PG again with your 4th, 5th, or even 6th child?

Hi everyone, how close are all your kids? Anyone got them really close?

I've been spotting again today, which does tend to be very normal for me but still worries me sick.

I can't believe I'm going to have 4 children! As an only child I always wanted siblings but it's still crazy to think 4.
wow blessed what a neat little bump you had!! whats been your heaviest baby? Jamie was mine at 9lb 1 & a half oz! x

my biggest baby was almost 8 lbs. he was 7 lbs 15.9 oz. the rest range between 6 lbs 13 oz and 7 lbs 4 oz. 9 lbs sounds huge to me!!! although my sister and I were both 9 lbs 10 oz and one of my brothers was 10 lbs 15 oz yikes! im glad my moms genes for big babies didn't pass to me :argh:

Hi everyone, how close are all your kids? Anyone got them really close?

I've been spotting again today, which does tend to be very normal for me but still worries me sick.

I can't believe I'm going to have 4 children! As an only child I always wanted siblings but it's still crazy to think 4.

my closest in age are 12 mos 2 weeks apart. I also have 2 that are 15 mos apart, and 2 that are 19 mos apart. I hope the spotting stops! my magic number was 5 kids. I always wanted 5 when I was growing up. now im about to have #7 though :)
Melissa - You did have a very small bump to have been over 8 months pregnant. I've never been that small at the end of pregnancy.

I always wanted 4. That was my magic number before I started having kids.

My first three children are 3 years apart. I always said I wanted it that way so one would be out of diapers before the next one was born. Well, God decided I needed 2 in diapers at once and more than 4 when, for my 4th pregnancy, (planned for that 3-year interval) he gave us twins. Lol. They were supposed to be our last. Six years later, we decided we wanted one more. He's 4 now, and we are trying for another.

DH had 2 older girls when we got married, so we are trying for #9. That's more than double my magic number. :haha:

Congratulations to all the new members of this thread!

Tryn - Any updates yet?
I never really had a number we just keep on having them because we wanted too:haha: the closest gap we have is 19months and then 23months apart. x

hope everything is ok tryn!! xxx
The closest gap I have are my first two at just about 17 months apart. that was too much for me, so the next was about 3 years, then 3.5 and now my youngest will be just over 4 when this one is born.
crystal- it really looks big to me! just looking at the pic reminded me of how hard it was to breath... or move lol. he came a little early. I was due march 23 by lmp and march 18 by u/s scan, and he came on march 6. so I have no idea how many weeks I actually was in that pic. maybe 35 or 36??
Well this is me at 32 weeks with my last. I thought I stuck out tons. I am sure I am going to carry like that this time too.

Welcome to the thread! So exciting to have more folks joining us :)

My biggest so far was DD2, at 8 lbs 9 oz. None of my mom's were over 8 lbs 1 oz, and the two that were that size honestly should have been c-sections (broken collar bones and other labor complications for both), but my mom is a tiny woman (frame-wise) - just under 5'. My MIL had bigger babies though - I think her biggest was over 9 lbs, so I was a bit nervous. Doc thinks my frame could support 9 lbs as long as it isn't all head.

My closest are *exactly* 2 years apart. DS was born on DD2's 2nd bday. Big shocker for everyone - he was about 10 days early. I'd never really thought about spacing, but always wanted 4 - 4 kids in my family growing up, 4 in DH's family, seemed like the right number. DH is still happy with 4 (I think the financial side of things, plus his energy levels/health issues in our families are stressing him out), but I keep waffling between oh yay last baby and hrm, we should plan on another one!! Our spacing is more about my lack of any interest in birth control than anything else, and they'd be closer together but apparently BFing is super effective for me.
Welcome and congratulations Eternal!!

My first two are 11 months apart (very unplanned!) And then 3.5 between #2 and #3. This time I will have an almost 9 year gap between #3 and #4.

Blessed, I agree with the others and think you look tiny! I was pretty big with my last one and was induced at 36 weeks because of the pressure on my lungs making it difficult to breathe. That started at about 7 months I think. The instant relief I felt as soon as he was born was amazing!! It felt like the elephant that had been sitting on my chest finally got off! The baby wasn't too big, just average at 7lb 4oz. Apparently lots of fluid and just how he was situated in there. Lol
a4tg- you looked gorgeous!!!

feisty- when my giant brother was born it broke my moms tailbone and he was covered in bruises. she def believes nowadays they would have done a C-section. her dr was trying to get into the Guinness book of world records for delivering the biggest baby and let many women go overdue. my moms due date was end of dec and he was born jan 22. needless to say he had a lot of malpractice lawsuits against him for other women he did that with. that was in the 70's though and now I cant see a dr even thinking they could get away with that.

i think my tummy just feels bigger to me than it looks on the outside cuz it just keeps moving up. it seems like when i look at other womens bumps they look like they have this beautiful round ball out in front of them. but mine doesn't move out from me, it just keeps going up til there is no room for my lungs, ribs, etc.
blessedmomma you are so sweet.

My largest baby was 8 pounds, that was my last. Though DS2 was born 7.2 at 37 weeks. I was told he would have been closer to 10 lbs if he would have made it to full term. Then DS3 was again 7.2 at 38 weeks so he would have been bigger too. I am glad I didn't get to full term with them.
My largest baby was 8 pounds, that was my last. Though DS2 was born 7.2 at 37 weeks. I was told he would have been closer to 10 lbs if he would have made it to full term. Then DS3 was again 7.2 at 38 weeks so he would have been bigger too. I am glad I didn't get to full term with them.

this is what happens to me too. my littlest and earliest was also 37 wks, he was 6.13 they said if he made it to due date he would have been closer to 8 or 8.5. most of mine are born about 38 wks and 7 lbs. my biggest was born at almost 8 lbs and was 10 days early, so should have been between 8.5-9

does anyone have an idea of when they "think" their baby will come? im gonna guess march 1 for me based on when labor usually starts in my pregnancies. im due march 15, that puts me at 38 wks. that would be between two of my LO's bdays of feb 21 and march 6. I would like to make it at least to 38 weeks. my Ob will offer to induce at 39 weeks, which is march 7, since I don't think they induce on Saturdays. she has also talked about inducing earlier since we usually go earlier than 39 wks anyways and my last labor was only 45 minutes. the hospital I have to go to is at least 35 minutes away if driving conditions are perfect and we speed on the highway slightly. not sure what I will agree to yet. don't really 'want' to be induced, but really don't want to give birth in my van either :wacko:
My largest baby was 8 pounds, that was my last. Though DS2 was born 7.2 at 37 weeks. I was told he would have been closer to 10 lbs if he would have made it to full term. Then DS3 was again 7.2 at 38 weeks so he would have been bigger too. I am glad I didn't get to full term with them.

this is what happens to me too. my littlest and earliest was also 37 wks, he was 6.13 they said if he made it to due date he would have been closer to 8 or 8.5. most of mine are born about 38 wks and 7 lbs. my biggest was born at almost 8 lbs and was 10 days early, so should have been between 8.5-9

does anyone have an idea of when they "think" their baby will come? im gonna guess march 1 for me based on when labor usually starts in my pregnancies. im due march 15, that puts me at 38 wks. that would be between two of my LO's bdays of feb 21 and march 6. I would like to make it at least to 38 weeks. my Ob will offer to induce at 39 weeks, which is march 7, since I don't think they induce on Saturdays. she has also talked about inducing earlier since we usually go earlier than 39 wks anyways and my last labor was only 45 minutes. the hospital I have to go to is at least 35 minutes away if driving conditions are perfect and we speed on the highway slightly. not sure what I will agree to yet. don't really 'want' to be induced, but really don't want to give birth in my van either :wacko:

I have never got to my due date either. I honestly don't know how women that go 2 weeks over handle it. My first came naturally 10 days early. I was happy for that also because his due date was Christmas Day. My 2nd was supposed to be a planned c-section (due to #1 brain damage, we don't know what caused it, but my Dr wanted to be cautious). My Dd had different plans and came on her own in the wee hours of the morning after just a 3 hour labor at 36 weeks. She was perfectly healthy and I didn't have to push and was not sore or injured in any way from the birth. If it didn't come as such a shock, I probably would have enjoyed it. I think though because it was supposed to happen differently I wasn't emotionally prepared and kind of freaked out. And due to breathing issues #3 was induced at 37 weeks. This time my due date is May 9th but if history is any indication, we will have an early April baby.
I actually had one on her due date and one was 41+4. those two were my latest. 3 were around 38 weeks give or take a few days, and one was induced 37 weeks due to complications

mapleroo- I had one due dec 26th and was happy he came dec 16th, 10 days early as well!
I actually had one on her due date and one was 41+4. those two were my latest. 3 were around 38 weeks give or take a few days, and one was induced 37 weeks due to complications

mapleroo- I had one due dec 26th and was happy he came dec 16th, 10 days early as well!

Yes such a relief! Christmas is crazy enough!!
I am so envious of you ladies who have had babies who arrive on time or even a few days early lol. Not that i wish for a preemie at all (my nephew was born at 31weeks and that was hard to watch my sister go through) but just not overdue lol.

My last and biggest baby at 8lb 6 was induced at 14days late - felt like the longest fortnight of my life haha 0ther ones were 7lb4 7lb8 and 7lb 15 - the littlest one being number 3 who DID arrive on time lol 39w+3

I guess this one will be 21th march (40+15 by my dates and 40+ 21 by hospital dates or 43weeks lol - oo-er ) just a feeling I have :) hope I am wrong, cannot be bothered with the fight to not be induced lol xx
mine have varied dd1 was 15days early waters went while in bed! dd2 was 8days late! waters didn't go with her, dd3 was 1day early waters broke first & ds was 5days early waters also went with him!! I no whats gonna happen this time il be in the supermarket and woosh there they go lol it will be just my luck:haha:

hope everything is ok tryn!!:hugs:
Thanks girls for the thoughts, yesterday I was so busy after we came from hospital rushed to work then had a dinner meeting & was so tired I fell asleep almost as soon as we got home. I needed a couple good minutes to post here. Long & short, babys heart is perfect! She does NOT like the u/s moves a lot & they said she was probably angled really bad, made it look like her heart was in a funny place LOL..naughty girl. The tech said she would agree as well that its a girl, she saw no boy bits. In the consult after they said they incidentally found a vein issue in the cord attached to the placenta unrelated to the heart, but when I go back on the 16th they will recheck it. The doctor said she didn't think it was anything to worry about. I'm not even gonna think about it. I was saying to my husband as much as I like to be informed sometimes I just don't wanna know.

On topic of birth weight & due dates, I cannot go 2 weeks over I would pull my hair out! My only overdue was my 1st and I was induced 3 days after due date he was pretty small 6lb. My daughter due Jan 1, by Dec 15th I knew she was trying to come but I wasn't getting contractions just pressure. Also a slow leak in my water, so on Dec 20 I went in and in half a push she delivered herself. 6lb baby too. My 3rd & 4th I can't even remember my due dates but basically on the appt closest to due date doc examined me & said I was about 2cm so because I live kinda far from the hospital the booked me in for an inducement. Its like I just get this feeling they are ready to come. Funny enough those last 2 on the exact day of my inducements I went in to spontaneous labor, no need for the pitocin, just went down to hospital as planned & gave birth in the afternoon. Neat & tidy like LOL. Those boys were my biggest 8lb8oz and my youngest boy 7lb8oz. I'm wondering what experience I will have this time, although I know my doc cool like that, if I say I'm ready he knows I mean I'm ready! But basically all my babies were born 40+2, 38+4, 39, 39 weeks along.
oh im so pleased everything is great thank goodness!!! xxx

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