Ready for round two... Bring it!!!

Thanks ladies, this is not an easy road, so nice to have such a supportive group! So the next step for us is a higher dose of clomid (100mg) and injectibles. Starting the clomid tomorrow and then will find out more about the injectibles at my next scan on the 4th of July. FX it works, if not we are onto IVF it sounds like.

How is your IVF cycle going Bepaisley, I might need your expertise next month!
How is everyone else doing?
Harvest hope the injectables work for you! I never even tried with injectables because I was so frustrated with it all and worried about cycts etc. I kinda wish I tried that first but oh well jumping in!! I start my first injections tomorrow, have a scan in the morning then injectables class in the afternoon and I'll be starting at night. I hope you don't have to go the IVF route but if u do ask me any questions!!
Harvest hope the injectables work for you! I never even tried with injectables because I was so frustrated with it all and worried about cycts etc. I kinda wish I tried that first but oh well jumping in!! I start my first injections tomorrow, have a scan in the morning then injectables class in the afternoon and I'll be starting at night. I hope you don't have to go the IVF route but if u do ask me any questions!!

Hope it goes well for you tomorrow, GL! Did you have a laparoscope before you started IVF?
Yes I actually had one before I started my IUI, all part of the diagnostic testing I guess. Have you had one yet? I was kind of annoyed he pushed for one so early but I was glad to have all the tests out of the way and not have that "what if" uncertainty!
Just wishing you luck - you start injections tomorrow? Crazy! How long were you on BCPs? Harvest, I hope your IUI with clomid/injectables works and that you don't have to go down the IVF route. However, if you do, you will be fine. I found the waiting the hardest part. Once you start injections - it flies because they are monitoring you so closely and you feel like you are getting one step closer every single day. I think one of the hardest parts was being on BCPs the month before and just waiting around doing nothing...

Good luck!!
Kaylakin I start Lupron tomorrow and continue the Bcp till i think 7/2, so haven't started stimming yet. Glad to hear it wasn't too hard for u! How many embryos r u going to transfer. It's a long process hope and pray u get ur BFP at the end of it!
Ahh, ok..great! I'm glad you're getting the ball rolling and starting the Lupron. I did the antagonist protocol so no Lupron for me. I did BCPs for 3 1/2 weeks then stopped for a few days and started stimming. I transferred 2 embryos on day 3. They were both excellent quality and 8 cells each. I'm now 5 days post transfer and I have a beta next week. We ended up having 5 good/excellent quality embryos to freeze as well. Time really did fly once I started stims. It is a long process, especially since January I've been going back to back months without a break. I had IUIs in Jan, Feb, March, and April, then May I started BCPs for IVF. June I had the ER and ET. However, I think it would be harder taking time off in between rather than just plugging along.
When do you start stims? How many embryos are you planning to transfer? I think the hardest part of the whole process is the waiting, and the anticipation of the unknown.
Ohh I'm not sure why I'm on another protocol, I guess it depends on ur diagnosis...omg ur so close to finding out, exciting!! I plan on transferring two also because i want to maximize my chances as much as possible since it might be my only shot for awhile. I'm like u also in that I just don't want to take any breaks unless it's forced. So I'm still starting Lupron tonight but at the ultrasound this morning he saw a cyst on the right side :( so might delay things he's hoping Lupron and bcp will shrink it before any delays though. I am supp to start stimming on 7/10. Do u have a journal? I wanna keep up with u! Did u have any side effects from stimming? How many total eggs did they retrieve, any tips?? I know to drink lots of water!
Yeah, I'm not sure about the protocols. It depends on the situation. I have unexplained infertility. How big was the cyst he saw? The BCPs should def help that out, though! Hopefully that will not delay things for you. If you start stims on 7/10, that should def give you time for the cyst to shrink!
I don't have a journal, no. I have a ticker, and that's about it. LOL. Do you have a journal? I don't see a link in your signature so I'm assuming no?
As far as side effects, I really did not have any from stimming. I felt generally a little more bloated, but I thought that I would be wayy more uncomfortable than I actually was. I didn't have any headaches either, and I wasn't drinking more water than I usually do. I noticed a difference once I did the trigger shot, and I felt a lot more bloated and more crampy, with more twinges, etc. One of the things I was most worried about beforehand was overstimulating and how I would feel on stims. Well, I really did not feel too badly on the stims, and as far as overstimulating, my clinic was very on top of it. I went in for scans on days 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of stimming. I triggered the 10th day after beginning stims. So, they were able to adjust the dose and monitor very closely just in case there was an issue.
They ended up retrieving 11 eggs total. 9 were good/mature eggs, and 7 fertilized. Of those 7, ALL 7 were still there and doing well on day 3. That was a surprise. I was initially wanting more eggs retrieved, although I know 11 is a good number. But, I know it's a numbers game and that I would lose more along the way. However, when people say "quality over quantity" it really is true. I ended up having 5 to freeze and 2 put back, so 11 was fine. The quality of the eggs/embryos is what ultimately matters.
As far as tips, I would say, definitely go to each appointment (even scans) with any questions that you may have along the way. Also, make sure that you talk with your doc about how many embryos you want to transfer so that you are both on the same page beforehand. Also, I was surprised that my embryos were frozen on day 3 instead of day 5. I just assumed they would be frozen on day 5. So, it was a shock yesterday when I found out that they were frozen on day 3. However, after a long conversation with my doctor, I felt reassured, and every decision he makes is based on statistics/literature. So, I would just make sure that you know all of that so that you are not blindsighted by anything.
As far as the ER, I was most nervous about this, but again it ended up being fine. I mean, I was in a bit of pain when I woke up, but pain is pain! It was nothing completely unbearable, and then I took some pain meds and felt better. The lead up to everything was the worst. Also, most people don't have much pain after ER. I just had some follicles that were more spread out on the left side, and he said it was hard to get through the wall on the left to get to my ovary. On the right, I felt nothing and was chatting away happily. I only felt it on the left. will likely be fine!
Now that I'm in the 2WW, which is really like an 11 day wait, it is tough not knowing what the embies are doing inside. It could be fine, or it could all be over. It is the not knowing that is the toughest. I would also say maybe to have things planned for the 2WW to help it pass more easily.
So, now that I've written a novel, I'll stop, haha! Just trying to give you a heads up on what to expect and that it is easier than you think..I also found it hard to balance work and this just because I have a physical job and I'm constantly interacting with people all day. I wish I had more of a desk job at times while going through all of this.
Ok, good luck!! Any questions just ask!
They didn't say how big the cyst was. I wanted to ask but thought it might bother me even more and figured I'll just go with the flow and see what happens without worrying too much since I can't do much about it at this point!
Thank you so much for your novel! Always is reassuring to hear from others going through the same thing! Im also not too nervous about these shots, I was at first but I guess I’ve gotten used to the idea, so hopefully its not too bad. They already have me scheduled for several appointments during stims also, I think every other day, so I guess my clinic is similar to yours. I don’t drink much water now, so starting today (day 1 of lupron) I will start doing that just in case. I don’t have a journal either, I guess I feel like its too much, with everything else you have to keep up with! I haven’t mentioned anything to my job yet, and am hoping I don’t have to, luckily I do have a desk job. I plan on taking the day off of ER and then the day off of ET, possibly the next day also. Did you take time off? I did discuss with my dr that I want two put back, which he is fine with, but also depends on how they are developing etc I guess, hopefully I HAVE two to put back! I’m thinking the 2ww is probably the worst of it all. You said you felt a bit on the left side during ER, but did they use anesthesia on you? I know mine is because I am paying for the meds and an anesthesiologist out of pocket, but I have heard that some clinics don’t. or is it that you did have anesthesia but still can feel a little?
Sorry for all the questions but you’re so helpful!! lol
I know what you mean about not asking. Sometimes I just don't ask because I know I will obsess over it. Also, I think it depends whether or not the cyst is hormone-producing or not.
That is good that your clinic plans to see you a lot during stims. I ended up going Monday through Saturday, every single day - it was crazy but I'm glad they were on top of things. I have heard of people having side effects with Lupron, but not having taken it, I can't speak personally - so that's good that you're upping your water consumption in preparation!
I agree about the journal - it is a lot to maintain. I write in my own journal (on the computer) but not on BnB, and it helps to just get the words out even if I'm the only one reading them.
As far as time off, my ER was on a Tuesday. So, I took off Tuesday and Wednesday. My transfer was that Friday, so I would have had to go back to work Thursday and been off again Friday. I decided to skip Thursday as well. I could have gone back if I had a less stressful/physical job, but I don't, so I took the whole time off. I also have this week off to give it every chance that I can to work. I know that if I went back to work and was running around and busy/stressed that I would think that it was something I did if it did not work out. So, that's that. Do you plan to take off time from work? My doc said strict bedrest was not recommend even after the transfer, but to "take it easy" with "books and movies" but no lifting over 15 pounds, no baths/swimming, etc. Everyone has a slightly different set of recommendations depending on their doctor.
Yes, I was the same as you..I was just hoping that we HAD two to put back. I was at the point that I was hoping for two to put back even if we had no frosties. Yeah, the 2WW is hard. I have off, but I've tried to keep myself busy. If you have a relatively calm job (physically-wise) then maybe passing time at work would be easier? I don't know - it is totally up to you.
Oh, about the ER - yes I did have anesthesia. I had propofol. It is considered "sedation" and not general anesthesia as I was not completely out. They said that I probably wouldn't remember anything but that I would be talking as if I would remember everything. They were partly right. I remember feeling "heavy" and then chatting as if I'd had maybe one too many drinks. It wasn't bad at all, and once they "bring you around" you are pretty alert. Are you having sedation or general anesthesia? I think a lot of places do the sedation, but I'm not sure. I did feel the pain on the left side, but I think this was because it was an extenuating circumstance. He had to poke the needle through twice on the left, and it was hard for him to do so; also, he said the follicles were spaced out and harder to get to, when usually they are closer together. If the left side had been like the right side, I would have been happily chatting away and not known anything. Also, once I said, "Ow, that really hurts" and the anesthesiologist gave me more anesthesia, saying, "Ok, I'm going to give you another glass of white wine."
I did remember a lot of what was said though, but it's like you don't really care at the time because you're doped up, if that makes any sense. I was mostly afraid of saying something stupid because I know the doctor and nurses fairly well at this point, but you remain yourself, just chattier, if that makes any sense, LOL.
What pain meds will they give you for after ER? Most people said that they were fine just taking tylenol. I had percocet prescribed and brought it with me, and I asked for "10 percocet" after the retrieval because of the pain. Having said that, the percocet helped the pain, and it was nothing that I could not tolerate. Even though I had pain, I would not be afraid to have the ER done again in a it was nothing to deter me or scar me from having it again, you know? The anticipation is the worst - when you're in the midst of it - it is very tolerable.
I hope that helped. I really hope you can get started with everything soon and that you're not delayed by the cyst. You're getting closer!
Yes, exactly, I obsess over everything. More so when I started my IF journey, I would look up side effects to everything and find all these success stories that got my hopes up, then negative stories that got my hopes down lol…I’ve learned not to read too much. Its always good to get advice but TRYING not to obsess over every little thing. I feel like if I had a journal I’d also be obsessing over it so once in a while I come on and get my thoughts/feelings out which is always helpful.
So far the lupron hasn’t been bad, although its only been one shot lol, so I’m thinking by the weekend some side effects might kick in. I’m fine with all that since I’m not supposed to be on it too long. The only problem is if the cysts doesn’t start to shrink then id have to stay on an extra week or two. Hopefully I can hold it together for my husbands sake lol, or actually I hope the cyst just goes away!
My job is a desk job so that’s why I haven’t really planned to take off. I am going to take the day off of the ER and then the day of the ET and probably the next day too just in case. I mostly sit at my desk, sometimes walk around the office, no heavy lifting. As long as im doing ok don’t plan to take off more time than that. I hate calling in but im gonna put my all into this and not jeopardize it. I remember you saying before you were worried about what to do with work so I’m glad you took off to give yourself peace of mind. I think my clinic does the same as yours, I wont be completely knocked out but they say I shouldn’t feel or remember anything. I’m usually pretty sensitive to anything that makes you kinda out of it (even Nyquil) so should be okay. When I started all my fertility tests I wouldn’t even sleep the day before tests after all my “research” and having put so much fear and anticipation in myself. Now I feel like im just ready to get it over with, but hopefully I’ll feel the same as I get closer to the time for ER and ET. I agree that I think the worst is going to just be the waiting. Lol, I hope I don’t say anything stupid during my ER also, I was really afraid of that after my lap also because I was under full anesthesia and waking up you are SO out of it. The nurse yesterday said everyone is different when it comes to ER, some are perfectly fine and go out to lunch. But since I’m young I may have more eggs, which might mean more pain, she didn’t tell me which pain meds they would give but said that if I feel any pain they will prescribe something cuz they want us to be comfortable. Maybe she said valium? I’m not sure though…I still have some pain meds from my surgery also but hopefully I don’t need them. Were you pretty much ok after a day? Like if you had a relaxing job you could go back to work? Also did you gain weight or become very bloated during this process? I have PCOS and have SUCH a hard time losing weight so im trying to keep off as much as possible while I can, I also heard the success rates are better if I have a lower BMI going into it. So I’m not trying to be shallow, and if I am gonna gain I am gonna gain, but just curious. Thinking I’ll try to be very healthy while on lupron to hopefully even out and keep the BMI low. Ahh getting excited, cant stand the waiting!
Yes I actually had one before I started my IUI, all part of the diagnostic testing I guess. Have you had one yet? I was kind of annoyed he pushed for one so early but I was glad to have all the tests out of the way and not have that "what if" uncertainty!

I haven't had a lap but I did have an interesting conversation with my Dr on the phone yesterday. He said that usually IUI won't work after 3 tries if it hasn't worked yet and while it is good we are trying a more aggresive cycle, he recommeds we do IVF. I asked him about a lap but he said that because all my tests look normal so far and there are no indications of endo, that I should just go straight ahead. Apparently they don't really like to do laps that often as they are really invasive. He did say though that we can either go straight ahead with the IVF or take a break first. If we take a break then he would do a lap. I don't know what to do I am so confused :dohh:
Well I had signs of endo so that's why they wanted to check. It really wasn't a bad surgery or recovery time, just more the fear of having anesthesia and a surgery. But if you have no signs I'd def skip it, we go through enough! So you're currently on ur 4th IUI then may move on to IVF? I hope this aggressive approach works for you but if not atleast you'll mentally start preparing for IVF. I was super scared at the thought at first but slowly just got used to the idea and now am just excited to start. My worst fear is it not working, I just can't even imagine a positive pregnancy test at this point and wonder if I'll ever see one :/ sigh
Well I had signs of endo so that's why they wanted to check. It really wasn't a bad surgery or recovery time, just more the fear of having anesthesia and a surgery. But if you have no signs I'd def skip it, we go through enough! So you're currently on ur 4th IUI then may move on to IVF? I hope this aggressive approach works for you but if not atleast you'll mentally start preparing for IVF. I was super scared at the thought at first but slowly just got used to the idea and now am just excited to start. My worst fear is it not working, I just can't even imagine a positive pregnancy test at this point and wonder if I'll ever see one :/ sigh

Thanks bepaisley, that makes me feel better! I am having trouble making up my mind on this one but am leaning towards no break. I feel the same as you, I am PETRIFIED of it not working! Especially since it would not be covered by inusurance, that would be one pricey BFN (as if it is not bad enough already!) I am really hoping that this is your month I am cheering for you! :happydance:
Thanks :)
The reason I didn't take a break is not only cuz I'm anxious to get pregnant, but also because sometimes ur forced to take a break. Like now that they see a cyst it may delay things, if I had taken a break and then found our this late if be super disappointed...but I def can't give advice on that because if u need a break def take it, u want to go in strong mentally and physically :)
Hey Bepaisley,
Yeah, they will def prescribe something so you are not uncomfortable. Also, right before they started the ER, the anesthesiologist told me he was putting a pain killer in through the IV, so that is good. As far as after the ER, yes, I was pretty much okay after a day physically. I had switched over to tylenol and I was okay getting around, but still kind of bloated and it hurt when I peed, but nothing unbearable. I think you would be fine going right back to work after a day or so. I haven't weighed myself at all during this process. I feel generally bloated and I don't want to know the numbers, lol. A few days after the transfer it felt a little better, but the thing is I'm on the progesterone so I think that contributes a lot to it. I also feel gross because I've been taking it easy and not as active as I normally am. I don't think it is noticeable to other people, but I notice the bloating and I just "feel" bloated too if that makes sense. I figure if it is a BFP, I won't care, and if it is BFN, I'll just work my butt off to feel better. I'm normally not overweight at all, but I just feel gross because I haven't been doing anything.
So have you heard anything else about the cyst? I hope the Lupron and BCPs help to shrink it! I remember I had one that was 3cmx4cm going into my IVF cycle, but it was gone after 2 1/2 weeks of BCP. I hope the same is for you with more time on the meds. How are you feeling on the Lupron so far? Are you injecting yourself or does your husband help out?
I've found the 2WW so much harder than I thought it would be. I thought that it would be hard, but I didn't imagine how emotional I would be. It is so much harder than with any of my IUIs. I thought I would feel like everything was done, and what would happen, would happen - there's nothing I can do. I do feel like that, but I also am getting closer to finding out the result, and I don't know what I'm going to do if it is negative. This was my fear even before doing IVF, and I know you were mentioning this as a fear as well. I mean, I know I will go on and continue, but I feel like if it didn't work this time with great embryos, why would it work another time? I know there is so much they don't know about the implantation process and why it does/doesn't work. I'm just hoping for good results and I'll take it from there...
Another BFN for me. Will be moving on to injectibles next. I have a gut feeling I will end up with IVF too though :nope:
Another BFN for me. Will be moving on to injectibles next. I have a gut feeling I will end up with IVF too though :nope:

Sorry Mrs Bear! That sucks big time. FX the injectibles work for you. I am starting mine tonight, I am a little nrevous! I was on 100mg of clomid and now am starting 75 IUs of repronex for 2 days. So far 7 follies all around 10mm. Hoping that having >1 does the trick as I have only ever had one. I am actually feeling a little optimistic for a change :)
Sorry Mrs bear, I know it sounds bad but try not to get too down about this because the chances are low to begin with. Maybe with a fresh IUI cycle or IVF you'll have better luck. I know how u feel though :(
I was so scared of the injections, the first i gave all on my own and it was totally fine, just that the Lupron is refrigerated so kinda felt cold going in. The second day while I was pushing the liquid in it seemed to get stuck and stopped moving which freaked me out and my husband pushed it in with a more steady hand. Now I put the needle in and he pushes in the liquid, it's not bad at all, so far anyways. Kaylakin, I was dreading Lupron but till today had no side effects except that I get hot more easily, and fall asleep soon after taking it. Today I was super tired though, woke up late and took a three hour nap during the day which I'm guessing is a side effect cuz I never nap. I hope that's the worst cuz I've heard of terrible side effects. Haven't gotten an update on the cyst, I wont till Friday, that's my next appt and then supp to start stimming on the 10th. I hope hope it shrunk! Kayla-r u doing the progesterone in oil shots? Heard those r bad too.
I see ur ticker, have u tested yet?! I'm so anxious for u!! Harvest how'd your shot go?? Hopefully u did ok and it's ur last step to getting pregnant!

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