PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

oh no im sorry hun! did it just effect him from the pregnancy or will bfing keep that going on??

im worn out with everything. wish I could dtd with DH to move things along, but im in pain when we do and have no energy anyways. I don't feel like this epo is doing anything for me. should I start doing it vaginally in a week or so?? im so big this time, think from her being so big. I usually am losing some plug by now, even if only little bits every day. but really nothing. every couple days there is a little discharge, but not much at all.

whats going on with you Donna??
Melissa ya it is just during pg that it gets passed to him. So until everything gets out of his system those antibodies will continue to attack his. Nursing will help keep things moving along. This evening he seemed less yellow as first thing, so I am hoping it will continue to get better…. I know how you feel. I just hope things don't drag on too much longer for you. As for the epo I have no clue, sorry.

So question for everyone, who is done, and I mean 100% done after this baby? ME!! :hi:
that's good that it will continue to clear out. I didn't know that's why you were high risk :hugs: prayed for a very quick recovery for him!

we have submitted our fertility to God's will. so have no idea how many we will have or when. could be the last one, or there could be several more. I have peace about it all either way :thumbup:
We're 100% done, I was done at 4 lol. I do feel sad about it though.

20 week scan tomorrow yay
I am done after this one too, at 40 I feel too old to be doing it again and i have been very fortunate to have five healthy pregnancies. Also financially we could not do any more, and physically my pelvis might not cope with anymore either.

Nothing happening with me Melissa, even managed to DTD last night with not much occurring, had one or two BH but then nothing! :( trying to remember I am only 37 + 3 by ovulation date and therefore have 3 full weeks to go at least lol. Being 38+2 by scan dates has given me a bit of false hope aaarrrggghhh!! Why did I ever consider a Feb baby lol??? I should not have even told hubby Feb 28th, he could have blissfully been awaiting a middle of March bubs, and would not be saying things every day like are you coming today baby? Ready for you anytime baby!!

Off to buy a torch today, midwife suggested having one so that I can keep the lights low if baby comes at night and they can use torch light lol! Am sure we must have one some where but cannot for the life of me find it !

Sacha hope Zander is less jaundiced today! And hope those antibodies are working their way out !

I am using EPO too, but to be honest cannot even feel my cervix, think it is way posterior so don't think insertion technique is doing me any good at all! Was the same last time too. Midwife could not even feel it at one of my two failed sweeps :(

Patience ! Lol baby is just not done cooking, and I would not wish a poorly/ NICU or scbu baby on anyone. Especially with me delivering at home, baby has to be ready I suppose!

Ann Marie good luck at your scan!

Sacha I hope babies jaundice clears soon put him by the window.

Donna how comes your not going by the scan date as I thought all babies at the few weeks range grow at the exact same rate and that is why they can give a more accurate edd?

Mel not long for you now!

Isn't it funny the response we get for having more than the conventional 2 or 3 children! I picked my daughter up yesterday evening from a birthday party and the mum and another mum was talking to me and the children asking them their ages and things and said to me oh so in September when Jamie is full time you'll have some time to yourself? I said no lol as we have another on the way. The look on their faces! Omg they said another one, and what was the first question out of one of their mouths? Was it planned? For one its none of your business but two why is it assumed that it wasn't? Yes I said believe it or not they were all planned, we choose to be this crazy! And as I was leaving I heard one of them shout 5!!!!

Is it really that unbelievable? And why is it "crazy" to have 4/5 or as many as you like? Is it because they wouldn't be able to cope? Ah well I'm getting used to it.

This is our last baby I just feel we are done and it has gotten harder each time. 5 is a good number for us!

I think I have sciatica another lady in 2nd tri said she has exactly what I feel and was told it was that. It's where the pain/ache goes through your bum and down each leg and that's what it feels like.
I have had the same with telling people about our number five too. It used to bother me a bit but now I have the biggest smile and say yep number five, how lucky are we?? Or even before people ask, I rub my belly lovingly and say our number five, so excited!!

As for edd , I was charting ovulation so know when I ovulated, which gives me due date for 6th march LMP would give me 7th march , my twelve week scan put me to 13 weeks. I know baby wasnot conceived a week early! And consistently since fundal height measurements, i am measuring one week behind lol their dates lol, exact for mine lol.

They done the same with Dawson, but with it being my first time charting ovulation i presumed they must be correct, so when I was induced I was only technically 41 weeks by my LMP and ovulation date. And he did not look like an overdue baby, still had vernix and placenta was still completely healthy.

I also know growth scans are not accurate always but on my growth scan Wednesday baby is measuring 25 percentile when all the rest were 50-75th percentile.
My midwife s all say they agree with me lol, that is the annoying thing!! But they have to follow protocol.

Maybe this baby will come ' early' lol and won't bye a problem
Anne-Marie Can't wait to see pics and here about your scan.

Melissa thank you, I actually think that he is looking better this morning. Which makes me feel a lot better. :thumbup:

Donna Well at least you have a good idea when things really will get moving for you. Are the midwives willing to let you go longer because of the dates?? To give you more time to have your home birth?

Claire either spd or sciatic pain it is no fun. I had the sciatic with #2 and it was horrible too. I actually found that worse because it didn't matter if I was resting or not the pain was always there.

So I have a question. My after pains are gone, for about 3-4 days now and bleeding is at light spotting, but my tummy seems tender, like I did too many sit-ups. Is this normal? I don't remember this feeling. When I looked on line they said I need to contact my dr….???
Hello everyone! I'm on my mobile, so I might miss an update. So apologizing in advance.

@mason-mouse is too cute! I nickname my daughter squeaks, she is so tiny & makes little squeaky sounds. Rarely goes into a real cry.

@ Sach-aww man, can u bring Zander in today to see someone about his jaundice? Must be very frightening for you. I hope he gets NOW! He is still just a precious sweetpea.

Hey feisty Mel, Charl & Kellie-big hugs n kisses to all the sweet girls Rosie, Mya & Jenessa...

Donna & Melissa-hurry up! LOL

Afm- Kaliyah is doing awesome! She is a great baby. Sleeps eats poops. My husband is so in love its ridiculous, and he has been doing a wonderful job of being a hands on dad. I was slightly worried, but he lets me sleep and shares the nightshifts with her. He also even changed a diaper (very impressive for him, he hates poo, vomit etc) I couldn't be happier. I have some cute pics I will post later.
Myself, I was overwhelmed yesterday. I have 5 million visitors, there was like 13 kids in my house. I went to Costco, it was just too much I got soooo aggrevated. I had to retreat to my room with the baby. My feet are so swollen too. Funny enough up until I went into labour I had no swelling. But I did read it could be from the I.v fluids they gave me but my toes feels like they gonna burst. I'm sore too everywhere EXCEPT my lady bits which is a nice relief. This no tearing thing is the bomb! LOL!
Tylenol & Advil are my friends :)
Iesha he actually looking way better today, and more awake today than yesterday, so I will give him another day before I take him in to the Er. I just don't want to sit around there for hours. I also went out yesterday to grab a few groceries. Maybe that is why I am so sore. I too didn't tear though I think I have a small scratch right near my pee whole. I am going to try and soak more often… that is if I can… That is so awesome that DH is doing so well, it really helps when they do. eating, sleeping and pooping is a great way to spend the day I think LOL
Melissa it does seem like you'll be next! Maybe this time next week even if 37 weeks does the trick :) do you have anymore ultrasounds scheduled? One thing that made me feel better about inducing was that they picked up breathing motions during ultrasounds so knew those muscles were decently developed.

Claire sciatica can be worse that spd like Sacha was mentioning. But sometimes you can get some therapy to help it. My sister suffers from it on a regular basis so I can ask her for tips, but they may not help since it is pregnancy related.

Donna isn't it funny how sometimes we just know better that the 'protocol'? I hope you go in Feb, but hopefully you don't get too stressed out if you end up mid March instead! Hope Dawson feels better soon. My toddler is just getting over his worst cold this season and really wish I had more time with him.

Ann marie how is everything going?

Everyone with babies arrived: holy cow it seems like some things are so easy and some I'd totally forgotten. On the list of forgotten things, the smell of the umbilical cord the last day or so before it falls off and how to properly use a rectal thermometer. But the noises and facial expressions of newborns are so precious,

We are most likely done at 4. Dh is very serious about that but when I pushed him to explain why he felt so strongly he surprised me. It wasn't the money or stress or any of that. It's because I'm so difficult to deal with while pregnant! Made me feel pretty bad tbh. But he has a good point. Plus I really don't know how precisely to manage my time with the 3 already and with 4 here it is going to be even more hectic. On the other hand since we were team :yellow: I got attached to the idea of having another boy. Now I wouldn't trade Rosemary for anything but I can't help but feel the family is still incomplete without a little Donovan. So.... We'll see. I can't imagine having another in 2 years, but I'm 35 now, and having babies in your 40s runs in my family several generations, so who knows what will happen 5 years from now! What kind of birth control are you guys going to use?
Claire- I honestly think it says more about other people than me that they are surprised about the number of children. their reactions show they see children as more of a burden than a blessing, so its probably best they don't have more than the usual 2-3 and leave the big families to the ones who want them

Sacha- im so glad he is looking better and I hope you start feeling better too :hugs:

Donna- funny thing about those early u/s scans is that I always know when I o'ed and the dates of my lmp. but my 3 girls all came back with due dates that matched the scan and my 4 boys were all showing bigger than they should have been. not sure if it means anything, just how it has worked with mine :shrug:

Melissa- I was thinking that too about the breathing movements. one of my earlier u/s when they were doing a nst she wasn't moving a lot, but she was doing the breathing. the u/s tech said not a lot of babies were doing it that early, but she was doing it a lot like a term baby. it does give me some comfort if she comes earlier. there are no more u/s scheduled, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did more with her being so big.
Weird you talk about the breathing movements cause while he was in my belly urging the last month I could see him breathing on the outside. At frost I thought it was his heart beating but then thought better. It was really cool. I'm not sure if I had that before.

Now I'm positive I'm getting too old for having another baby. My abs are so tender. All I did was lie back in the tub and I am in agony now. Never had this before. I'm a mess.
Is it tender down low where your uterus is or is it the upper part where you would get sore muscles?
sacha- maybe you should just go in and get checked to make sure you don't have retained placenta or some sort of infection???
I'm really sore tonight too...thighs, hips, back are killing me. I have a sharp pain down my right butt cheek too. Sore belly. But not as sore as everywhere else. Mannn I thought I was doing so well LOL
Iesha and Sacha sorry you are sore, maybe with getting checked out Sacha in case of infection.
Glad to hear Zander is doing better.

Claire woohoo three weeks till your scan! I might even have a by by then, might lol!!

Melissa, maybe another boy for me then, since he/she war measuring ahead on 12 week scan, but then maybe girl since measuring a week behind since then lol. Mmmmm i wonder lol.

Baby was breathing on my presentation scan too, it was so cool. I did not even think about it meaning he/she was ready for the outside world at the time, just thought it was cool lol!!

Sacha, protocol days +14 days from scan edd is latest they are happy to let me go lol! When though they do agree that it is strange my days are mixed up. But not sweating it now, still weeks to go till then, and then they cannot force me to do anything I don't want.

aFM spent another afternoon and evening at the hospital with my sister, first at out of hours doctor and then at a&e ,eventually admitted again for the fourth time in so many weeks at half eight last night. Poor girl! She is so depressed about it all, I really wish I could do more to help. She had gone into Irish retention again, has a bladder infection, raging sepsis throwing up, and she is so thin and can hardly stand. She looks about 70 and is my agree. So scary.

It is 5 am, and I have been awake an hour lol, wish I was at least feeding or cuddling a new born haha blooming pregnancy insomnia!!! And hubby is dining me mad. Lmao, every day ' right baby time to come out daddy wants to meet you' Believe me, so doors mummy !!

Donna- I honestly think you are for sure to go before me. I get excited when DH tells the baby she can come any time now, and that he is ready. but i think that's only cuz i know its too early and he is being silly. when it gets closer to time it will probably get on my nerves if he is still doing it lol. you are up so early!!!! i agree, its purposeful when your up feeding a newborn, but just to be awake from pregnancy is so frustrating :( cant say how the early scans add up for others lol. im sure there is no scientific evidence to what mine have done. i did feel like i knew this LO was a girl from the start when she measured spot on her due date. just remembered it going that way from my other girls. strange that my 4 boys all measured big at that point. not sure how they all panned out at the end. i know the last 2 boys were smaller than average and she is now measuring huge!! so sorry about your sis :nope: praying for her. and sounds like you are doing all you can do by being there for her :hugs:

DH and i finally dtd tonight and had a ton of BH and cramps for a few hours after. still feeling a lot of pressure, but that's normal. kinda makes me think i need to just get through it and get to dtd often. im not getting hardly anything going on from the epo. and im not sure i could insert it since i felt for my cervix and couldn't even reach it.
me I agree I think it is more about those who make the comments! best they stick with just 2!!
sciatica is no fine lol thankfully its not alday it appears and subsides thankfully it feels like a constant cramp in my bum cheek!:haha:

sacha glad baby zander is doing better!!

iesha lovely that you have such a content baby and a helpful husband! that Is the one thing my dh wont do unless he absolutely has too is change pooey nappies he has such a weak stomach its quite funny to watch lol

donna ah yeah id go by your dates then! mine were about right only a day out by my dates.

sorry if Ive missed anyone im surrounded by children today as its school holidays so far ive made them help me clean the house.:muaha:

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