Pregnancy - April 2012

Bump photos of 19 weeks and 25 weeks and 4 days


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I know it's hard to believe. Everyone tells me that the time will go quick;y but April just feels so far away! I can't wait to meet her.

How are you doing?
Saying three months sounds not far away at all but saying April seems like a lifetime!

I am feeling pretty good, been feeling really nauseous most mornings still but it could be worse. I am LOVING feeling him move so much, he is getting pretty strong it feels at times. We start our birthing class in a little less then 2 weeks and I am very excited about that.

As for the holidays, little Parker is very blessed to have so many people who thought of him this Christmas when he isnt even here yet. I can't believe how much stuff he got. (our families mostly just do gifts for the kids and he got just as many as my 8 month old niece. I was shocked. My favorite being a Graco Pack n Play that my husband immediately set up when we got home. It makes me laugh cause its just sitting in our living room in the middle of the walk way. :-)

How are you feeling? How have the holidays been? How is everyone else here?
Glad to hear your holidays went so well!! Ours were pretty good. We didn't get a lot of stuff for the baby but we did get a little pick outfit from that was really adorable.

I have been feeling pretty good. Luckily I don't get nauseous anymore but sometimes my stomach feels a little off after I eat. I get heartburn pretty easily and don't always sleep the best. However, the 2nd trimester is definitely better then the first. Plus at least I can feel her move around. Sometimes she gives me some pretty strong kicks and you can see my stomach move. Most of the time she just kinda flutters around :)
Happy New Year everyone!!!

I will be officially 6 months pregnant tomorrow and starting my third trimester!! I am so excited - 13 weeks to go. Which sounds a lot closer then April :)

My nursery is being painted today and the furniture will be delivered on Friday. I think it will feel a lot more real that a baby will be coming home with me from the hospital once her room is set up. It won't be completely decorated yet as I registered for a bunch of decorations. Not sure when my baby shower is. My mother-in-law is planning it and it is supposed to be a surprise.

One of my best friends got me a maternity photo shoot for my Christmas/baby shower present. Can't wait to get the pics done.

Aria is moving around a lot now. It's really a cool feeling. Starting to feel a bit more tired and still get heartburn but otherwise feeling well.

How is everyone? How were your holidays?
Pics of the nursery so far!


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how come no one but you and I post on this thread anymore? :-( Hopefully we will get some more posts soon.

I already wrote on the other thread DJF but I LOVE your nursery so far! Do you have any bedding ideas?
how come no one but you and I post on this thread anymore? :-( Hopefully we will get some more posts soon.

I already wrote on the other thread DJF but I LOVE your nursery so far! Do you have any bedding ideas?

I know everyone has been pretty quite since the holidays. Her room is going to sorta giraffe themed so we are getting a couple different sheets with that theme. They are all light brown or light brown and white. We are also getting some plain flannel sheets for the winter - one is pick and one is white. Also getting a couple blankets with giraffes on them but I am planning on having her sleep in a Halo sleepsack. Looking forward to getting everything all decorated but it won't be until after my shower.

How is your room coming along?
we have the furniture in there (its white, too!) There is a dresser that has the changing area on top and then his crib and we also have a pale green/white checkered comfy rocking chair with matching ottoman. There are also a few sheets that match the chair, one is checkered and the other is white and has baby blue and pale green stars. not really sure what theme we will go with, Im not good at decorating at all! Im kinda thinking I want it to just be colors and not necessarily a theme of any sort. Just using baby blue, pale green and white. Im boring ;-)

We are going to go register tomorrow, Im excited to get that done! We also made a baby shower date, feb 11th! Plus my hubbys work is throwing us one on Feb 10th. So soon, its all starting to hit me that Parker will be here in no time!
we have the furniture in there (its white, too!) There is a dresser that has the changing area on top and then his crib and we also have a pale green/white checkered comfy rocking chair with matching ottoman. There are also a few sheets that match the chair, one is checkered and the other is white and has baby blue and pale green stars. not really sure what theme we will go with, Im not good at decorating at all! Im kinda thinking I want it to just be colors and not necessarily a theme of any sort. Just using baby blue, pale green and white. Im boring ;-)

We are going to go register tomorrow, Im excited to get that done! We also made a baby shower date, feb 11th! Plus my hubbys work is throwing us one on Feb 10th. So soon, its all starting to hit me that Parker will be here in no time!

That sounds adorable. Post some pics of the room. I think blue, green, and white is a great color combination.

Since we have had her room set up it has started to feel even more real. It's not longer just a nursery it's Aria's room!

Your shower isn't too far away! I am not sure when mine will be - my mother-in-law is planning it and it's a surprise.

I got offered a new job this week which I am really excited about. It's part time, 3 days a week, which will be so nice. However, it means I am only getting 6 weeks of up-paid leave (8 if I have a C-section) off which isn't a lot of time. My husband gets 3 weeks of paternity leave so he will probably use his leave when I go back. The new job also has a child care center so I will be able to take her with me and visit on breaks.
Congrats on the new job! Have a a child care center there will be SO nice! I cant write much, need to get to bed but wanted to say congrats, thats great!
Hi ALl,
Sorry I havent been around for a while, but to all Happy New YeaR!... been a hectic few weeks with the family visiting.... and just trying to cope with having the worst cough/cold combination..... even ended up at the hospital!...

Needless to say I'm ok - the doctor has prescribed some amazing cough syrup which has stopped me coughing.. she actually said that if I had continued the way i was going I would cough myself into labor *EEK* ... anyway baby still comfy and squirming her way around most days :)

Has anyone else been having problems sleeping recently? I just cant get comfy... I bought a pillow which helps... but only if I'm the only one in the bed lol :)

Hope you're all doing well.... and look forward to catching up with you all,

Hi Purple!!

Happy New Year :) Hope the holiday with your family went well. That's horrible that you are/were so sick. That does not sound like fun.

I have had a really hard time sleeping lately. Part of it is from being pregnant and uncomfortable though the boppy pillow I have helps a lot. I find that some nights the hip on the side I am sleeping on starts to hurt, then I have to switch sides and I wake up later with that side hurting. Sometimes I wake up on my back, which I know isn't the best but oh well. I also have to wake up in the middle of the night to pee and sometimes have a really hard time going back to sleep because my mind starts racing. Last week was the worst because I was offered a new job and had some decisions to make. I didn't sleep more than 4 hours any night last week but my Dr told me to take Unisom which she said is really safe to take during pregnancy. I took it a couple nights and it helped a lot. Last night I was in bed at 9pm .. lol.

My little girl has been pretty active this week which is really cool. I find that some days she is really moving and other days she seems lazier and doesn't move as much. The lazy days kinda freak me out a bit but then she starts up again. Anyone else experiencing that?
purpleish, glad to hear you were given something to help with your cough! I too am having some troubles sleeping. I got a big roundish body pillow and tried that but it was a bit to stiff and kept falling off the bed. My husband ended up getting me a different, more thin body pillow and it has been working much better. I still wake up with hip pain but sleeping has been a bit better then it was!

DJF, yes my little guy was crazy active for days and days and then for 6 days he was MUCH more quiet and one night I even tried ice cream and ice water and layed on my side and didnt feel him. (a couple nights later was when I was having the cramping and went into the hospital to be monitored) luckily, everything is fine with both him and I. I had another prenatal visit today and he was moving like crazy!

My current upset is that I was weighed today and gained 9 lbs in the last 4 weeks. yikes. I guess the holidays had some part in that weight gain. Im not up 27 lbs this pregnancy. I asked my dr if that was horrible and she said that she wasnt worried at all since I am petite to begin with and to just expect to gain more then the recommended amount but that she isnt worried at all and I shouldnt be either. She did say that 9 lbs for the 4 weeks was a bit much but that as long as I dont continue to gain like that, its okay.

Oh and one more update! I did the one hour glucose test today (and had 4 other things of blood drawn and my rhogam shot, busy morning haha) and I just got the results through email saying that I passed. WOOHOO!!
missangie - glad everything was okay! The movement thing is driving me a little bit crazy :) I went in 2 weeks ago because she wasn't moving as much. I tried chocolate, laying on my side, and pushing on her one night and she eventually started moving but it took a while. They think it was because she flipped and was head up and I couldn't feel as her as much in the new position. I had an ultrasound on Wed as part of a research study and luckily she was head down again. Hopefully she stays down there!

I understand the weight thing. I've decided to stop thinking about it too much. I am up around 30lbs so far give or take a few. I don't know exactly what my starting weight was. I tended to monitor my weight by how my clothes feel and how I look in the mirror more than the number scale so I hadn't weighted myself in a while before I got pregnant. It's been tricky, because I am a fairly active person, and it's sometimes hard to see my body change and watch the number on the scale go up but hopefully my weight will come back down after she is born.

Only about 11 more weeks to go - so exciting! I think it is going to go quickly. I have 3 more weeks left at my current job then I start the new position. I think all the changes will make things go quicker.
ya, I am trying really hard to realize that I can worry about my weight after he is born and that I WILL get back in shape.

I bet you are right, with your change in jobs and what not these next 11 weeks will fly by! I am the kind of person that doesnt use a calender and today I started to feel very overwhelmed by all these upcoming plans I have that I decided I needed to write them down on my email calender. We are in the process of interviewing labor doulas and I am watching my 8 month old niece over night next weekend, have a hair appt and then maternity photos the weekend after and then drs appointment and two babyshowers within the first few weeks of feb and birthing classes for the next 3 thursdays. Doesnt like much but Im used to just working and coming home and occasionally doing something last minute on the weekend. ;-)
Hey all,
Just wanted to let you know that I'm over 20lbs up since getting pregnant, almost 30lbs... and I'm not worrying.... it is what it is ya know? what do they say, we should be putting on at least a pound a week for the 3rd Tri?.... :)
One thing for those of you who are considering Bf'ing - you'll burn at least 1000 calories a day just Bf'ing and producing milk... def' helps the weight come off!... (with my first I gained way over 40lb's... took me 9 months - but it came back off and stayed off)...

On another note, my little boy isnt doing too well atm - teething his back molars which means very irritable at night, no sleep and just cries in his sleep (doesnt eat either)... needless to say after 3 days of this, I'm exhausted! hopefully the molar breaks through and I'll be back to normal next week... heres hoping! ... DH is away for the week too so I'm a single mum :)

Never rains but it pours hey ladies?

Oh.. and yes, I had the not moving for a while thing - really freaked me out!.. but ironically, I found that the baby reacts atm to hot drinks - but not to cold... so I just have a hot choc and she's soon bouncing around the place lol

Take care,

Hi all! I've not been on here for a while- glad to hear you're all doing well!
We've picked our nursery furniture and are starting to get things together. Here's a link to what we've picked...

Just the cotbed, the changer, the wardrobe, and the free nursing chair and foot stool! For those in the US it works out to be about $1,691.
I dont think thats too bad is it? Hope youre all well ladies xx
missangie - sounds like you are going to be very busy and these next 11 weeks will fly by for you. Our social calendar is usually pretty slow around this time of year so our weekends are mostly free. I have to schedule my maternity pictures at some point but I want them to be after my shower (which I don't know when that is) so that the nursery is completely decorated.

purpleish - I am trying to maintain that mentality too about my weight. My Dr isn't worried about it so I am trying not to either. Plus between breastfeeding and hopefully starting to run again it should come of fairly quickly. Not sure what I am going to do for clothes for work with going back at 6 weeks - I don't think I will fit into my old pants yet. Hope you little boy feels better soon!! I have heard how cranky they can be when they are teething. That's awesome that you have found a trick to get her moving again. I haven't found one yet!

babyvs_2012 - I love the nursery furniture!! It is adorable. When does it come?

We went and looked at daycares yesterday and picked one. It was slightly challenging to find a place to take her only 2 days a week with the flexibility of adding an extra day once in a while but we found a place we really liked. We also met with a pediatrician we liked last week so things are starting to come together!

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