couple times. OMG I cant imagine plug would be replenishing! I feel like your body is a bit like mine...I get a little anxious because my body tends to not like in my water never breaks, I've never fully lost a plug either...with my daughter (2nd child) I didn't even get contractions, but it caused them to send me home for 5 days and then still had to enduce, break my water, and literally half a weak push she came out with the cord so tight around her neck they were surprised she survived. She when on to basically spend the first 2 years of her life in sick kids hospital in and out due to lung problems. I really don't want to go through that which is why I push for inducement. The last 2 times, contractions started middle of the night on the morning I scheduled my inducements, and ended up not needing the drip, but they still had to break my water. I feel (and I know this sounds crazy) like a psych myself into it. This one im not sure, im older, I am less mobile, so the fretting is really kicking in baddd! I tried to say that to my grandpa doc, but u know, he's at the stage close to retirement where he has delivered a million babies, and everything is just yea yea whatever. But I know my body.

Interesting enough, that cramping is what I've been getting too, but very much not a surge, although it subsides after a bit. oh and my legs and ass cheeks have shooting pains, but that's probably nerve pain. I definitely don't think anything gonna happen over here yet other than my misery. My husband told the baby this morning to break the balloon and come on out...I was like yea fat chance!
Iesha - It honestly does take my body forever to get going. Though it does have a lot to do with how or if we relax. In the past I just got really rilled up, so there was not relaxing, just adrenaline LOL.

I think I am getting myself all worked up for nothing. I have been reading about this plug thing and show…. The brown could be just from the stretch, and not a true show… The research I have been doing says that everything I am getting is normal after a stretch and sweep, and many women don't even actually go into labour. I am starting to get myself down, maybe this just going to do nothing and my mother took the day off just incase…. I feel so bad now. :sad1:
Awww don't feel bad, have never had a sweep, so am not sure how they work. All I know is that personally my body seems to need that extra push for anything major to go on LOL...try not to get down, its better than being a wimp like me & going straight for the's an easy out but not the greatest. :hugs: go sit on the washing machine LOL! omg does that even work? I'm gonna try them all lol
Iesha- def sounds like plug to me. you should just at least schedule the induction. seems to scare your LO's out lol. I had to be induced with 2 for complications. but another one was just a huge baby and I literally had morning sickness the entire pregnancy so I agreed to be induced with him. wouldn't you know it, the afternoon before I was scheduled to go in my water broke. :) guess he got the hint

Sacha- it could always be something or nothing. I hate it when its assumed you must "know" when things are happening just cuz you have had a few babies. in my experience it just seems to make our bodies give more false starts and signs/symptoms that often lead to nothing. seriously, my first labor came out of nowhere and all the rest I have lost plug, been dilated/effaced, had cramps/contractions, you name it for weeks on end :dohh:
Thanks ladies. :hugs:

Iesha LOL @ the washing machine. I have a brand new one so I don't think it will shake him lose for me :haha: I am going to take all four boys to Walmart, as they are out of school today, so I can at least try and walk him out.

Melissa You are so very right about how we feel we should know, and even more right about how everything just seems different from every other pg. The symptoms to get wackier and harder to tell from the real thing.
Melissa - exactly! The whole saying about every pregnancy being different is true, so just because we've done this before doesn't mean we can just *know* the difference between the true start of labor and some early/false signs.

Iesha - So glad you are out of the office. The SPD pains are just so awful, and I think office settings can make it even worse sometimes, between the sitting for a long period in a probably not amazing chair, and then trying to walk somewhere with some kind of speed (for me, usually the bathroom on the OPPOSITE side of the building, which is about 2 city blocks long...). Don't feel bad about feeling cranky! And yeah, your doc was a jerk; glad you can get in the hospital you want though!

Charl - I know what you mean about the youngest suddenly being clingier. My little guy had been starting to be more independent, but this past week he has been so snuggly and clingy. On the one hand, I have been loving it - getting all these cuddles in with him before LO is born~! But on the other, it makes me REALLY stress about how he's going to feel and be while I'm in hospital and even after when I don't have as much time for him. Turns out he seems to be coming down with *another* cold-like bug, so maybe it was just him feeling unwell, but I'm still worried.

I typically like to stay the maximum time allowed in the hospital, for the isolation and time to dedicate to just new baby. But this time I feel like I'll rush home, because my other kids can't even visit me. I don't think my youngest has ever gone even a full 24 hours without mom & dad - he's had some overnights with grandma, but we'd been there in the evening/afternoon and then back again by morning, so not really sure if he's going to get cranky or not.

Sacha - I think they say the plug just continues to replenish non-stop until we stop producing the hormones, but I have absolutely no idea. I had similar show with my previous sweeps, but I *did* end up in labor, so it could be something, could be nothing.
Mel - Well I sure hope so, but today I am just a nasty hag. Not really feeling it, that is for sure!
Isn't loosing your plug a sign if dilation?? I hope so guys! With me my waters always go first! 3 times out of 4 times luckily I've always been indoors so I'm hoping that doesn't change lol!!! I'm 15weeks tomorrow and I've put on 7lbs is this too much? What have you guys gained? Xx
Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself. I found out two weeks ago that we are expecting #4 after having a chemical in November. We haven't told anyone else, even though my in laws live with us. Our boys are 4 and 3 and our little girl was one in October. How has everyone elses' parents/ in laws reacted?
Isn't loosing your plug a sign if dilation?? I hope so guys! With me my waters always go first! 3 times out of 4 times luckily I've always been indoors so I'm hoping that doesn't change lol!!! I'm 15weeks tomorrow and I've put on 7lbs is this too much? What have you guys gained? Xx

I don't think it is too much, everyone gains differently, but they say about 7-10lb in the first trimester. So I think you are just fine!!:thumb up:

Yes I think it is but I am wondering if my plug is just coming out because of the stretch…. :shrug:

I went for a walk in Walmart. We walked for about 1.5 hrs there. I felt tons of pinching and pushing down, not many surges though. There were a lot more activity then before losing my show though, so we will see. Now I am home trying to relax as my feet are sore now….:dohh:

Welcome Penny! :hi: Congrats
Oh god Sach I can only dream of doing an hour + walking. That what I usually do the day b4 I go into labor. A mall walk for a couple hours does the trick however this time I can't see myself being able.

Melissa-you are exactly right. Here's my plan. Go in on Feb 10th, schedule induction Feb 12th. Hopefully that sure will scare her out LOL.

Claire, I think your gain is just fine. You can't judge by my weight gain cuz I lose in the beginning & I'm now still less than I was prepregnancy, so very wierd.

Confession time- I just agreed to train someone in my office on Monday. I have officially lost my mind! I will stay the morning, but thats it. Seriously. I left my stuff there by accident, but I feel like subconsciously I left it on purpose for a reason to go back...even though I just realized today I forgot my belongings. Ughhhhhhhhhh.

Welcome penny!
Iesha - I think you are nuts going back in. It is nice to hear you are needed but you time for yourself too!! As for the walk thing I have been trying to stay as active as I can in this weather. Went for a walk on wed with my gf and try to go to the store just to keep moving. Trying to move that baby out lol.

Ok ladies it is so weird I can be out and have no cramping or surges (or BH) and soon as I walk through the doors to my house I can feel them. Is this totally weird or what. Even if I haven't say down yet and I am still running around the house putting things away. So it is not like it is happening because I stop moving around and notice them.
Welcome and congrats Penny! My MIL passed a few years ago, but the rest of of my in-laws were super excited when we announced #4. They live over 1k miles away, but we happened to be having a family get together this summer shortly after we discovered I was expecting so got to tell them in person. It was the first pregnancy we told in person so that was fun too! My mom was also excited, although less so than previous pregnancies. Both my family and DH's family had 4 kids (3 girls, 1 boy in mine, 3 boys & 1 girl in his!), so it isn't really considered that unusual. Plus we suspect our siblings might not have many (if any) kids, so we might be the only source of grandkids :D

Sacha - I don't think you are crazy. I seem to get significantly more contractions and tightenings and lightening crotch at home, although I get way more lower back and groin/hip/leg pain while out and about (especially getting in and out of cars!). Doesn't seem to do with activity levels either.

Iesha - yup, you are a certified workaholic. I completely get you though. DH had to force me to come straight home after my appts today (had ultrasound, OB, and then visit to pediatrician for 2 of the kids) instead of heading back in the office for a quick check. And I really do plan on continuing to show up there until I am actually in labor. A passive aggressive part of me that is still angry with some of the folks there wants my water to break in office so they have to deal with it... Plus my office is 5 minutes from the hospital I deliver at, so I'm not worried about getting there in time ;) The main thing is with your SPD pains, just make sure trying to be in the office setting isn't making it that much worse for you!

Claire - with each of my pregnancies I have hit 174 lbs shortly before delivering. With the first I started pretty underweight, so it was a very large gain in each trimester. With #2, I actually lost for the first part of first tri, and ending up breaking even overall there, and then gained between 4-8 lbs a month the rest of the pregnancy. With #3, It was a most steady gain, so I think I probably gained 8 lbs in first tri, and slightly less a month than with #2. This time, I was all over the place! One month I would gain nothing, the next double digits! So 7 lbs doesn't sound like a big gain to me for 15 week point!

AFM - Had a great ultrasound with my favorite tech. All the techs are good where I have been going, but this one seems to have more of a connection to me - she has 4 kids, and one is about a year old, so similar ages, and she just always seems to put in a little extra effort to get really good images. I typically end up with 5-10 pictures from her, versus the 2-4 you might get otherwise! So baby looking good - has fuzzy hair all over the front of the head, blinked several times while we were watching, AND stuck out a little tongue to lick the umbilical cord. It was quite an exciting show :D The OB visit went well too. Cervix is still very high (I felt like he was trying to tickle my ribs from down there with as much as he seemed to be reaching!), but a 'loose' 2. In OB's words - pretty much anything will take it to a 3. Sweep was interesting - I mentally did the 3-2-1 relax mantra from hypnobirthing, and while I felt what was happening it did not hurt at all. I remember my others being quite uncomfortable/painful. So that also seemed positive. On the other hand, I remember getting at least a few contractions right away, and so far nothing really to speak of, although I do feel bloated after eating McDonald's (standard reward for decent behavior at the pediatrician!) Scheduled for another check and repeat sweep, if necessary for Tuesday, and my pick of induction dates - 2/7 or 2/11. Guess which one I'm favoring....
Mel - I have been waiting to hear how your sweep went. I'm glad it wasn't painful for you, but I wonder if it has to do with how loose you were :haha: (sorry has too). Did you lose any plug after the sweep? Lol @ you rewarding yourself with McD's. Did you go with the earlier induction??

Well I just ate pizza with hot peppers on it. Been getting the odd tightening. Though I am very tired all of the sudden.
EEEEEEEEEEEK! I'm so excited for you all! :) :) :)

I am reading every day and have no intention of leaving this board or thread, just have not perfected my one hand typing technique all that much and Ness is still eating every 2 hours.

I just can't wait to see your babies and hear your birth stories!

Welcome Penny! Our families were VERY shocked about my pregnancy because of my age and the age of my other children. They got over it and are fine now. I hope it's less stressful than you think it will be!

I wish I could respond to all of you individually, but I have about 2 minutes before the banshee cry starts here and I need to get a bottle ready.

<3 <3 <3 <3 to you all!

COME ON BABIES. . .Sacha, Mel, Iesha. . .it's TIME! Jenessa wants a friend to play with!
Ricschick - that weight gain doesnt sound bad! ive gained heaps already. Cant stop eating :/ and im still really early! I feel a bit sad cos I spent so long losing it.

penny - we havnt told our families yet. Its funny cos we have told everyone else except our families. Already we expect a negative reaction, when we had our twins pretty much everyone said ohhh you guys are done then! And hubbys dad even tried saying he will book him in for the snip and he wasnt even joking. So its going to be funny when we tell them. I imagine theyll be happy after a while but these are all people who had 1-3 kids.

im waiting till after a scan before we tell.

really cool to hear about the approaching labours!!
Well it has all calmed down for the night already. So not tonight ladies.

I feared a bad reaction mostly from my mother. Then it was worry about what people would say about having our 5th boy. Every one was hoping for a girl. Oh and I still haven't announced me having a baby on Facebook either because of all the stupid reactions

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