Melissa - the bday cake is gorgeous! I'm not really that great with baking or decorating, so my cousin does all our bday cakes. Also, my DS likes Dora too

He's getting a lot of female influence in his life, especially now that he has three sisters. Gratz on full term! Hope LO makes an appearance this week for you!!
Sacha - hope it isn't a bad case of thrush

That can be awful. Glad to hear that the meds seem to be helping your tummy!
Donna - woohoo, those sound like my kind of BH

I had a tad bit of that the last week, and REALLY wanted to dtd the night before my induction, and DH said no... guess who is having a hard time keeping his hands off me now? Sorry buddy - you had your chance
Claire - isn't it great when you start feeling LO move a lot? Your bump pic is absolutely gorgeous too
Iesha - she's absolutely precious. I definitely see you AND OH! I love it when that happens
Kellie - I know what you mean about feeds. Rosemary has been on a 90 minute cycle most of the time this week. She'll give me up to 3 hours where she is sleeping, once a day... but it hasn't been at the same time so I haven't really been able to sleep!
AFM, DD3 and I had our 2 week checks yesterday. I was a bit surprised to see I'd dropped over 20 lbs! Very happy! OB said the cramping is still normal, but was concerned that I might end up with PPD, and reminded me that they are there to help, and to not wait for my 6 week if I am feeling down. Rosemary is a whopping 9 lb 7 oz already - I feel a little cheated out of a true 'newborn' size phase, but she is just so precious anyway

Just moved from newborn size diapers to size 1.
Sorry if I missed anyone! I love reading your updates, and can't wait for the rest of our LOs to arrive!