sacha- Im not sure why pumping didn't work out for me. I tried diligently for the first 5 months. did every trick online I found plus everything the breastfeeding clinic ladies here suggested. I relaxed, held him while pumping, nursed him on the other side while pumping, used imagery in my head of the milk coming down, etc. literally everything. even bought a better pump. I could feel my let down as well and it was very painful for me. in fact I would feel let down while pumping and nothing would come out so it would leave me painfully engorged. I could get out a little more with hand expressing, but still not much. maybe an ounce if I was at it all day. I had wanted him to take a bottle of expressed milk once a day and that's why I tried so hard. it would, however, stimulate me to make more milk even though none of it came out. after 5 months of it a breastfeeding coach said maybe I was just one of those women that pumping didn't work for. I decided to give it up and never had mastitis again, or any clogged ducts. funny enough, my let down quit being painful around that time as well. it felt like razor blades prior to giving it up. I want this baby to have one bottle a day as well, even though it never worked out with my last. so I am considering trying the pumping for a week or two, otherwise she will get one bottle of formula a day. im not gonna put myself through it again.