Ok, I am looking for some advice: Normally, we announce to people that we are expecting right away. We know we get mixed reactions from our families (my Mom thinks NOONE should have more than 2 kids...whoops!

), and I don't really care about friends & acquaintances or the FB world. But, it's our close friends that are causing the concern right now. Our closest friends are:
TTC after a V reversal 1 year ago
Waiting for a V reversal that was just delayed 3 months.
She wants more, DH refuses
Trying to become a surrogate right now. (admittedly, they're our best chance for a hooray! but I think it will backfire if her 2nd implantation is unsuccessful next month as well.) -- I am also concerned if we deliver around the same time, and I keep my baby and she has to give (the one she's carried) away, if it will make her adjustment period more difficult. (I would LOVE to hear someone tell me I'm way off base on this one, and that I shouldn't worry about it, but she's one of my best friends and I don't want to make life harder for her!!)
*sigh* I feel like any of them that we tell, it will be taken badly, and instead of being excited, they will have to deal with their own issues. And I'm fine with that too, but I guess I'm feeling that if we tell them, we're making life hard for them, but because they're good friends, if we DON'T tell them, they'll just feel hurt later because we didn't tell them. (Did that make any sense?)
Am I just overthinking this? Does anyone else have these issues? Are we selfish for telling them now, or selfish for not telling them? That this is our #6, and I also have a 1 YO I feel might be like lemon juice on the wound.