Hey All...
Sorry to hear that the MS is affecting us all.. perhaps its just the time of year or something lol.... I had a rough day yesterday - felt sick all day and all night... not enough to dry heave, but just didnt know what to do with myself!.
I find myself limiting what I'm eating... so I'm sticking to heavy carbs, bread, pasta (basic tomato sauce).. and thats pretty much it - cant stand anything sweet, no milk or anything.... have tried flavoured water with mixed success......
only thing that i have found works are my anti-sea-sickness accupunture bands... but cant keep them on forever!
Jacobs cream crackers are always in my bag though and seem to be helping me through the very tough spots...
*hugs* to all... if you find anything that works please share

..... I have an appt with the doc tmrw... yes its early, but i wanted to see if she could help with the MS... and got a cancellation, but my official 8 wk scan is next week....
SUPER nervous - anyone else?