Charlhow - I missed this post /or forgot you were Scotland too (and am never sure how things happen elsewhere)
They cannot force you to do anything concerning your baby pregnancy or delivery -they can suggest what they would recommend, but cannot say no to anything you want! Your body, your baby and if you want to try VBAC and know the risks and are willing to accept them then your choice. I would try asking over in the natural birth section, some of the ladies over there will give you links to evidence regarding risks of repeated C-sections as well as risks of VBAC risks so you can go in armed with all the info you need.
Thanks, yeah i posted over in the natural birth section a few days ago and someone gave me some links, with loads of info, that i plan on taking with me to my next appointment, I think i will also phone the supervisor of midwives and see what advice they give me, this is the same consultant that said i was silly when i said i didn't want the blood test that gives your risk of downs etc... When i told him no to sterilizing me he told me my OH should be sterilized

I feel that he is also lying to me about the rupture risk being too high so i will agree to a repeat c/section.