Provera and Clomid buddies?

Well It may well be! From what I have read cd 17 is fairly common! Keep bd'ing :sex:! I guess I'll just have to wait it out! It's just bugging me I have felt different! O well keep me posted on how your doing!
ladies in the house? where are you? someone say something. Am cd19, stopped opk testing on cd17 cos was not getting a positive but by pm cd17 and yesterday i was close to being parallyzed by a periodlike cramp. my whole pelvis was twisting both sides.If i was not about 10yads away from period i would swear it was ma period. and ive not had such cramp in years. Despite all, am still hopeful, i still feel this month is it, i can almost swear but i have no idea where i get the feeling from.

Has anyone had a negative opk and still went on to get pregnant? Is it possible? I am on pregnacare "for women trying to conceive" and also folic acid daily. could that affect the opk result?
Hey girls, I'm still here!!! How is everyone? I'm away to catch up on the thread x
I'm still here!!! Just waiting, so not much to report lately! :)

doshima - Could be ov cramps, last cycle (my first on clomid) I had such sharp pains/cramps for about an hour it hurt to stand up and walk around!! I know there are some girls who opks don't wory for, for whatever reason, and have ovulated without seeing a positive. So it can happen!
Hi, still recovering and playing the waiting game for AF to show up. So not a lot to report right now, off work until Thursday which is great! X
Still feel a bit tender but up and about now, went out yesterday and today. Not up for BDing just yet though, still hurts if I move around too much if you know what I mean.

What cd are you on? Sorry if you already said earlier in post. X
Sounds like you are on the mend, I hope you are back to your normal self soon, I am cd26 sunday, but only ov around cd19/20 so still another week and a bit to wait and time feels like its draaaaaging by, I know we have done everything possible so fingers crossed x
I'm still here!!! Just waiting, so not much to report lately! :)

doshima - Could be ov cramps, last cycle (my first on clomid) I had such sharp pains/cramps for about an hour it hurt to stand up and walk around!! I know there are some girls who opks don't wory for, for whatever reason, and have ovulated without seeing a positive. So it can happen!

Thanks lisa92881, i hope mine happens that way too. yes my was exactly like that. i could not stand witout excruciating pain. stand up from a sitting position was like a nightmare. ok, keeping fingers crossed. baby dust to everyone.
Lily ill be testing in about a week as well although I'm not quite sure when I ovulated/or if I did. If this isn't the month I am going to talk to my doctor about monitoring my ovulation because i had a heck of a time with opk's. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Doshima sounds promising you prob just missed your surge!
Thanks Lucy, good luck to you too! I do get monitored and am still not sure that I def did ov :( My head is all over the place x
Hi everyone... Im wondering if you know forsure if taking provera in very early pregnancy conception stages could hsrm the baby. I actually waited 12 days without intercourse and had an accident took a test two days later n it was negative n started the provera.... So i started wed 18th tonight would be my fifth dose and the 7th day sinceunprotected sex and i know its to early to test and. Im worried and dont know what to do.
My background... Started irregular period. N oct 09 early natural miscarriage feb 10 no period then several positive test n aprill..followed by negative and no bleedingwhatsoever and I actually. Had got n a fight n whooped one of my exs butts on june 19 and i just felt super good that day like a weight was lifted off my shoulders decided to buy some opks because we have been having unprotected sex for 3 years reguularly with noo baby. So i had gotten pos opk that day we had sex 2 days prior then the 19th.. then like every other day... But i had a 20 pack ofopks and i was still taking 2 a day and had gotten positives til like the 28th of june with massively sore nipples... July 1st craving everything weird from subway went a bought a 1$ test i swore the faintest line the same thing followed on the. Second and thirdthen the fourth i went n got an apt digital and a frer.... Immedi.comte. 2 pink lines n i thhought uhh ya rite this is prolly like before then pregnant showed up it was so awesome.... Ok so weird... No period. Then i guess i ovulated n got preg... So i had a beaustiful babygirl on feb 28 after being induced from preeclampsia and diabetes...sucked...but shes very healthy despite her being n the nic u for a month att birth. So i excelusively breastfed until september...sevenmonths... But the laast. Period i had was june 22... Ive been stressed.. and still havent had a period so i went to doc she said. Wait two weeks take a test. Then start provera..then clomid to either make me ovulate and regulate my cycles or so we can try for another baby which is definetly what we want. well i waited twelve days and had sex and hubby pulled out .. but of course they say theres achance.... Then two days following neg hpt n started. Prover tonight should be my fifth dose of the ten mg... Ive had cramping.. more energy at times.. been n better mood at times and some breast tenderness along with decrease in cervical mucus... Since i had the baby. Ive had globs of clear or yellow tinged non odor cervical mucus but the provera seemed to decrease it... Also i meant to mention in 09 and feb 10 i. Had an mri which showed alot of cysts on my ovaries and free fluid in. Hip suggestting ruptured cyst, and the last period before the feb 10 miscarriage was in 09 n super heavy clotts n painful.......ok sorry ifthis. Is confusing and iim typing on my small phone.. so its hard to go bak and edit would appreciate any thoughts
So i know its way to early for any preg symptoms. Since its been seven days since sex n def too early for a test but does anyone have experience withprovera and pregnancy since there is a chance... I dont know if i should take my dose tonight ive been very worried any researching the internet all day.... Plz help
Hopingforababy I wish I could help you but I'm not too sure....I would call your doctor and see what they say!

On another depressing note I just took my first pregnancy test cd25 this cycle and bfn! I had a feeling this wasn't my month as I'm not even sure I ovulated. Just really bummed out as it was my first month on clomid and dreamed I would be one of the lucky ones. I'm really wondering if this will ever happen for me. Sorry to be such a downer! I hope some of you ladies are doing better than I? Whats going on what cd are you guys?
Lucy, dont get disheartened, its still early, I am cd28 today but I only ov around cd19/20 so not due af until roughly 30th/31st. Not feeling very confident though :(
Thank you lily that means a lot. I know you understand. It is still early I have just felt out this whole cycle for some reason. Well I guess because I had zero clomid side effects, absolutely no ov pain and my opks were so crazy I couldn't read them. I mean I had a week of possitive tests with the reg tests and at the same exact time all the digitals were negative except cd 9 and 10. I'm not to sure ill be investing anymore in these things.
I will say a prayer for you tonight. I hope this happens soon for you.....keep me posted! How are you feeling?
Thank you Lucy, I am feeling ok, I tested this morning (9dpo) Why???? I dont know!! It was bfn of course, not that I expected anything else.

Lucy, dont know if I've asked you before but do you have pcos? I do and my opk's always go like that, I hate it!

Maybe you could ask your doc for monitoring next cycle if you dont get your bfp this time?

Of course I wish that you get your bfp this time and there is no next cycle. x
Well my doctor doesnt seem to think so but I am beginning to really question it. What further tests can be done to find out for sure? If I do get af i am going to ask to be monitored next time. When she prescribed it tome she said were going to do three months of 50 mg and if that doesn't do it go up to 100. But I feel it's silly if I have no monitoring....I've been considering looking for a new ob.

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