Hey All,
Sorry I havent posted in a while, first days of daycare with my son, quarter end at work and birthdays and tropical storms to survive!....
My MS has been rearing its head (despite the medication), finally phoned the chemist/pharmacist to ask why... turns out there is a 5-6 hr delay on it, so need to take it at different times than I am doing! .... will see if it works tmrw

DJF> I'm sure you look just great, and don't worry, the weight will soon be well worth it

what did I love on a commercial/advert... oh yes... "You're not fat.. you're just keeping the baby warm"

Sorry to hear the weather was so bad - I'm guessing Irene?... thankfully, turned into a tropical storm when it hit us... but even so - the wind with the rain and the intermittant electricity was just a blast!
CT> sorry work is so stressful for you - is your boss not supportive or just expects you to act all normal? I still havent told my boss... probably wont until after 4 month scan or so... as I dont work in the same office as him.. no problem with him seeing me and guessing! (thankfully!)
MissA> Hope the wedding goes well... not serving seafood are they? may want to check the meny just in case

... hope you have a great time though and I'm sure you will bump and blossom just after!
Take care all and talk soon,