My largest baby was 8 pounds, that was my last. Though DS2 was born 7.2 at 37 weeks. I was told he would have been closer to 10 lbs if he would have made it to full term. Then DS3 was again 7.2 at 38 weeks so he would have been bigger too. I am glad I didn't get to full term with them.
this is what happens to me too. my littlest and earliest was also 37 wks, he was 6.13 they said if he made it to due date he would have been closer to 8 or 8.5. most of mine are born about 38 wks and 7 lbs. my biggest was born at almost 8 lbs and was 10 days early, so should have been between 8.5-9
does anyone have an idea of when they "think" their baby will come? im gonna guess march 1 for me based on when labor usually starts in my pregnancies. im due march 15, that puts me at 38 wks. that would be between two of my LO's bdays of feb 21 and march 6. I would like to make it at least to 38 weeks. my Ob will offer to induce at 39 weeks, which is march 7, since I don't think they induce on Saturdays. she has also talked about inducing earlier since we usually go earlier than 39 wks anyways and my last labor was only 45 minutes. the hospital I have to go to is at least 35 minutes away if driving conditions are perfect and we speed on the highway slightly. not sure what I will agree to yet. don't really 'want' to be induced, but really don't want to give birth in my van either