PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Fun fun fun! I can't wait for my showers. My workplace will have one for me, and one with friends & fam. I don't mind planning my own, it's a great excuse to get together. But I do have a couple friends who will fight to plan it, and I will be on the committee. I will probably help cook too. Don't get me wrong we don't have a huge group, but enough of us to have a nice time. We serve traditional Jamaican food, plus lasagna, salads, finger foods, punch. Definitely Something like that. The other kind we have is more like a late night party, dancing, play dominoes etc men & women but I'm not gonna have one of those. Probably if I was back in Jamaica that's how it would be lol food n party the whole neighborhood. Yikes!

That late night party sounds right for me.
Yup! Either one suits me as long as we celebrate the blessing!

Whitesox! Congrats on the lil princess!
Hey! I haven't been posting as much. . .:muaha: Zofran is from the God's but is causing horrible constipation. UGH! With that and my wicked allergies I've just not been feeling well. When will this nausea end?!? I'm so ready for winter. Kill the allergies and closer to baby time.

How have you been?
I too feel like crap with my allergies and massive headache that is on it's 3rd day now. At least I have a bit more energy ..... I think, yesterday I went for a walk with a friend around the lake and it was hot!! So hot that my crotch was sweating so badly that it honestly looked like I peed myself. I even started to chafe between my legs and then under my arms because my bra was holding all the sweat too. GROSS
Hope you both start to feel better soon... Weathers been rubbish here, wet and cold, Im sure winter isn't far away, I have my heating on today its so cold, Feeling so tired today, i need some energy :coffee:
Whitesox and A4tg hope you both feel better soon xx

Charlhow -Isn't the weather just crap lol? Got soaked coming out of nursery with my little man today - literally one minute from where I parked and soaked through.

My little boy started nursery last Fri, and was his first full afternoon today as he has not be settling well :'( So sad to see him go in crying and come out crying; although they do assure me now that he didn't cry until he saw me. They just have such a bad system at the nursery, there is no-one to greet he kids on arrival, and the kids are expected to go out the back for 'freeplay'. My son needs more structure and needs someone he kind of recognizes and trusts to play with. The playground is SO overwhelming and he just crumbles every day. I am so annoyed! It takes me 10-15 mins every day to find an adult to take him. I don't know why the nursery teacher cannot just meet and greet her team, then once everyone is settled take them out to play.

Seriously thinking about changing to another nursery :( but it would travelling further and then getting him over the initial few weeks of total strangers again. Maybe leave him another week and see if things improve.

I was going to just take him home again today, after waiting around for ages with him crying and not being able to locate his teacher.

ahh poor little thing Jamie starts on Friday and im dreading it I no he'll be fine after a while but I no he will cry the first day so im nervous and its going to upset me!

maybe have a word with them as they should be doing whats best for him!!!xxx hope he settles in soon xxxx
donna how did everyone take the news of baby no 5 any annoying comments? x
donna how did everyone take the news of baby no 5 any annoying comments? x

One annoying comment from my eldest sister lol - said 'think you have taken the life begins at 40 thing too literally, You know there are more things you could have done? Like have a holiday without the kids or get a tattoo' Said kind of tongue in cheek but sarcastically :haha::haha: She is just jealous!

Other responses have been fab, a lot of people are WOW 5 Are you mad? but most people have been super - a few work colleagues have asked if it was planned? I would never ask that; especially of a work colleague????? Strange people lol but I just smile and say yes with the biggest grin on my face and say and we couldn't be happier or more excited xxxx

Hope Jamie gets on better at nursery xx I spoke to Dawson's teacher on Wednesday and so on Thursday she seemed a bit more on hand, but today was chaotic and disorganised again :growlmad:
Wannabubba... Awww I hope he starts to settle soon... In my wee boys nursery his teacher is always there to greet him and he goes in great, She takes him puts his name badge on and he goes away to play happily, usually with the sand & Water, took him a while to settle but he is fine now, his 2 older brothers settled no bother but he took a wee while longer, think because he was always stuck to my side... Sounds more sensible to wait till everyone is in nursery before taking them outside, so they know who is there, must be chaos in the playground
Is nursery like a pre-kindergarten class? My guy is to start soon too, though he seems very excited to go. He wants to do everything his brothers are doing. I hope it goes well. DH put him to bed last night and he freaked out. Even after I came in he still sat there crying longer. Oh boy I am starting wonder how he is going to handle the baby. Oi!
Yeah like pre kindergarten I think lol nursery here in Scotland lasts two years, so next year at age 4 he will be pre-school nursery, will start school at age 5. In England though, they start school age 4, so I know children Dawson's age who are in preschool already. Just seems SO young to me lol.

My other children went into nursery great too, but I worked full time back then and they were used to being with other people more. One downside to me being part time and spending all day with the little one lol -and also the nursery day was more structured in the beginning, so the teacher always greeted the children before sending them off on their own.
He has 2 teachers too, which isn't good for him (although how can I moan lol? -they are entitled to work part time too haha), he was just getting used to his Mon/Tue teacher then Wed thru Fri he has a different one. LOL Back to original one on Monday and probably back to square one :(

donna how did everyone take the news of baby no 5 any annoying comments? x

One annoying comment from my eldest sister lol - said 'think you have taken the life begins at 40 thing too literally, You know there are more things you could have done? Like have a holiday without the kids or get a tattoo' Said kind of tongue in cheek but sarcastically :haha::haha: She is just jealous!

Other responses have been fab, a lot of people are WOW 5 Are you mad? but most people have been super - a few work colleagues have asked if it was planned? I would never ask that; especially of a work colleague????? Strange people lol but I just smile and say yes with the biggest grin on my face and say and we couldn't be happier or more excited xxxx

Hope Jamie gets on better at nursery xx I spoke to Dawson's teacher on Wednesday and so on Thursday she seemed a bit more on hand, but today was chaotic and disorganised again :growlmad:

yep jealous!! I no il get cmments from some people but I have my come backs already in place! I hate the your mad comments lol its fun that people don't get having large families but keep ya comments to yourself lol :dohh:
Busy week ladies!

Sorry to hear about more MS and heartburn :( hope we all get some symptom free glorious 2nd tri days these next few months!

Charl - I hope you can find a 2nd opinion/different consultant. Advising sterilization?! Wow. Given how pissy I feel this week I'd probably punch him in the face.

Shower/no shower - I LOVE the jamaican style party tryn! We might do that this time. Last 2 we did a 'meet n greet' the lil one about 4-5 weeks after birth. It worked out really well for us as a celebration for our newest addition. Some folks brought gifts, some didn't. My office hosted a 'group' shower because there were a BUNCH of expectant moms, so that was kind of nice - got a gift card. With my first I had a family shower AND an office shower, and I received many of the items I still use now with my lil guy, and plan on using with #4.

So far had mixed reaction. Family has all been over the moon with the exception of my sister and her husband, but she's always a little sarcastic. I think she's happy for us, and even more happy its not her :p Her husband is just kind of a jerk, so I dont give a flying fig what he thinks. We get the 'was it planned' question all the time. I give various answers, but usually something along the lines of 'NO! we are completely crazy!' once i even added, 'if you could tell me what is causing it, i'd love to know!'. Mainly coworkers react that way.

Just found out my DD1's teacher is due AT THE SAME TIME! Talk about amazing! It is her first, and she is just so sweet :)

Speaking of school - we had our girls in a Montessori program that basically covers nursery school, although they will taked potty-trained children as young as 2 1/2! My DD1 started at 4, but they also can do kindergartden in the same class so she ended up with 3 years. We just realized that due to september bday, DD2 won't start K for 2 more years, so she could be in the program for 3 years, 4 if we add k! My mind was blown, but I LOVE the program. They have 'free play' inside at the beginning of the day, and there are 2 teachers in the classroom, so one is almost always there at the door to greet the kids and parents. I love it because I always have an opportunity to let the teacher know if anything is going on with the kids - didn't sleep well, skipped breakfast, cranky, got new shoes... anything, and the teachers love the information. I can't wait for my lil guy to finish potty training so he can start in the summer!
Yes @ Feisty we Jamaicans find any excuse to party LOL!
Funny enough I've had crazy hectic headaches too. Broke down n took Tylenol on Sunday but since then it's been on and off. This morning I had a throbbing one on my leftside temple. Now its back....constipation is not a joke and I have been having some wicked gas is this the honeymoon trimester??
On a lighter note reading about your little ones going to preschool/nursery makes me miss having lil ones around. I feel like my kids are sooo independent & old. Even my 9 yr old (well 9 on Tuesday) acts like a grown man lol
Hi... How is everyone today ?

Well my appointment was disappointing to say the least :( My consultant says he will section me at 39 weeks... I told him i would like a normal delivery, He says after 3 sections the risk of rupture is far too high, even the midwife agreed with him... He then went on to say i really should be sterilized :( So fed up today... I don't know what to do now... Do i try a different hospital and find a consultant who will at least let me try have a normal delivery ? Feeling really quite down :(

Cryssae good luck for when you test :)

Charlhow - I missed this post /or forgot you were Scotland too (and am never sure how things happen elsewhere)

They cannot force you to do anything concerning your baby pregnancy or delivery -they can suggest what they would recommend, but cannot say no to anything you want! Your body, your baby and if you want to try VBAC and know the risks and are willing to accept them then your choice. I would try asking over in the natural birth section, some of the ladies over there will give you links to evidence regarding risks of repeated C-sections as well as risks of VBAC risks so you can go in armed with all the info you need.

Charlhow - I missed this post /or forgot you were Scotland too (and am never sure how things happen elsewhere)

They cannot force you to do anything concerning your baby pregnancy or delivery -they can suggest what they would recommend, but cannot say no to anything you want! Your body, your baby and if you want to try VBAC and know the risks and are willing to accept them then your choice. I would try asking over in the natural birth section, some of the ladies over there will give you links to evidence regarding risks of repeated C-sections as well as risks of VBAC risks so you can go in armed with all the info you need.


Thanks, yeah i posted over in the natural birth section a few days ago and someone gave me some links, with loads of info, that i plan on taking with me to my next appointment, I think i will also phone the supervisor of midwives and see what advice they give me, this is the same consultant that said i was silly when i said i didn't want the blood test that gives your risk of downs etc... When i told him no to sterilizing me he told me my OH should be sterilized :growlmad: I feel that he is also lying to me about the rupture risk being too high so i will agree to a repeat c/section.

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