Last night I stayed up entirely too late just snuggling my lil boy. He turns 2 next week, and I just feel like the time is going by so fast, and soon I'll have another LO, and he wont' get as much snuggly mommy time as he does now.
My oldest seems like she is going hormonal and she's only 6. My lil girl turns 4, and she still really needs snuggles and physical affection (she calls it 'touch', like 'mommy i need touch' and touches my face and puts my hand on her face). I love spending time with my LOs, and they grow so fast, and now I'm worried about adding #4 into the mix while the others are still so small. And of course I'm dreading 2 years from now when #4 is growing out of cuddles and starts being independent, but there isn't another LO on the way to focus on.
Anyone else struggling to make sure each child gets some quality time?