Gorgeous scan pic Donna 
Melissa - I know what you mean about the car seat, I was bummed when I realized our infant car seat expired, also in 2012. Now I'm worried about our convertible seats too, especially since those are typically more expensive, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. We still have 2 in convertible seats and only one in a booster so far, so it'll be interesting. IMO, the carseat situation is a better reason to space kids out than diapers even
Kellie - good luck with the glucose test; I'm also dreading it.

Melissa - I know what you mean about the car seat, I was bummed when I realized our infant car seat expired, also in 2012. Now I'm worried about our convertible seats too, especially since those are typically more expensive, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. We still have 2 in convertible seats and only one in a booster so far, so it'll be interesting. IMO, the carseat situation is a better reason to space kids out than diapers even

Kellie - good luck with the glucose test; I'm also dreading it.