Iesha - great news about bp & low weight gain; maybe this pregnancy has impacted your metabolism. Wouldn't that be a huge stunner if that's one of your pregnancy symptoms? Might make some of the others less crummy! Rashes suck. I typically get a small, bumpy kind of rash on my left wrist (anyone else think it odd that it is soooo specific?), and I also now have a little dry patch of itchy skin on my upper left arm. I'm a huge fan of corizone cream, hope that combination helps you out

Google is so useful, yet so often becomes the enemy. I hope it turns out to just be 'normal' pregnancy itchiness and not liver related!!
Donna - hope your seat isn't expired; sounds like it should be in good shape though if you bought it new in 2010
Melissa - Glad to hear the other seats are good to go!! It is amazing how quickly those costs add up.
Sasha - sleep? What's sleep? I'm lucky because I'm actually getting my 'normal' amount of sleep, when I don't have random insomnia. I have been falling asleep with my littlest though and then waking up again a few hours later. So total I am getting same amount, but it is in smaller bursts. Maybe that's how we gear up for newborn craziness?
Kellie - sore hips stink. Hopefully you'll be able to find a position that works to alleviate the pain!
AFM - its cramp city. Not the contraction kind, but the calf, hand, toe, foot, charlie horse kind. Started getting the warning signs 2 weeks ago, so been having at least 1 banana and/or some prunes every day for the potassium, but ran out of bananas 2 days ago and left my prunes at my office. Both of my calves feel like they are seconds away from incapacitating cramps, continually. Yuck.
But weirdest of all, I am having vivid dreams of co-workers. In the 13 years I have been with DH, I've never once strayed or even come close, but there is a co-worker I have that I do find attractive and once during an after hours office get together we ended up staying up all night talking (about work, life, all kinds of things). Nothing even remotely inappropriate has ever happened. But.... now I'm dreaming about this guy that I have to work with closely on a regular basis, and I really don't know why. Nothing overtly sexual (yet...), but last night I dreamed of an exchange where I said something to him about having to flirt with him to stay close on a project he was running that I wanted to be on, and he had this big smile and said something like good, and we ended up holding hands as we walked down the hallway... I woke up with my pulses racing! SO WEIRD. It was almost like my family didn't even exist for me while I was dreaming. So I'm in this odd position of feeling a bit guilty over something that only happened in a dream and wasn't even really that significant (holding hands? really??) but somehow felt REALLY intense at the time.
Anyone else having totally inexplicable dreams like that?