Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

That's amazing!! And expensive !! But I think I'm the younger years the league provides the equipment ( don't quote me on that though) As they get older it gets more expensive .. 2 years ago my oh bought new pads blocker and glove and paid over 2000 and they weren't even top of the line!!
Here is an updated bump pic :) I've really popped the past few weeks


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How you feeling Jess?? Any sign of charlotte making an appearance yet?? Cant believe that your due date is so close!!!
:hi: hi
I'm doing good, getting a little impatient lol but no signs yet
I have contractins but they don't progress :( last night they were about 5 minutes appart for a while but they didn't get stronger or last longer then they spaced out and stopped
In my child birth class the teacher said they need to be: longer, stronger and closer together in order to tell if its real labor
So I'm just waiting :)

I've been nesting like crazy the past 3 days! Cleaning everythng!
I have the diaper bag packed and my bag. I'm going to pack a bag for DS because he's going to need to stay with someone when the time comes (I'm doing that today) lol i cleaned his room yesterday :)
I just got done cleaning my room and doing all the bedding in everyones room
The dog is getting a bath tonight and getting her bedding washed too :)
How are you feeling??
Your almost 30 weeks :happydance: wow your going to be right behind me!
Oh wow!! You really are nesting!!! My mom warned me about that..she said right around the due date i will get a crazy burst of energy and clean everything!! LOl she said she was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floors!! She felt that she couldnt get the dog print marks of the floor good enought with a mop lol. Hopefully those contractions pick up and we can meet charlotte soon!! I'm so excited to see pics of her!!!

I'm feeling pretty good, but I'm hitting the lazy lack of energy stage :( i really want to clean because i have a lot to do and i'm off work for a few more days, but the motivation to get off the couch is not there!! Oh helped yesterday and cleaned up a bit of the christmas/ new years clutter in the living room and did a good clean of the kitchen for me.. now I have to tackle washrooms, laundry and sweeping the floors. I also have to go do some grocery shopping lol we dont even have the basics such as milk and bread!! :dohh:

I'm going to go pick out my nursery colour today and hopefully within the next two weeks it will get painted and I can start organizing more.
Its crazy how you kick into "clean mode" like no matter how much you clean its never good enough lol
DS has his first hockey practice tonight! And DH is going to be coach!
He signed up to be assisstant coach and I guess no one wanted to do coaching or anything so the organizer of the program asked him if he wanted to coach :)
And DHs brother is going to be assistant coach, his son is on DS team :) they are going to have so much fun!
When the boys leave I'm giving thr dog a bath and then relaxing in the tub myself :) oh I SO need to relax!

What color are you thinking about doing?? Have you chose a theam?
You'll get your burst of energy here soon :) esp once you start doing the nursery!
Post pics once you get it done :)
oh your ds must be so excited!!! Thats really cool that your oh is coaching!! My oh is not ever going to have that pleasure due to his work schedule unless some how he ends up on days.

The theme I choose is safarai, but we are focusing more on monkeys. I've attached a pic of my bedding. I was thinking of doing the nursery green...but oh decided last night that he really wants to do a beige or light brown and add green with decos and borders.


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Love the bedding! :) any of those colors are going to look good with it

When I do my income taxes ad have some extra money next month I'm redoing the girls room. I'm going with an owl theme.
I figure its cute enough for the baby and grown up enough for DD.
She's only over on the weekends (I feel bad she has to share a room with a baby because she's 10) but its the only choice we have, ya know.
As soon as I start working on the room ill post pics :)
I'm sure she will like sharing the room with the baby. It may make her feel special or motherly. I love the owl theme!! I had such a hard time deciding...I was back and forth between, owls, frogs, elephants and monkeys. I wanted to go with something that was some what gender neutral so that it could be used for a second time down the road.

I cant wait to see pictures of your room!! Right now ours looks like a bomb went off in it. People just keep giving us stuff and its just piling up in the room!! LOL we have a bouncy chair that is in parts across the room as oh came home drunk from one of our christmas parties all excited to put it together then realized he was too drunk to do it and went to bed. LOL

Is charlotte going to sleep in your room for the first bit?
:rofl: that totally sounds like something my DH would do!

Yeah she's going to sleep in a bassinett for the first 2 months or so. My sister got me a beautiful one for my baby shower! Its wooden :) and is neutral, so I can use it again!
My friend lent me a bassinet as well..its really nice, but I'm up and down as to where I want the baby to sleep...I'm sure he will end up in our room for the first little bit as I probably wont want him far from me...but oh strongly believes the baby should be in its room right away...mind you he is not the one that has to get up every few hours to feed it. Currently my dogs bed is beside the bed where the bassinet is going..I think i'm going to have to move her bed soon so its not a shock when the baby comes. I'm going to try to put her bed on Oh's side along with the other dogs bed. I originally had them on seperate sides to give them space but now that they are used to each other they should be ok... their beds in the living room are side by side and they dont seem to mind it.
I totally think baby should be in his/her own room but I'm TERRIFIED of SIDS and will be constantly checking on baby so for the first 2 months she's going to be by my side :)
I did the same thing with DS, he slept in a bassinet next to me until he was old enough to lift his head and then I moved him to his crib.
I really enjoy the time that DH and I get to spend alone at night so I'm a strong advocate for babies sleeping in their own room
I have a friend who just had a baby back in oct and she had a 1 1/2 yr old, they both sleep with her at night. And her DH sleeps on the couch!
That's craziness ! (to me at least)
& my best friend has a daughter that sleeps in, their bed too., I've tried explaining how dangerous it can be but she doesn't seem to care much. They live in a little apartment and their DD doesn't have am room and she's too big for her bassinet. I found a portable crib (they are much smaller than a full size one) at an antique store for $ 40 ( it was a great deal!) But they never went and got it.
If I had the extra $ I would have bought it for them.
She's always complaining about how her DD wakes up in the wee hours of the morning and wants to play and messes with her while she's sleeping... If she was in a crib she would just last back down and go back to sleep.

So sorry for the long post and rant. idk why I let it bother me but it does :(
we've been friends for 13 years and I love her and her daughter so very much, I just don't want to see anything happen to her. And she deserves the time with her DH at night ( sometimes they could use it)
Like I said.... I strongly believe a baby should be in his/her own room. It helps them become self soothing and not dependent for everything
I completly agree with you!! I know oh is a heavy sleeper and I am terrified that he will roll over on the baby...and I'm sure I will never get a good sleep if I think i will roll over on the baby. To be honest I think that a lone time is very important as well... your whole day is wrapped around the baby, bed time is the time for the two of you. I know my oh would not be comfortable having sex with the baby in the room either and TBH I'm really looking forward to the part of our relation ship again once I heal!! Oh is really not into sex since i've been preg. I'm okay with it and we still cuddle and talk all the time and sex is not very comfortable anyways...but i know i will start wanting it again once this lo is out :)

A few of my friends sleep with their baby and it frusterates me too. My one friend waited to long to put her first in its own crib and she regretted was really hard to break the her 4 th one she had it in the crib once it was a month old lol
:hi: hey girl how have you been ?!?!
When are you going to have that baby? !? :)
Lol my water just broke at 11amand am now in the hospital :)

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