PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

My we are going to full up with babies soon.

Congrats Char what a cutie.

Iesha I hope all goes smooth tomorrow.

Afm had a really rough night night. My LO is really mucusy and spent the night fussing and chewing on me, so I'm down right miserable. While I paced our room with him between chewings he slept and only got up once after I had to almost kick him wake. He can sleep through anything. So we have to stay one more night just to make sure that he is cleared of mucus. Sucks cause if I hold him all he wants is to pacify himself. My nipples can't handle that
Hugs Sacha! Jenessa was super mucousy as well. I hope today things settle down, for your sake and the sake of your nipples!!

Gorgeous LO Char! Congratulations!
Congrats char she is gorgeous and so fair!!! Xxx

Ann Marie yep defo finding out the sex not knowing is killing me now as there is do much I want to buy lol x
Congrats Charlene, she is beautiful! Hope you are feeling well <3

Hope you and Zander get home soon Sacha.

Good luck Iesha, a baby conveyor belt going on here at the moment lol!!!

xxx I want mine too, all your little ones are so gorgeous! But then Dawson head ear ache again last night and is snuffly and probably best he gets better before baby arrives I suppose. And Claire, my dad phoned again today just to check!!! Like I would forget to phone him in the event of a baby. he normally works away from home most of the week, so I think it is just novelty of being there because he is on a training course this week! I hope, cannot go five more weeks of him phoning to check lol.
char- she is just gorgeous!!! great job mama :cloud9:

mel- the first 4 came at normal times I think. 37+6 (prom at 26 wks), 40, 41+4, 38+4. then I had a surgery on my cervix that damaged it. the last 2 came at 37 and 37+4. so not too early, but earlier than the others. they estimated her to be 9ish lbs if she goes to 37 at the rate she is going. my biggest was 7 lbs 15.9 oz and it hurt even with an epi so im not looking forward to this. :nope: sorry about your mom and DH :growlmad: what are they thinking??? you should be resting with baby and not worrying about the maintenance of the other kids or house right now. I would def be a little upset!

Sacha- sorry the baby is not well! hope you are able to leave soon and he stops chewing. my little guy started that a couple months in and it made it so painful! I will def be giving this one a binky from the start.

Claire- cant wait to hear baby's gender :dance:

Iesha- tomorrows the day!!!!!! :D

afm- I keep having feelings of wanting to get this kid out. I feel term now since she is as big as a couple of mine were when they were born. im huge and already have reached my biggest pregnancy weight :( I have so much pressure and pain from the spd. then I feel guilty for wanting her out. I know weight doesn't mean the lungs are matured and I would not want her to struggle or have to stay in nicu or anything. overwhelmed.
Aww Char! She is perfect! Speedy recovery xo!

Well afm- no contractions at all today :( I'm starting to get really nervous. What if nothing happens tmrw! Am I anxious for nothing?

Sach-the nipples thing is making me hold my boobs in sympathy pain LOL

Love n hugs to everyone & kisses to all our new babies! Currently I'm sitting in a carwash lineup for an hour...ummmmm...went to Costco again this time on my own...hoping my burst of energy is a good sign!
Iesha contractions eased up before my induction but still got the baby out same day, so hoping you will have a quick and easy going labor.

Melissa I know what you mean. Just hang on there and remember those size estimates are little more than guesses, so may not really be that big. And every day she bakes baby girl is getting stronger and closer to ready :)

Sacha sorry Zander is a chewer. So far Rosemary only chomped me a couple of times but she is a big sleeper too. Not really used to that - the rest of my crew easily woke up demanding food every 2 hours for the first week. Hope the mucus clears up today!

Donna Hope Dawson feels better soon!

AFM just dealing with mom and Dh some more. I really expected them to make their own plan and get stuff done but apparently I'm the only one who can do that. Ugh. First pediatrician appt tomorrow. I'll be attempting to drop girls off at school then go to pediatrician and then to a mommy and me breastfeeding support group and to buy bras. Then I plan on sleeping the rest of the day!
He was not really biting down but not BFing either. Have a new hold that is working better for us.

I want to write up a big up date for you all but tried earlier from my phone then lost a crap load of typing. So may have to wait a bit but promise you will get a full low down very soon!
That happened to me too Sacha. So frustrating I'm sure! Glad your new hold is working better.

My milk is in but I don't think I'm getting proper let down yet. Also absolutely nothing fits me up top and I'm supposed to go out in public tomorrow... This could get interesting! I told hubby he should take pictures cuz they'll never be this big again (he's convinced we won't have more). Hoping my breastfeeding support group can help me out tomorrow too... And now I get to take a real shower at my own house! Yay for small joys in life :)
iesha good luck for today I hope the gel works very quickly and you have a wonderful birth cant wait to see pics xx

sacha I hope your aloud home today and zander is less mucussy!! glad you've found a more comfy position with bf!

mel good luck at the support group!! and lucky dh:haha:

donna hows babies eviction going? hope dawson feels better! have you any names in mind for new bubba?

char hope your recovering well!!:hugs:

afm got antenatal on Friday was meant to be today but they change and cancelled it which I was fine about as its a better time.
I did something I don't normally do today :blush: id pulled up outside my house and someone had left a chair out (thrown out) its baby blue high back armchair like the old fashioned ones and ive always liked them I had a look at it and its basically like new! its a bit damp now but it would go lovely in the babies room so I got my dad to bring it in:blush: im going to scrub it and wash the covers but there is nothing wrong with it :haha: sorry I do feel like a bit of a tramp but I love it :rofl: tell me im not alone on this lol:haha:

also I hate milk but I cant get enough of it at the moment!! love the stuff!
Holy crap, I'm 20 weeks today! How'd that happen? :rofl:

Claire - do you have any inclination to what you're having?
Lol Claire , it is a shame the things some people throw out though isn't it? And if there is nothing wrong with it and can be cleaned up then why not xx

Eviction not going to plan lol, but then I am only 37 weeks tomorrow going by ovulation date, although 38 on Friday by scan. Don't expect anything to happen till at least 41 weeks, especially since hubby won't come near me! Makes me feel fat unsexy and totally repulsive; he says he does not want to hurt me! I think it is because I am fat unsexy and repulsive :'(
I am not speaking to him just now! He has made me feel so isolated over the weekend and preceding nights with either working late staying up late or falling asleep on the couch!! All, I must add because he worked one night until 3am then the next night was tired then the next night had insomnia and I know it is unjustified but I feel neglected. Then he was out at his friends the next night and the following night! So no deposits for me, i think he is avoiding me :(

Hate feeling so needy and emotional, last month of pregnancy sucks big time!!

Good luck today Iesha lots love and labour vibes being sent your way. Xxx
Congrats on 20 weeks Ann Marie, are you finding out your baby s gender? xx
Thank you to all! Only had 4 hours sleep, but nothing much going on. Gonna do some laundry before we go...I imagine we will leave the house about 1230pm. Hospital is way downtown. I'm trying to be calm. Actually I am calm, but just kinda curious. I made hubby dtd last night...he was so worried he was gonna hurt the baby I was like sweetie...(giggle) sweetie...while your penis is a great size, and is absolutely perfect for me..umm how big do u think it REALLY is? :rofl: He was being so funny, but of course in the end I got what I want since I won't be having for a while LOL. A final send off if you will. LOL!

@ Sach- I'm always writing a huge thing to u guys on my mobile & accidentally lose it...soooooo aggravating!
Morning joke: I wrote dtd in my above post but thanks to autofill it posted as "STD" ummm needless to say I quickly edited my post. :dohh:
ann marie um mostly I feel its a boy but I really don't no!! we're not fussed either way but I cant wait to know now!! how about you? xx

donna ahh sorry your feeling neglected does dh no you feel like that? im sure he is just worried about hurting you and men don't think sometimes do they I hope you feel better and more cheerful!!
I love the chair lol so im keeping it
Hi... finding it impossible to read/reply on here with my mobile... keep getting logged out etc...

Iesha... Good luck for today !! Hope everything goes well !!

Baby is brilliant, we have called her Mya... My aunt has really annoyed/upset me... I text her last night to let her know the baby was here and tell her baby's name... She replied oh suppose thats easy to remember, no congrats or that... Then she text me this morning asking if I had changed her name... WTF... yeah she was Mya yesterday but thought id call her something else today... she is an irritating witch... decided im ignoring her till im home...

Im in so much pain today... remembering now why I had wanted a normal delivery... hoping to get home tomorrow, missing my babys and will be able to relax at home !!
I am 98% certain it is another girlie but we're staying team yellow. My scan is on Monday so if I crumble that is when it will be lol.

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