If you've continued to have positive pregnancy tests at home, you are most definitely pregnant, that much is guaranteed. Tomorrow, there a few things that may or may not happen at the doctor's. The doctor MAY:
-Ask you for a urine sample.
-Ask you for a blood sample.
-Ask you a series of questions about your LMP (last monthly period)...it helps if you know the first date of your last period, as they use that information to check how far along you actually are.
-Take your weight, health history, etc.
-Possibly perform a pelvic exam.
-Possibly perform either a transvaginal ultrasound (if you're about 9/10 weeks along or less), or an abdominal ultrasound, and compare how the baby is visually measuring to your LMP date, and if you're far enough along you may see a heartbeat, also.
-Discuss folic acid and/or prenatal vitamins, lifestyle choices, diet, etc.
-You may want to ask about resources in your community, such as WIC, Medicaid, programs for pregnant teen moms, adoption resources, etc. Let your doctor know you've been on the fence about what to do...whether it would be best to either raise the baby, or give him/her up for adoption. Let them know you need to know what your options are, & if there is someone on staff you could discuss and share your feelings about.
Good luck! Hopefully all is well w/you and the baby, and that tomorrow brings you some answers and clarity.