I had an ultra sound that they told me came back clear and fine.....who knows? Is it possible to have it and not show up on ultra sound?
Thank you I will ask to be monitored.
Hi, my OPK today was a lot darker, not quite a positive but going in the right direction, really hope it's OV!
How is everyone? X
Hey ladies. Havn't been here in quite awhile. But I've been reading up on you guys Still cheering for you all!
Hey girls sorry I am asking so many questions but I am new to clomid so anyone with more experience/ knowledge is greatly appreciated! So I was just in the washroom and I had some brown spotting and I am starting to feel crampy. I am cd 28 and my cycles are all over the place. Does this seem normal to have such a short cycle on clomid? Do you think that means I ovulated?
Hey ladies. Havn't been here in quite awhile. But I've been reading up on you guys Still cheering for you all!