PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Hi... Can i join ? This is baby number 6 for me... Scan today im 11weeks 5 days

hi and congrats on your baby number 6 -what have you got already boys or girls ?
Are you finding out the gender this time? and do you have a preference at all?


Hi... Thanks... I have 4 boys and an 9 month old girl... I really wanna try keep this one a surprise... I've found out every other time but i think a surprise would be nice... I don't have a preference... Just hope i can manage to keep it a surprise :)
Blessed-only my oldest son does a wicked as good as me job on the cleaning, everyone else is very so so ...and lazy but they still have to do chores.

Whitesox-sorry you had a couple rough days...mine are like that off n on off n on :)

Feisty-sounds like the loser dad pissed in your hubby's cheerios and we have all had those days, so he of course is forgiven, as is your hormonal and understandable bitchiness glad THAT day is over for you.

All4tg & everyone else- Hopefully you all wont hate me but.....I DONT BF at all *ducks objects thrown at my head*
I never have. the idea of it grosses me out & I am not a prude. I can't explain it. I never have had that instinct, and my 1st 4 kids I was a working mom on the go & could never imagine having the time to breastfeed or pump. (I literally shudder at the thought) By the time I had my 3rd I would need a helping hand from a friend (I have no family in Canada) to get anything done, so it's like ok you feed, while i do laundry. Dont get me wrong I KNOW breast is best, but I find I bond with the baby just as much holding & bottle feeding. Also too they dont feed as much and being the only caregiver I just needed to get a little more sleep than bf would have allowed me to get. Dont judge me! lol...I'm probably on la leche hit list. I also am aware this is why I always have a 5 month preggo looking gut but I'm kinda like well hubby thought I was hot with therefore it's working for me lol. I think hubby would prefer me to bf but at this point I cannot imagine doing it. I of course love it that so many women DO bf, and I never encourage other mums not to, it's just not for me. Hopefully you all wont be too too mad at me lol
That's your decision/preference, Tryn, and no one should judge you for it, just like no one should judge a BFing mom. I couldn't imagine not breastfeeding, and that's my decision/preference. That's that. :flower:
Blessedmomma I have raynoud's, as I have an auto immune disease. But yes I do. I may try the B vita mins and magnesium this time first.

Tryn nope I don't judge. Can't, bottle fed my first two cause I could handle the pain from the Raynaud's. so if you'd rather bottle feed that's your choice. It won't change the way I look at you ;)

I was talking about how our system makes it hard for new moms to nurse if they choose to is all. My friend is a prime example, they told her she needed to supplement him, then shed have problems with her milk because she was told to feed him every 3-4 hrs. Uh you feed them if hungry when nursing. Anyways my problem is just with our medical system not with women who choose to bottle feed.
LOL! Oh of course! I just always get a negative reaction when I tell ppl I have never bf. Like they expect because I've had 4 children I must be a bf, cloth diaper, co-sleeper type. I'm just not like that so thank you all for excepting my bottle feeding, pampers using, sleep in yo crib but still loving ways lol (actually I kinda keep them close in bed with me for the 1st 2 feed :) )
OMG I don't know if I am the only one having this issue or not but I am having these major sneezing fits. Like 5-10 in a row and my nose will water and so will my eyes for a while afterwards. I thought that it was just maybe a cold but it has been almost a week of the same thing, everyday three or four times a day. It is unreal cause I don't have any other symptoms.
a4tg- I don't think I have reynauds just because no other part of me has ever been effected like that. no problems with my fingers, toes, etc. it literally only happened when I bf. it was horrible!!!! even stripping down to shower the cold air would make me want to scream. when I told the bfing consultant here about the b vitamins she said she never heard of that and told me to take calcium/magnesium. so after the 2 rounds nifedipine when it wasn't all the way gone I used both b vits and calc/mag. something was working lol.

tryn- I was sexually abused for about a year when I was 10 by an uncle. it absolutely disgusted me and made me sick to my stomach to think of bfing. not that I thought bad of other moms at all. just for me it really messed me up. my first 5 were ff and are just as loved and bonded with me. and just as healthy and smart I might add. when I was pregnant with my 6th I decided I wanted to bf mostly to save money. we prayed a lot for me to be healed from the abuse and by the grace of God I was able to bf. it was not the magical experience I thought though. I had so many problems and would have switched to ff but he refused bottles. I had mastitis like 5 times, clogged ducts, suspected thrush that was actually these vasospasms where the veins in my nipple were contracting so tight I thought I was gonna die (felt like someone had a pair of pliers on my nipple), undersupply so my baby was losing weight, oversupply from the herbs to correct it that led to the mastitis, blisters and cracks on so bad I wanted to scream, a mole I had to have removed since it painfully kept getting torn half off, constantly was worried about fore and hind milk, etc etc etc. im sure I left some stuff out. I went to the er and dr so much im not sure if I actually saved money bfing or not. oh, and he was allergic to peanuts, eggs, and milk. so no eating any of that for me for a year. now he can do milk and limited eggs. and now I don't want to tandem nurse him and the next one so I hope he self weans or I get the lovely chore of pushing him to do it. so no, no judgment out of me. everyone had me so scared that if I even thought about using a bottle the first 3 months I would ruin my already bad supply that he would not take a bottle at all. with this next one I plan on doing mostly bfing, but also ffing. nothing comes out when I pump (even when I had oversupply) so yes, when the baby is up nursing for 4 hours straight and im exhausted I will be making a bottle. I may even have a certain feed every day that I use a bottle so my LO is used to it and my supply can form around it. don't get me wrong, im thankful I was healed and able to do it, I must be a stronger person for it. I am also thankful that having been through it already I know MY body and what works for me. sometimes I think even the pro-bfers who think they are helping can give you bad advice. everyone's body is different and no advice is a one size fits all and I can think of some that I wish I wouldn't have heard or listened to.

imo moms should not be judged on this whether ff or bf. I have felt it for both strangely enough. I had an aunt who always told me I was not feeding my babies the way God intended and shed many tears about her. I also got weird looks at the store for my baby being in a sling nursing (even though completely covered up). I have enough of Jesus in me to know I live for Him and He has never told me I was a bad mom for what I fed my kids. so I refuse to care what anyone else thinks. my kids are loved and very cared for. its very freeing to not care what other people think anymore.
First of all I am sorry that that had to happen to you, and I am glad you have healed from this experience. :hugs:

I know the feeling of the toe curling pain while feeding. But I am prepared for it this time.

I love that you mentioned that you nursed in the sling I really want a sling that I can do that and still continue to get other things done!!

I agree that we need to know that us as mothers aren't wrong for doing what works for us!! As long as the baby is healthy and happy they all should keep their negative opinions to themselves.

I feel the same. and don't get me wrong, im thankful I got the opportunity to heal and to nurse my last baby. we went through a lot.

im prepared for the pain this time too. I think that was part of what made it so hard for me. people who are very pro-bf make it sound like it should come naturally easy. and when it didn't I felt more guilt than I did for ffing!

its a beautiful thing to cuddle your precious baby and nourish them, no matter how you do that. now I know what to expect though so I feel more aware and educated on both.

I love my sling!!!! I have a ring sling and a mei tai infantino and I love them. not sure how much I could have gotten done without them lol
Blessed-reading your experience just broke my heart. I'm so sorry that happenned to you & god bless you for making it through stronger. What courage to go through that then all the pain. My reasons seem so sissy now lol. God bless you & your family. Truly from the bottom of my heart.
blessed- as you said "people who are very pro-bf make it sound like it should come naturally easy. and when it didn't I felt more guilt than I did for ffing! " I was nodding my head. With my first I was so chapped that my nipple almost fell off, but as I was sitting in the hospital (was there 5 days because of my issues with BF) crying that it hurt so bad and all the nurses said to me that it shouldn't hurt, he is latched perfectly. None of them could tell me why it hurt, only that it shouldn't and some even looked at me as if I was a whimp. After the 5th day I went home crying every time I tried to nurse him, for the pain and thinking something was wrong. The very next day I took my bra off and (oh and these were the days that they said that you must keep your nipples dry, that dry was best for your nipples and healing, who ever came up with that must have been a man!) my nipple split almost in half, almost like someone took a razor and tried to slice it off. That was it for me. My nipple was to precious to me. I was so happy afterwards for switching. I honestly felt better for it. The very next day I was happy cause I was actually able to enjoy the baby I had vs fearing him cry cause then I had to feel the pain of it.
oh hun, its just part of my journey. much worse has happened to people out there than my story.

I was just trying to say the grass isn't always greener on the other side, kwim? and I don't judge your choice at all. got nothing but love for ya honey! :hugs: I know that feeling of being grossed out at the thought and getting negative comments when I didn't.

the people who were supposed to help me in bfing really didn't all that much. I was diagnosed with thrush and pumped full of antifungal meds when I didn't have it. and told I wasn't latching him correctly or feeding him enough when he didn't gain weight. even though he was on the boob all day and night. found out later he has a top lip tie and I had to figure out how to latch him differently than they said.

but obviously I made it through and am willing to try again. oh, and your thought on losing weight after the baby from bfing. didn't happen for me. I usually lose all me baby weight about 5-6 mos post partum. I couldn't cut any calories or exercise or my supply would drop dramatically. so here I sit pregnant again without losing the weight in between. :haha:
oh my goodness a4tg!!!! OUCH!!!!! I had those vasospasms but didn't know what was going on yet and kept getting told to use more lanolin and it would stop hurting after a week or so. I toughed it out and was still in pain months later. I actually told DH one day I didn't know how women could be walking around nursing without bawling their eyes out lol. cuz I did every time and even in between times. I cant count how many blisters I popped on my nipples so I wouldn't get a clogged duct or mastitis again. ugh! if I only knew then what I know now lol. I told DH that too, that I couldn't enjoy him due to the pain.

Congratz to our new members!

Thanks everyone for the encouraging words! dh and I are fine, but sadly as I type this I am on a death vigil for my aunt. each pregnancy someone close to me and/or dh have lost someone close.

About bf'ing - my best advice was my ob who's wife had her first when I was at 6 months. she had her heart set on bf and had a horrible time and he asked me if I planned on bf and if so to line up support ahead of time and to realize 'natural' doesn't mean 'easy'. I was blest with a really good mommy bf group, so while the in hospital help was crap, I immediately had acces to 10-20 other moms to share experiences and professional moderator. my initial thought was to give it a shot, and when I found out how much ff costs I kinda freaked. my first realized she could go 8 hrs without feeding while I was at work and refused a bottle. she went straight to sippy cups at 12 months! needless to say we had multiple night feeds to make up for the day. I got almost no sleep that year. dd2 and ds also bf, but I supplemented when I went back to work. they both have lactose issues, but I think that is genetic (dh does too). I love the variety of options available so that moms can pick what is right for them!

This is one of the reasons I love bnb - all the support and understanding and insight from all these different experiences and viewpoints! love you ladies!
oh my goodness a4tg!!!! OUCH!!!!! I had those vasospasms but didn't know what was going on yet and kept getting told to use more lanolin and it would stop hurting after a week or so. I toughed it out and was still in pain months later. I actually told DH one day I didn't know how women could be walking around nursing without bawling their eyes out lol. cuz I did every time and even in between times. I cant count how many blisters I popped on my nipples so I wouldn't get a clogged duct or mastitis again. ugh! if I only knew then what I know now lol. I told DH that too, that I couldn't enjoy him due to the pain.


Another trick to try if you get chapped sore nipples is a nipple shield. I only used when I was really cracked.

With my second I tried to nurse him as well (he as aspergers) but he was in the NICU for just over a week for a blocked bowel. So I was pumping and my nipples went soooo purple, it was freaky! My son had issues nursing because he didn't give off the normal signals a baby would when hungry, it was just straight to screaming, and since my nipples weren't very big he had trouble latching, plus he needed that instant gratification of milk, so we would have to fill the shield with my pumped milk just so he knew to keep going. Other wise he would just stop and scream. I did this for almost two months but was tired from having a 18 month old and trying to nurse a very fussy baby that I was getting PPD pretty badly. Then one night the nurse told me that because I couldn't pump more than .5 oz at 12pm that I was producing enough milk and to go onto formula. Well we did so the very next morning only to find out he was worse. He developed infectious colitis and could not tolerate any bovine or soy product and was put on a very expensive formula for just over a month to allow his digestive system to heal then we had to VERY slowly put him on regular formula. I honestly felt horrible for switching him to formula because I truly believe that I continued to BF that that would have never have happened to him.

So after this guy i vowed to make it work. I did so much research I can honestly say I know more than the nurses in the mother baby unit. yes and Jack Newman was one of my constant places to go and reference from. Also the book called Breast Feeding mad Simple, it was my bible so to say.
Hi... Can i join ? This is baby number 6 for me... Scan today im 11weeks 5 days

hi and congrats on your baby number 6 -what have you got already boys or girls ?
Are you finding out the gender this time? and do you have a preference at all?


Hi... Thanks... I have 4 boys and an 9 month old girl... I really wanna try keep this one a surprise... I've found out every other time but i think a surprise would be nice... I don't have a preference... Just hope i can manage to keep it a surprise :)

We plan on keeping it a surprise this time too -with our first three we did not get a choice and then with number 4 were desperate to know to buy everything gender specific and do up the nursery etc; but at the end of the day when the birth day came along I felt regret that we knew and didn't still have that excitement of 'what will we have?' lol -silly I know as I had several exciting months of buying boys clothes and doing up a blue nursery and did not have to worry about girls names haha.

As for the breast feeding or formula feeding decision -totally pro - mum's choice -and what suits some circumstances and feelings or beliefs will not suit others. Whatever choice you make, as long as you are happy with it then baby will be just as loved and just as healthy and tbh do we not bond even before baby is here?? With my first 2 I had to return to work when they were tiny so I only bfed for about 6-8 weeks and the ff after that didn't harm them at all :winkwink: with my later 2 I fed for almost a year, and then 15 months but only because they then refused to take a bottle haha (not so much mums choice but babys demands haha :haha::haha: -not that I minded really)

Hi... Thanks... I have 4 boys and an 9 month old girl... I really wanna try keep this one a surprise... I've found out every other time but i think a surprise would be nice... I don't have a preference... Just hope i can manage to keep it a surprise :)

We plan on keeping it a surprise this time too -with our first three we did not get a choice and then with number 4 were desperate to know to buy everything gender specific and do up the nursery etc; but at the end of the day when the birth day came along I felt regret that we knew and didn't still have that excitement of 'what will we have?' lol -silly I know as I had several exciting months of buying boys clothes and doing up a blue nursery and did not have to worry about girls names haha.

As for the breast feeding or formula feeding decision -totally pro - mum's choice -and what suits some circumstances and feelings or beliefs will not suit others. Whatever choice you make, as long as you are happy with it then baby will be just as loved and just as healthy and tbh do we not bond even before baby is here?? With my first 2 I had to return to work when they were tiny so I only bfed for about 6-8 weeks and the ff after that didn't harm them at all :winkwink: with my later 2 I fed for almost a year, and then 15 months but only because they then refused to take a bottle haha (not so much mums choice but babys demands haha :haha::haha: -not that I minded really)


Yeah this is my last baby, so id really like it to be a surprise... Think it will be lovely to find out when he/she is born... My partner said he wants to find out the sex, i don't lol

I would really love to try breastfeed this baby... All of my others where formula fed... But a post i read on another forum has really put me off... It was a post about breastfeeding in public... There was some really nasty comments and people where comparing it to people exposing themselves, not feeding their baby, it was disgusting, it was so negative and i really didn't think that people where so against women breast feeding their babies in public... Dont think i would have the confidence to do it :nope:

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