FeistyMom... She is just gorgeous

16 weeks... not long till you find out

Iesha... I gave up shopping weeks ago, I do mines online, just trying to push a trolley round the shop would have me so sore... Got my food shopping online this week from Asda for a change and about 50% of it was substitutes (mostly substitutes that no one likes !) and half my frozen food was missing... Still waiting on them to refund me... Was hoping to have enough food to last till i was out of hospital but looks like i will have to send OH out for some shopping today

I have never had a BH in any of my pregnancies no idea how one feels... Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow !!
Sacha... Looking forward to a 41 week bump pic... Hope that a day of relaxing and doing nothing will have you in labour !!
Think i might be slightly unorganised here... Have still to pack my hospital bags, I go into hospital tomorrow so better get it done today !! Had put some random stuff in a bag weeks ago but need to get them done as soon as i get off here

I did how ever put together my bouncer chair last night and my youngest 2 where both trying to sit in it, hope the novelty wears off before baby is home... Feeling really rubbish today... Sore, tired, sick and my feet are really swollen and sore... Suppose i better go and get organised... If i am seen online here again today someone shout at me