PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Claire happy 16 weeks hun, woop!

Charlene wow so close cannot wait to hear about your little one.

Sacha let us see your 41 week bump pic, and rest today, baby will be here soon.

Blessed Mel I am getting excited and impatient waiting to see our baby too lol l

Iesha sounds promising for you hun, could be any day!

Feisty Mel Rosie is beautiful, hope you are recovering well from your labour and delivery and getting lots of cuddles x

Kellie how are you and jenessa doing?

I am doing okay, trying desperately to keep on top of the house work in case I go into labor, do not want the midwife the turning up and the place a mess lol. Easier mid week when kids and hubby are at school/ work. But it is a holiday weekend here and I have them all milling about making mess and hubby moans at me to show down and not do too much, but does not see it himself!!! Aaarrgghh! Don't think baby is going to come early but could and the mess stresses me out lol. And had two dreams last night that baby is a boy, wonder if that means anything??

Melissa Well I am sure I over did it but I actually was having fun walking the show!! I really enjoy doing that. I find being out and about more enjoyable than sitting at home playing referee to my boys. So it is more relaxing mentally anyways LOL

Char I am sure you will get what you need to get done today, I have had so many days where I leave it to the last min, but I still get it done…. eventually.:dohh: We don't have online grocery shopping here where I am, can't say for Iesha's part of the country, but in my smallish city you have to go out. :wacko:

Donna I have that feeling all the time but my boys keep doing something wrong and my favourite punishment is cleaning house LOL So they have been helping me without realizing they are helping me…… be lazy!! :haha:

AFM I woke up and I had blood on the toilet paper this morning!! This is his choice! :dance: There isn't a lot but there is enough to say that today or tomorrow could be the day!! Already am more crampy, hoping he keeps it up, I really want to see him!!

Here is my bump pic!!

You do have a lovely bump Sacha, looks smaller this week than last, maybe because he has dropped our changed position.
And yay for bloody show! Hope this is the beginning, and you will be holding Zander soon xxx
He does look a lot lower than last week. I am hoping he doesn't make me wait too much longer!! This heartburn this last week has been killing me LOL
Donna... Ive been getting the kids to help try keep this place tidy... So far i have managed to keep all the toys out the livingroom, dont know how long it will last.

Sacha... Yeah i think your bump looks lower also... Lovely bump... hoping he is on his way very soon !!

Well my bags are packed... I am washing moses basket bedding and will get that all ready tonight... My plan for tomorrow is a bath and attempt to shave and tidy up down there :blush: I made the mistake of not shaving down there when i had my 1st section and the midwife came in before i was due my section and started shaving down there with OH sitting right beside me :blush:

My aunt is insisting on visiting me tomorrow also, really don't want any visitors, just want some quiet time with kids and OH before i have to leave for the hospital, i have tried putting her off, but i don't wanna turn around and say look i just want peace and quiet tomorrow ! She is stressing me out, she wants to offer to watch kids, but i have already told her no and have arranged for MIL to watch them and FIL and SIL are taking time off work to help also... Truth is i don't trust my aunt, she locked my 4 yr old in the house himself when he was only 1 yr old and i was a 40 minute drive away, she was the same the last time i was in the hospital and wouldn't give up until she had 1 of my children up staying in her house... She just wont take no for an answer... I might turn my phone off tomorrow and ignore anyone who comes to the door :nope:
That it's just stress you don't need Charlene! Just don't answer when she turned up lol, although knowing my luck, one of the kids would answer or look out the window or something and I would be caught haha xxx
Char that suck, maybe make it really quick and ask her to leave cause you aren't feel well. I do like Donna's idea of not answering the door if you can pull it off, but my kids would do the same thing and spoil it :haha:

So along with the blood I have had more gushes, they are aren't huge but my pad feels wet. So we have got the kids packed up and DH is in the shower, and we will be dropping them off at gparents. I also been getting these pains that I cannot walk very well. The surges I do get hurt me in the same place that makes me unable to walk. I am hoping this is it :dance:
Mel Rosie is beautiful I hope your recovering well!

Char how very exciting lo will be here soon! When are you going in? Sorry about your aunt being a pain in the arse! I hope she gets the message!

Iesha I hope baby comes soon so your more comfy!

Sacha sounds very promising!! I hope z is here soon x

Donna how's the eviction going?

Afm we spent most of the day sorting the house out and shaving doors got lots done!
Sach-bump looks great, blood sounds scary (to me) but obviously promising! I need to see this boy that has taken up full residence in that gorgeous bump. Those surge pains that make it hard to walk is what I have too! I feel like Zander will b here any moment!

Charl-turn off your phone. I would. Go with your gut. I hate ppl that force themselves on you to the point where you feel bad to evade them. Its so imposing. :rofl: at the attempt to shave. Mental pic and all..

Claire- yes I feel if she comes out I can get comfy, and take some drugs to mask the pain too!

Donna-happy Sunday!

I weighed myself in the scale again...looks like I'm down 3 this even possible? I'm also getting shooting pains in my thighs which I get b4 af...
Iesha I have shooting pains in my thighs tonight too, like AF pains I get as well. Wish I could just stop this wishful thinking that baby will come on time lol!!! But it started as soon as I reached 37 weeks, and that it's not even by my dates,I still have me at only 36+3 going by LMP lol.

Sacha exciting!!!! Please let this be it! Keep us posted xx

Looks like we could have a few babies over the next few days xxx
Well I have been admitted to L&D with contraction still every 7 min-ish. Looks like we may have this baby today. :yipee:
Yay Sacha! Will be watching for updates! Take care of you and Zander!

Mel - Rosie is beautiful. Congrats again!
yay sacha!!!! of course the one day I cant get on til late you go into labor. maybe I should have stayed off a week ago and you would already have him :haha: so excited for you!!!! :dance:

char- one more day for you!!! I would ignore her too. don't get bullied into something you don't feel good about :hugs:

Iesha- how are things going?? those pains turned into anything?

Claire- hope those are all good signs you wont be waiting round forever.
I had my baby!!!!!
Contractions started 6am then had him at 8:06am with 6 mins of pushing!! So happy and relieved its over will tell more with pic soon good luck to all who's still to come
mason!!!! yay congrats :dance: get some rest hun. cant wait to hear more and see some pics :cloud9:
@ masons-well congrats & lovely quick delivery! Rest up & can't wait to see a pic!

@ Sach-finally! Yes Zander Cmon out boy! Thinking of you both!

@ Melissa & afm-so I started getting mild contractions last night about 6pm, erratic in timing. Then low back pain kicked in. By about 10pm the pain has now settled in my thighs. I'm still getting some tightening in my belly but mostly thighs & lower back. I fell asleep for a couple hours now I'm back up, I feel very uneasy & warm. I don't know what I'm experiencing but I'm not so sure it's labour, so I figure better not jump the gun & wait til morning. Also no discharge, plug or water which isn't surprising to me anyway since I don't usually see that stuff beforehand. I'm reaaaaaaaaly uncomfortable though :(
I had no signs other than bh and some period pain then yesterday I felt nauseous and threw up at bout 2pm then fine again til last night bout 10 pm had a few pains that felt more real at 20 mins apart thought id try to sleep which I did then 6am it really started to hut and pains were 8 mins apart but hurt in between as well so wasn't sure but came to hospital arrived 7:30 2 mins apart then got to labour ward and was constant pain said I wanted to go home then threw up so midwife said won't b long hubby said half hour midwife said maybe a bit longer than that but hubby said no half hour tops got in shower water broke and 5 mins later he:was out lol hubby says told U so lol no tears or breaks yay (broke tailbone first labour) so happy :)

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