Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

hi babytots and everyone, im doin ok just bit shell shocked at min and going through a natural MC as well as the methotrexate symptoms (cant stop farting!)

We have our chromosomal testing next Friday both hubbs and I so step 1 under way. Glad I now got three months rest !
Hi ladies,

Seemingly not a good month for our RMC thread - sad times.

I had a positive pregnancy test a week ago, but it was really faint, got darker in the middle of last week, but had no symptoms and was really faint again yesterday and today, could hardly see a second line. Think it must be a chemical pregnancy, had one once before, but this time with bleeding delayed 'cos am on progesterone, so (without consulting the doctors, as can't get through and just can't face the sodding EPU again!) have stopped taking it and am hoping AF will arrive. If not here in a few days guess will have to go to the EPU, urgh. Feeling sad, and also scared for the future - is this always what's going to happen, and if the progesterone doesn't work, is that it in terms of treatment options?

This website is helping me a lot this year. I really appreciate keeping in touch with you all.

Laura - sorry that you've had another loss, was really hoping this time would work out well for both of us. Hope that you are taking it easy.

Fluffyblue - have replied to your other thread, and am so sorry, what a head-f*** if you don't mind the bad language. Hope that you get good treatment and not too much pain. Not surprised that you need a break - best wishes for next spring.

Widger - glad that you finally got to see the doctor - how stressful having to wait so long - and hope that the scan goes well. Also hope that you're well and not feeling too sick!

Tansey - wow, you have a lot of health stuff going on, hope that the treatment for the infection works and that your upcoming appointment is helpful.

Best wishes to all of you.
Hi ladies
I am really sorry to ask you this question and hope you won't mind. I am having my first MMC at the mo. I am 10+4 but baby measured 5-6 weeks. I am scared of having an ERPC and am hoping my body will pass it naturally. I haven't had much blood or cramps at all. I wanted to ask whether you think it is true that the longer you leave it, the more painful a natural MC is?
Hey sk1000. So sorry for your loss. I know what you're going through as I had a mmc in Feb at 10w 5d. I went for the ERPC as I couldn't deal with the thought of waiting for my body to pass it naturally. I'm sorry I can't be anymore help, but I didn't want to read and run. :hugs: :hugs: xx
Hi ladies
I am really sorry to ask you this question and hope you won't mind. I am having my first MMC at the mo. I am 10+4 but baby measured 5-6 weeks. I am scared of having an ERPC and am hoping my body will pass it naturally. I haven't had much blood or cramps at all. I wanted to ask whether you think it is true that the longer you leave it, the more painful a natural MC is?

I haven't heard that - only that the longer you wait, the more risk there is of infection or complications. But I seem to be the only one whose doctor said not to wait more than 5 weeks; the norm seems to be 3 to 6 weeks for it to pass.
Thank you for your responses. Well, I suppose I am coing up to 6 weeks since baby died. I won't leave it longer than the weekend I think.
Hi ladies
I am really sorry to ask you this question and hope you won't mind. I am having my first MMC at the mo. I am 10+4 but baby measured 5-6 weeks. I am scared of having an ERPC and am hoping my body will pass it naturally. I haven't had much blood or cramps at all. I wanted to ask whether you think it is true that the longer you leave it, the more painful a natural MC is?

Hi SK sorry you are here - I cant imagine it being more painful as baby hasnt grown anymore but as the others say you do risk infection, I have had 3 ERPC (D&C) before and would much rather have them xxxx
Hi all im reading the Miscarriage book by Lesley Regan of St Marys to get me through the next couple of week. I thought I knew it all but wow what i didnt know !

I am doing ok at the min seems uterine pregnancy has gone and now just waiting for ectopic to absorb. Feel like shite at min am so tired and desperately hoping my HCG levels decrease by Friday cause i dont want another injection x
Thought you guys might be interested in this article about a study done in the US on pregnancy after miscarriage. :hugs: xx
Hi ladies
I am really sorry to ask you this question and hope you won't mind. I am having my first MMC at the mo. I am 10+4 but baby measured 5-6 weeks. I am scared of having an ERPC and am hoping my body will pass it naturally. I haven't had much blood or cramps at all. I wanted to ask whether you think it is true that the longer you leave it, the more painful a natural MC is?

so sorry to hear your news hun. my first was a m/c at 8 weeks my 2nd a mmc at 9 weeks. i had a natural m/c with my first and opted for a erpc with my 2nd one as couldnt face going through the whole process of it naturally again.

i found it so much easier to deal with having the eprc but at the end of the day sweetie you have to do what is easiest for you. i hope whatever you decide it goes well for you hunni. x
Fluffy - I am so so sorry for your awful news. I really hope you get the care/answers that you deserve from now on. My testing didn't give me any 'results' as such apart from everything being clear but was still good to know.

Smiler13 - I'm sorry about your faint bfp... I really hope that this turns out well for you. I know that my lines were not dark for over a week and I got my bfp at 16dpo. If it is a chemical have you thought about getting tested for NKC? MrsJD is the expert on this. Thinking of you xx

Babytots - :hugs:

As for me I have good news for once with my scan. I can't actually believe it. The only part that kept me going over this awful time TTC is the fact that after all my heartbreak, I always knew that there was going to be that first baby for me that would stick at some point. The fear will never leave, but at least I have got to a point that I've never reached before xxx
fulffyblue how are you doing now sweetie been thinking of you. good luck with the chromosomal testing i hope it doesnt take too long for the results to come back. glad you are fining lesley regans book helpful a friend of mine sent me her copy and i got alot of useful info from it.

smiler i am so sorry to hear you are having a chemical :( :hugs: coming your way. i hope af shows soon now you have stopped the progesterone downside i guess to using it as it can delay af coming :(

peach- how are you doing hunni? thanks for the link its a scary thought eh?! i am in the same boat as you have had 3 m/c all tests come back normal and now there is a 58% change according to that article that i will have a live birth and and 42% chance i will have a loss again. that sucks!!! my consultant said theres a 75% chance i will have a succesful pregnancy. its all so confuddling!!! x
Thanks Widger and fantastic news well done am so pleased some good news xxx

Babytots - im ok just hoping the HCG levels decrease on Fri as dont want another shot !. Been talking to hubby and think we gonna get a private appointment for a sperm analysis its 250 at one of the midlands clinics. Referal has gone off to Heartlands and St Marys and also get to speak to consultant again on Friday. Am feeling quite patient to be honest about the TTC lark just feeling relaxed I think xx
Hi all still awaiting HCG results but got more info today. DId Chromo tests today and more clotting tests but last clotting tests are normal

On another note I am to stay with both a FS and the RMC clinic so double trouble !
hi: Hi all

I had my third mmc on Sunday :cry: I had my first in sept 08 resulting in an erpc, then the next one in feb 09 resulting in 2 erpcs because I got an infection following retained products and this time I opted for medical management to avoid an erpc but it went horribly wrong and I lost a horrendous amount of blood, collapsed and had an erpc anyway. Feel thoroughly low and anaemic! Dont know where to go from here- dont know if I can cope with any more- so glad I found this thread- thought I was the only one.

Would love to know how people have the strength to carry on xxxx

hi: Hi all

I had my third mmc on Sunday :cry: I had my first in sept 08 resulting in an erpc, then the next one in feb 09 resulting in 2 erpcs because I got an infection following retained products and this time I opted for medical management to avoid an erpc but it went horribly wrong and I lost a horrendous amount of blood, collapsed and had an erpc anyway. Feel thoroughly low and anaemic! Dont know where to go from here- dont know if I can cope with any more- so glad I found this thread- thought I was the only one.

Would love to know how people have the strength to carry on xxxx


Hi hunni so sorry your having such a dreadful time all that on top of losing your baby xxx

If you are having mmc's sounds like a hormone problem. Your GP should refer you straight away I would go to him and demand you get an appointment to a consultant.

My nurse thinks this is my problem it appears I can get pregnant but cant maintain it but they wont treat me with anything till I have a confirmed intrauterine pregnancy !!.

You do learn to get the strength from somewhere but having a break from TTC does do you the world of good. I know all you want to do is replace the loss as soon as possible and many people on the MC thread will tell you your world becomes consumed with trying again and it causes strain everywhere, it did for me on my marriage.

I have now lost 5 babies and am going through my Ectopic right now which was a complete accident. Ive had 8 pregnancies now and the nurse put it in a nutshell for me today if you consider 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, ive had two live births ! Two out of 8 !!!

Please try and rest and relax a little bit and try and seek the help you need. This is a good thread and some of the ladies on this thread are now in the first trimester and doing really well with their pregnancies so this fills me with confidence and the will to wait and try again when I get better. :hugs::hugs:
Thanks for replie fluffyblue,

So sorry for what your going through too! Does the ectopic mean you will lose your tube?! :hugs:

They sent off pregnancy tissue for testing this time and we are going back for chromosomal tests etc in December because we asked for them. I totally agree about taking a break but also am almost 39 so I can hear my clock ticking! And it took 6months to get pregnant this time despite obsessive charting etc so I may not have much choice. TBH the thought of going through this again fills me with horror. Hoping we get an answer so we can make an informed choice on whether to try again or not.

Moonmama. So sorry for you losses. :hugs: The ladies on this thread and also in Team Angels have been a constant source of support and strength for me which has helped me through. Just knowing that there are other people out there in the same boat as you makes things easier straight away. :hugs:

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