Has he had a virus at all Charlene? My kids all develop virus rashes after any illness, sometimes lasting only hours and sometime longer.
Hope you are not stressing too much about your c section. Try and focus on safe arrival of baby. Sorry I cannot be of much use aa I have no experience and am such a baby when it comes to even going to the dentist xxx
Masonsbaby that sounds painful, try a heat pack or warm water is good. Xx
Sacha, have you ever thought of trying massage, clary sage oil is supposed to help, nothing worked with my number four lol but wanted to suggest something, that even if it does not work may be nice for you xxx
I missed my aquanatal today!

took my sis to the doctor at 9 am and was going to drop her home then go to my class; but the doctor took one look and sent her to hospital again. She was only discharged yday!! They are awful! They look at her blood results, check her BP and other obs etc, then say everything looks fine and send her home. Despite the fact that she is sleeping or vomitting all day, is pure white, shakes uncontrollably, has no appetite, is in constant pain and basically looks like an old lady of 70 when she is only 41!!! Makes me mad! Look at the patient!! Not the numbers !! So her own GP saw her today and was so shocked by how ill she looked and sent us back up. Now she is unable to pee too, and her fever is back! Despite all the Urine tests coming back negative for the UTI they have been treating her for, for two weeks!
So I have been sat in the medical assessment unit of the hospital all day until she was finally re admitted this afternoon! Then had to go get her a bag packed, pick up her meds from the chemist, drop all off at the ward and home just in time to pick up wee man from nursery! Knackered.com lol zzzzz visiting at 7 pm then home to go to bed Ithink lol xxx