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Ready for that BFP again! Talk, vent, cry, share your experience!

Soanxious, I think if it was chemical the line would be gone or fading right? I'm so hopeful for you!!
Good morning ladies,

How is everyone?

Soanixous - I know I am late but CONGRATS:happydance::yipee:!!!! Your lines look great honey!! I think this is your cycle.:hugs:
Thanks girls.. im praying this little one stays where it is for another 8 months.. im 4 weeks today xx

Brighteyze how are you doing hun? looking forward to the cruise? and they cruise baby? ;) x
Ah I see it, it still looks good huni!!

Gee I feel shithouse tonight, I'm tired got a shocking annoying headache and my lower belly feels wierd... It's not cramps but more like stretching... Just uncomfortable... Cm is thick white and creamy I sure do hope that I get a good result this test!!

How you doing cutie??

How am I doing? Bored! The TWW sucks lol. Hubby and I have been spending a lot of time with our flowers and watching nba basketball. I'm super hopeful for this cycle and hope it doesn't let me down! My boobs aren't sore yet and they always get sore after O. Not sure what it means (if anything) but I'm obviously ready to symptom spot lol

Ah yes, I've got a week to go or just over! Shit!!! Wanna test now lol hmmm well what would we do for 12 days outta 14 if we couldnt symptom spot???
I actually think that if I do not get a BFP this cycle I could very easily become a POAS addict... Starting with opks... It'll help the time pass, such a shame they are so expensive though lol I'll may have to look at taking out a loan to feed my up and coming habit!

I hope you spot some good signs soon, I'll be waiting to spot your symptom spotting posts :rofl:
Yes and yet so sad at the same time, no wonder us women go bonkers!! Look what we do to ourselves.... Pee on sticks, obsess over lines we need a microscope for, hang out in the tww corner seeing if we get sore boobs.... Oh and talk about cervical mucus!
Hahahaha :rofl: it's bloody hilarious!! What a fantastic dinner party topic with the new in laws!!!!!
So glad we have each other :) lol
Yes and yet so sad at the same time, no wonder us women go bonkers!! Look what we do to ourselves.... Pee on sticks, obsess over lines we need a microscope for, hang out in the tww corner seeing if we get sore boobs.... Oh and talk about cervical mucus!
Hahahaha :rofl: it's bloody hilarious!! What a fantastic dinner party topic with the new in laws!!!!!
So glad we have each other :) lol

Some women take vaginal temps.. and spit on microscopes to investigate saliva, or the OH wakes up feeling horny and turn to us with thermometer in mouths and checking vagina for CM.. No wonder some men dread that time of the cycle.. not very sexy looking haha!
Ah yes I forgot about the ferning saliva!! Thermometer out of mouth is our way of saying we still put things in there! Lol haha just a picture of sexuality at it's best!! Effin lol
Soanxious - I am hanging trying not to be disappointed. So been focusing on the cruise. I am excited and hopefully it is a cruise baby. If not this month I think I am going to take a break for the summer and start trying again in the fall. It is just to emotional for me right now. But I am ok right now. How are you feeling?

BM and Soanxious - too funny I guess it's not sexy at all. LOL:haha::rofl: poor men!!!
Oh yes poor men!! But if we could do all that and make it sexy well that would be amazing.... This calls for a title of new thread called putting the sexy back in 'O'... Haha imagine the posts on that??? Would be a cracker thread but not one for the prudes lol
That would be an hilarious thread.. start one up BM ;)!!!! the funny things that happen when ttc and tww ;) x

Brighteyze I hope that this time is your time.. and maybe you will be so relaxed on holiday that you will forget and bam... pregnant! :D X

Im feeling ok ish xx im falling asleep actually.. its 5.20pm and im nodding off xx
I will, it'll be priceless!!
Brighteyez: I hope you have a great time huni!

Anyway lovely ladies it's 2:24am here in the land down under so I'm goin to try and get some sleep but I'm not really tired :/.. Gotta teach my kiddies and other fun stuff so better get some shut eye.

I will start that thread in the morning at some stage... It's gunna be a ripper! Lol
Good night ladies xo
Excellent BM I look forward to it!!! something to cheer us all up I think is much much needed!!

sleep well... if you can't get to sleep count kangaroo's we count sheep in Wales.. LOL x
Congratulations Soanxious, fingers crossed it's a sticky bean snuggling in!

Bright eyes, good luck with the cruise baby, hoping you get your BFP!

Fingers crossed for you other lovely ladies that you get your BFP's very soon, bring on the poas and those beautiful lines!!! Xx
Thank you smiler... im praying it is.. hopefully its just a slittle shy showing me signs and hcg xx
Ladies the thread is up, funny things we do when TTC & TWW

Once going I'm sure that those who need cheering up will be able to enjoy the lighter side of what we put ourselves and partners through in a cycle...

How are you lovely ladies this beautiful day?
Hmm.. It's 11:45pm here, starting to cool down a little now, waiting on winter to come..
We are waiting for summer to come... 2.45pm here and 20c.. gardening weather.. :D x

Where is the link can you put a link up? if not will try to find it...

Hope you have had a nice day!! :D
Just checking to see how U R Soanxious ??!?? :hi:

AFM BFN this am my temp went up yesterday I got :sick: after dinner but temps down again and BFN!! :shrug:
I don't know how to put a link in.. HELP!!! Haha useless I tell ya, useless lol

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