Ok so we are finally home. So here is my birth story plus some
Feb 9th
The day before I went for a walk around the trailer show. Didn't seem to show any new signs other than a pad that seemed a tad bit more wet than usual. That night we DTD and nothing!
Woke up that morning and had a good amount of blood. I got really excited!! Yet nothing significant was happening. So I went walking a bit more. Didn't get any more good tightenings, though did get a bit of a gush. So I decided to go get checked. Since I didn't think I was actually in labor, I went to get a really good burger. As we sat down, oooweeee good hit with one good strong one. That made me feel better, because maybe this could be the day.
Went home got all the boys packed up and sent them with my mother.
When I got in to labor and birth they checked me and said that it was negative, and my waters had not broke. Though on the strip it showed I was surging very regularly, so they admitted me. First of all what a great new ward. Loved it.
They came in and told me that there was one problem that they saw with my birth plan. I guess because of a previous hemorrhage they would have to start a line for me just in case. Which actually I was fine with because of my very rare blood, there could be only seconds for them if thing got bad.
So as I settled in to my new home and went to the bathroom and in the toilet was a big amount of foggy substance in the toilet. Which we all though weird since the test came back negative!
The Dr came in and started in saying that he was going to break my waters and start me on the drip. I just looked at him

like uh
. NO!! I was ok with him breaking my waters cause really at this point I was tired of my body stalling our all the time. I asked him if he was ok to just break my waters, he was cool with that and gave me 2 hrs to show change. WELL, there wasn't much waters to break, I just bled all over the place.
Though it did start some stronger surges. At the end of the 2 hrs I was positive that something was happening. I was using my hypobirthing as they were nice a strong and couldn't talk throughout them. The Dr came in and checked me
.. well no change! ARGH! Really? I was so mad. I should have had some change, but nothing. Grrrr

Well the Dr mentioned to start a low dose of the drip. Well I was good with that but not without adding some other form of pain relief, as in the past the drip has ben horrible. So I said bring in the gas! Well here comes the nurse in and said they were out of gas.

Well I just looked at her and said then you better give me the epi, cause there was no way I was doing it without it.
I had a great anethiatist (? spell) who only put it in and didn't hock up the actual drip, so I was given the absolutely the minimum. Which was told would last about an hour.
So I was given the minimum of the centocin and epi, and it sent me rolling and with in 1.5 hrs I went from 4cm to 10cm. I didn't even notice that the epi wore off either. All I knew was that my ass hurt, my left ass cheek was in so much pain. Worse then labor. It was horrible. I was delivering on my side. Then they moved me to my other side, I went deep into myself. Didn't even open my eyes just tried to concentrate. Once I was ready I pushed for about 20 min. I started to crown and they called the Dr and I right said nope not going to wait for no dr, as I was going to have him now, and my nurse delivered him. Somewhere in there someone asked her if he was faced a certain way, and she replied that "yes but he turn himself and faced the right way in the end". My DH doesn't remember if he noticed anything but remembers the convo. I was very proud of myself of how well I breathed through it all. I was a lot more alert this time when we were done, and so was my baby! Exactly what I wanted. Oh and no stitches!!
We were then after cleaned up sent into our new mom and baby ward, which each person now has their own room. So much better than sharing a room with three other mothers.
Nursing started off well, but he was at the boob all the time, which caused me to be very chapped. It didn't help that he was so mucusy. Then as we were expecting to discharged, found out our little man was sick. His billy numbers were really high for a one day old baby. So we spent all day under the lights, and supposed to be under them all night, but because of how often he was eating, he spent all night attached to me. He level were not improved enough and he was getting close to losing more then the 10% and was not having very many wet diapers. So we were told we would have to spend the rest of that day with a billy blanket and lights. This way aloud him to nurse and continue his treatment. Well that helped and were told as long as he gained weight by morning we would be allowed to go home. Well by last night my milk came in so he went up in weight and thank goodness I got some sleep.
We are finally home!! And now he is sleeping way more. It is weird.
Zander is so amazing!! Seriously in love with him!!
Thank you all that prayed for a quick recovery.
Now that I am home and with a key board, I will be more active with replying. As I seriously tried many times only for it to erase everything