Busy week ladies!
Sorry to hear about more MS and heartburn

hope we all get some symptom free glorious 2nd tri days these next few months!
Charl - I hope you can find a 2nd opinion/different consultant. Advising sterilization?! Wow. Given how pissy I feel this week I'd probably punch him in the face.
Shower/no shower - I LOVE the jamaican style party tryn! We might do that this time. Last 2 we did a 'meet n greet' the lil one about 4-5 weeks after birth. It worked out really well for us as a celebration for our newest addition. Some folks brought gifts, some didn't. My office hosted a 'group' shower because there were a BUNCH of expectant moms, so that was kind of nice - got a gift card. With my first I had a family shower AND an office shower, and I received many of the items I still use now with my lil guy, and plan on using with #4.
So far had mixed reaction. Family has all been over the moon with the exception of my sister and her husband, but she's always a little sarcastic. I think she's happy for us, and even more happy its not her

Her husband is just kind of a jerk, so I dont give a flying fig what he thinks. We get the 'was it planned' question all the time. I give various answers, but usually something along the lines of 'NO! we are completely crazy!' once i even added, 'if you could tell me what is causing it, i'd love to know!'. Mainly coworkers react that way.
Just found out my DD1's teacher is due AT THE SAME TIME! Talk about amazing! It is her first, and she is just so sweet
Speaking of school - we had our girls in a Montessori program that basically covers nursery school, although they will taked potty-trained children as young as 2 1/2! My DD1 started at 4, but they also can do kindergartden in the same class so she ended up with 3 years. We just realized that due to september bday, DD2 won't start K for 2 more years, so she could be in the program for 3 years, 4 if we add k! My mind was blown, but I LOVE the program. They have 'free play' inside at the beginning of the day, and there are 2 teachers in the classroom, so one is almost always there at the door to greet the kids and parents. I love it because I always have an opportunity to let the teacher know if anything is going on with the kids - didn't sleep well, skipped breakfast, cranky, got new shoes... anything, and the teachers love the information. I can't wait for my lil guy to finish potty training so he can start in the summer!