Sorry I'm late, but gratz Donna! So glad you had a great homebirth! Hope your recovery goes just as smoothly
and yay for more

Claire! The pic is great!
Speaking of pix, lots of cute babies around here

Nessa looks so cute!
Woohoo for V day Ann-Marie!
Melissa - I suspect the ppd is hitting me a bit too, or just lack of sleep or whatever, because WOW. I have been struggling to function. I'm doing a *little* better this week in terms of trying to enjoy things and not feel down, but my house is utterly trashed

I think DH's capacity for doing housework has finally hit its cap. So... I actually asked my mother for help. I'm kinda proud of myself for asking. We'll see if she shows up - she said she would come by this week, and after not hearing a word, I called last night and she gave me a story about a gall bladder attack (she's never had gall issues before...), and said she might try to come over tomorrow. *shrug* who knows!
Still getting lots of headaches. I have my 6 week doc appt next week, so I have to remember to mention them. Anyone else still having headaches and whatnot?
and now, back to feeding Rose