Pregnancy - April 2012

Hey All,

Welcome baby one....

Well just had a bit of a scare, coming down the stairs and misplaced my footing so slid down the last three... scared to bits now.... dont know quite what to do!

No bleeding... just hope peanut is snuggled and safe...

Purpleish - glad to hear you and baby are okay.

I had my ultrasound today and heard the heartbeat. It was amazing and I almost cried. My due date was changed from April 1 to April 3.

Hope everyone is doing well!!
DJF> thats great news - congrats! :)
always great to hear the heartbeat... I cried, not ashamed to admit it :)

Thanks for sharing :)
Hope everyone else is doing ok!

I had one tear escape. It was kind of surreal. It's more real but at the same time hard to believe a baby is growing in me :)

Next ultrasound 4 weeks and counting!
How is everyone doing?

We had an eventful weekend as a hurricane went through our area. Spent part of Sat night sitting in my downstairs bathroom with my hubby and 3 dogs because of tornado warnings. Luckily it wasn't as bad as they were first predicting and everything was fine.

The nausea is killing me!! The doctor told me to get some vit B6 and Unisom. The Unisom seems to help. I haven't been sleeping at night because of the MS and Unisom is a sleep aid so it's helped with the nausea at night and with sleeping. Hope this MS ends soon :)
Im glad the unisom has helped!! my cousin who has a newborn gave me her leftover b6 and unisom. I havent taken it, waiting till I see the dr and can ask his advice. I have been miserable in the mornings though and then these last few days its been bad in the evening too. I cried at work today. I ran to throw up a few times and the second time I came back and my boss just looked at me like he felt bad (he knows Im prego and im sure he knew I was throwing up) and I just lost it and said "Im not having a good morning" I felt really embarrassed for crying and losing it like that at work but he was very understanding and nice about it all.

good news, one week until my first appointment! I am SO excited and really really nervous.
I am not sure if the B6 is doing a lot but the Unisom is helping me. My nausea has been the worst in the evening and in the middle of the night. The Unisom helps with the late at night but I am still struggling with the evenings. The MS is there during the day as well but usually not as bad. I am 9 weeks today so hoping I don't have to much longer to go.

missangie - that's exciting that it's one week till your appointment!!! It was amazing when I went.
ya hopefully this MS business is almost outta our systems :-) I cant wait till I get a bump! (although the bump needs to wait until after oct 8th since im the MOH in my sisters wedding and my dress fits perfect right now) haha
Glad to hear the drugs are helping a bit, my nausea is also worse in the night/v.early morning (5am ish!) but mine seems to be fading slightly now, got me panicking at 1st but hopefully its ok.

DJF - glad to hear you survived the storm, cant imagine how scary it must be! I hate lightening etc!

Missangie - ooo not long til appointment, very exciting! I am also really emotional at the mo, not so good! at least your boss is sympathetic, mine is a 'beeeep' :( makes me v.stressed!
I am looking forward to a bump too. I have put on a bit of weight so far - eating makes my nausea better so I have been eating more than I normally do. So now I look like I have put on weight but it's not obvious as to why :)

The nausea has been better the last couple of days ... here's hoping it's on it's way out!

missangie - let us know how your appointment goes.

CertainTurton - I hope your work gets less stressful. My work has also been a bit stressful too. I do research and my position is grant funded. Funding has been a bit short lately. I have a meeting with my boss today to talk about it .. fingers crossed it all goes well. Luckily I got an email this morning saying one of my projects got funded so that should cover the short fall.
Hey All,
Sorry I havent posted in a while, first days of daycare with my son, quarter end at work and birthdays and tropical storms to survive!....
My MS has been rearing its head (despite the medication), finally phoned the chemist/pharmacist to ask why... turns out there is a 5-6 hr delay on it, so need to take it at different times than I am doing! .... will see if it works tmrw :) lol

DJF> I'm sure you look just great, and don't worry, the weight will soon be well worth it :) what did I love on a commercial/advert... oh yes... "You're not fat.. you're just keeping the baby warm" :) Sorry to hear the weather was so bad - I'm guessing Irene?... thankfully, turned into a tropical storm when it hit us... but even so - the wind with the rain and the intermittant electricity was just a blast!

CT> sorry work is so stressful for you - is your boss not supportive or just expects you to act all normal? I still havent told my boss... probably wont until after 4 month scan or so... as I dont work in the same office as him.. no problem with him seeing me and guessing! (thankfully!)

MissA> Hope the wedding goes well... not serving seafood are they? may want to check the meny just in case ;)... hope you have a great time though and I'm sure you will bump and blossom just after!

Take care all and talk soon,

Purpleish- sounds like you are pretty busy! and Im glad to hear you will hopefully get the meds to work soon :hugs: My boss is just horrible at the best of times and is not being any better now. In fact i think she is almost worse! We work very closely as its just the two of us on a project, cant get away from her!

DJF - I am also in research - Im a research assistant on a drug addiction study..what sort of thing do you do? I can completely understand about the funding worries, we are awaiting a grant too. Fortunately im on a fixed contract until oct 2012 so dont need to worry too much. Good Luck with it!
I am also looking like i have put on some weight (although scales tell me its only a lb :shrug:). Although this morn it did start to look a little more bumpish...FX! I love purples saying - just keeping the baby warm :)
Hey all,
Just popping on.,.... found the ad where I found the saying from - really cheered me up and thought you would all like to see it :)

CT> sorry you're having to work in that environment, hope it gets better for you!

Purpleish - that's a funny commercial :) I like that - keeping the baby warm. Hurricane Irene did go through here. I think it was a category 1 on it's way to a tropical storm when it hit us. Everything in our area ended up being fine. Glad it was ok for you too.

CertainTurton - I am a genetic counselor and research coordinator for genetic studies on neurodegenerative disease (Parkinson disease, Lou Gehrig's mostly). Luckily they have full funding for my position for another year! Not sure what my plan is after the baby is born. I think I might look for a new position as I think I am ready to try something new. Hope your work gets better. My boss at me last position was horrible and it made work so miserable. Fingers crossed that she will be nicer!
SO excited! I had to share with all of you that I found my babies heartbeat on the doppler for the first time! I have played around with it 4 or 5 times now and tonight I finally found the heartbeat within 5 minutes of using it. It was amazing. Hubby listened to it and it was great to see how excited he was. we even had his brother and his fiance come in and listen haha

Now I feel a little more relaxed for my first appointment tomorrow morning :-)

How is everyone else, it has been a quiet thread lately!
missangie - that's so exciting! We heard the heartbeat at our doctor's appointment and it was an amazing experience. Let us know how your appointment goes.

I have been doing okay. I had a bit of a break from the really bad MS but it came back with a vengeance Sat night. I am having a hard time keeping food and liquids down so I may call my OB today for a prescription.

How is everyone?
thanks ladies!

sorry you arent feeling well and having a rough time DJF! my morning sickness has definitely not been fun but luckily it is only in the middle of the night and then when i first get up, once i eat I dont throw up anymore just feel nauseous most of the day. I cant imagine not being able to keep anything down, id prob. call the dr too just so you can get some relief and be able to eat a bit. Hopefully just a few more weeks and we will all be out of this MS phase!
Hey all....
Well, got so bloated last week thought enough was enough! stopped taking the anti-sickness medication, which has helped (in my opinion), limited my bread intake (which of course helps even more)... so look slightly less swollen.... was pleased to hear my DH say that from the back I dont look any different... which helps :) Just scarey on the side view atm!....

MissA> how did the appt go? I tried to listen the other day, but couldnt quite find anything, might try again since you've had success (although you could be quite a bit skinnier than I am! ) :)

DJF> Still having a hard time? what does your doc say?.... *hugs tight* hope you feel better soon though, they say that things get easier at 12 wks... I hope you find that!

Hope you're all having a great week and look forward to hearing your news soon,

my appt went GREAT! Got to see me cute little blob wiggling away with its beating heart! Next appt is in 6 loooong weeks :-)

I have been bloated and constipated like mad. I talked ot my dr about it and he was gonna write down some things for me to take but he forgot, im gonna email him about it cause going once every 4 or 5 days is miserable!

glad you are doing well minus the bloat purpleish!

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