wannabubba#4... So exciting... Will your midwife listen for the heartbeat ? I heard it at my 16 wk appointment... I have a check up next week, then my 20 wk scan the week after... I keep going between wanting to find out gender or keeping it a surprise... Ive never had a surprise but i like to be organised
I think this pregnancy is flying by... I have 2 birthday parties to organise for November, 4 days apart, and feel like im running outta time, need to get my finger out lol... Then it will be time to get organised for Christmas... I feel the last few weeks always drag in for me, especially last pregnancy, it flew in till i had a date for my c/section then the last 4 weeks went soooooooo slow.
My wee boy has to get his pre school jags today, not looking forward to it

I think this pregnancy is flying by... I have 2 birthday parties to organise for November, 4 days apart, and feel like im running outta time, need to get my finger out lol... Then it will be time to get organised for Christmas... I feel the last few weeks always drag in for me, especially last pregnancy, it flew in till i had a date for my c/section then the last 4 weeks went soooooooo slow.
My wee boy has to get his pre school jags today, not looking forward to it