Wow! That was super quick. So glad you didn't have to ttc long.
Well at the moment I am ntnp but we'd be really happy to get a bfp. We're just trying to keep it relaxed after last time. It's hard though to not get swept back into it all though. I just want to ttc like mad.

We've both lost a lot of weight so we're both healthier this time which should help a little hopefully. I'm just seeing what my cycles are like at the moment. M feeds at least once a day so I'm half expecting a short lp but we'll have to wait and see. So jealous!!!
I went to the glen 2-3 months ago for the first time in sooo long to get M his first pair of shoes from Clarks. To be honest after the faff and driving there we didn't save that much but our clarks is now only downstairs for kids with no lift so you have to leave your pushchair and stuff upstairs which is not great so I refuse to go.

Just bought a foot measurer from them online though so I might just scrap that all and order online.

Have you been there recently?
How's your little man? xxx