Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Nina your mcs sound really similiar to mine...I agree with ROund2. Progestrone. I also was on B6 and 81mg of Baby aspirin. I am now 19 weeks pregnant after 3 early losses in the past year and my dr put on Progestrone at 10dpo when I got my bfp and it worked. Please have it checked hun they can do a cd 21 to test it.
:cry:Sorry ladies, but this is going to be a bit of a rant. Ok some of you may know my history but briefly, I have had 2 mc in 09 and one ectopic in march 10. I found out I was pregnant again 2wks ago Wednesday. I went to the doctor on Thu and informed him of my concerns and worries about having another ectopic, as I was spotting. He sent me for bloodwork. Then over that weekend, I get pain in my right side, dull achy pain. So on Monday my husband calls the doctor and explains that Im spotting and have an ache in my side. He refers me to the Triage unit at the hospital. I spend all of Monday at the Triage. I get 2 scans and more bloodwork. The doctor on call then tells me that my blood has gone from 400 to 700 but not to worry, it could be that because the blood was tested in different labs, that could explain why the numbers arent doubling. But the most important thing was that my tube was clear and that there was a 3 mm something in my womb. So they ruled out an ectopic. And I should go home and stop worrying.
I still wasnt convinced so took it upon myself to organise another blood test 3 days later. I got the results back yesterday and was called by my doctor. The levels had gone from 700 - 1000. So still not doubling as they should. I had had terrible cramps and pains the night before and was convinced I had already had the miscarriage. The doctor sent me back to the Triage unit anyway, where I had another scan. The tech said she could see some form of growth in my womb but it wasnt what it should be. I then sat in the Triage waiting room where I had to wait for roughly 3 hrs in a waiting room full of pregnant women thinking they had found some form of cancer or whatever. I was really fearing the worst. Then my doctor comes to speak to me and says there is a 2 cm growth in my right tube, he suspects another ectopic and I need the shot immediately. So I had the shot, and now he tells me I need to wait 6months before I can try again because of the swelling of my tube.
I cant believe it. I am so angry at the Triage. They should have followed me more closely and not ruled out an ectopic so easily. There is no guarantee this injection will work. I might need surgery to remove the tube and then I have no other choice but IVF. God I am so angry right now. Sorry for the long rant! I just needed to get it off my chest :cry:
Nina I am so sorry hun. That is awful and I pray they are able to save your tube. I will be praying for you.
Ninamama, I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through! :hugs: It's probably not much consolation, but can you make a formal complaint?
When do you find out whether you need surgery? xxx
They are checking my hcg levels again on monday and also wed. I should know for sure by wed. I was thinking about complaining too, especially since Im going to have to pay for all the tests that were done on mon and again on fri. I dont have insurance yet as we just moved to the States. If I need the surgery, then we are really screwed financially. We just cant afford it.
So sorry, Ninamama! Hopefully you will get sorted without surgery fxfxfxfxfx
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and I guess I'm just looking for advice and happy stories from people who have had similar problems.

My hubby and I have been TTC for over a year now, who would have ever guessed that it would be this difficult. I mean it is ironic; you spend half of your life trying not to get pregnant and then the rest of it trying!

Our first mc was a blighted ovum which we found about at 8 weeks, I miscarried naturally at 9 weeks. The second was at 4 and a half weeks, I had only just found out I was pregnant again. The third was a spontaneous mc at 5.5 weeks. The fourth time was a bit more interesting. I went away on holiday and I found out that I was pregnant again. When I came back, I was 7 weeks so I went for a scan. The sonographer saw a pregnancy sac which contained a yolk sac but no foetal pole, so we assumed the worst. By now I was getting bad pains in my left side, but because the sonographer had seen a pregnancy in my uterus my doctor wasn’t too worried. Three days later I collapsed and was rushed to hospital, soon to discover that I was bleeding internally from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Lucky me, I am one of the 1 in 20,000 to 30,000 females who have had a heterotopic pregnancy by natural conception. They removed my left fallopian tube which contained the ectopic pregnancy and I miscarried the second pregnancy sac two days later.

So here I am, 5 angels and 4 failed pregnancies later with only one fallopian tube and absolutely terrified to try again! My doctor is now finally going to carry out blood tests on me to see if they can find any reason behind the recurrent miscarriages.

I am wondering does anyone who has been in a remotely similar situation, have any advice, words of wisdom or any stories of success that they could share?
As we all know it is such a difficult thing to deal with and I am having such trouble staying positive. Especially since everyone I seem to know is currently expecting or already have children!

Thanks for reading x
Hello ladies and hello Peanut,

Thought you story was quite similar to mine although I've had the ectopic first. That was May of this year and had my right tube removed, since then I have gone on to have a blighted ovum discovered at 7+2 which was medically managed at the start of September and then a spontaneous miscarriage at 5 weeks last month.

Sorry to hear about all the heartache you have had - just doesn't seem fair does it!

Not sure what the next steps are for me really... Been to see a consultant who has said I can go for blood tests but if we are investigated then I can't ttc during that time. He also said it could just be bad luck and pregnancy no.4 could be absolutely fine. I've been fairly strong through all this and feel its worth giving ttc another shot to see if the next time it works out. If it doens't then that will be it for me and we'll go for the testing.

Happy to chat anytime - send me a PM if you fancy :)
Thanks Cupcake for your kind reply - your story is very simular to mine.
Good to hear that you've been keeping strong - that is important, although sometimes difficult!

I like you had the option of trying again or going for the tests, they told me that I had to be not pregnant for 3 months for the blood results to be accurate. I decided since its already been 5 weeks that I may as well go ahead with them as I only have another 7 weeks to wait. For once its nice not to be date counting for a bit!

Tell me - How do you PM on this site?!
Hm, this is confusing to me. What kind of blood tests mean you can't ttc?
I mean, do you have to take a break with everything and then get tested after three months? Why is this?
I was also wondering, I had to wait 6 weeks then I could be tested but have been told not to conceive until our follow up appointment which is about 5-6 weeks after the blood was taken for the tests so all in all it's nearly 3 months from miscarriage to diagnosis.

I hope everyone is doing ok, :hugs: to the new ladies. AFM am gearing up to try again this cycle as our follow up appointment might be around 6dpo so if there is something wrong with me, they can fix it. No point missing a cycle I feel.
I think you're totally right! No point in not trying while you're waiting for the bloods to come in. After all, most doctors still insist there is nothing wrong with us lol
Although, to be fair, my doctor was really nice. She took the chromosomal and hormone level bloods but said there was no need to hold back before seeing her again and here I am 5 weeks up the duff and holding my breath until I see her in two days time.
You're completely right Petitpas, I'm so convinced that the bloods will be normal and it's been "bad luck" (am starting to hate that phrase) that no harms can come from it.

Congratulations on your bfp I hope this is a sticky one for you :hugs:
hi all

im new to this thread but wanting some advice, i have currently just encountered two m/cs in a row, one in sept at 5 weeks 1 day the following 2 weeks ago at 5 weeks 1 day again!! i have no children but my hubby has two. So i feel the problem lies with myself. i have been referred to a gyny in january as i will be 35 and feel my clock is ticking fast, what am i to expect when i go to c him?? i am desperate to start trying again asap and dont know whether i should just wait until after my appt or not??? Help!!! i just want things to work out right and i wonder why it has happened both at 5wks1 day!!! :shrug:
Hi everyone, I just saw an ob last week for 2mc's and was told to contracept for 2 months until all testing is complete. It sucks to just have to wait and let Christmas go by without TTC. But I guess it's a blessing disguise because if something is wrong, maybe they can help me along before I coceive again. I suspect my progesterone may be low but pure speculation on my part and a hint from one of the nurses who looked at my charts. Good luck to all of you wonderful ladies!
hi mpepe

i know how you feel, i am so desperate to ttc again especially over the xmas period but feel it maybe in our best interests to wait until i have had my appointment its so frustrating isnt it!!! :sad2:

i hope i get some answers in january and have a good start to the new year. :shrug:
Hi Ladies,

I have just had my 3rd miscarriage 4 weeks ago. the medical management failed to work porperly and and 2 weeks ago I had to have an ERPC. I have taken a home preg test today and its very faint (2 days ago it was a bit darker) so Hcg is finally leaving me.

I have all my blood forms for testing (including karyotyping for me and my hubby) and about 3 different ones for me. I havent been told to wait for a certain time frame after the mc? should I be waiting? I was told to go and get them done. I have waited 2 weeks so far just because I know the hcg needs to be gone but after reading on here about waiting I am a little worried.

I know I can not ttc until at least Feb, as this is when I will probably have my follow up for the results. After 3 mcs this year. I need the break anyway and as I have had 2 healthy heartbeats followed by no heartbeat at 2nd scans, with 2 out of the 3 mc's I really need to know if something could be wrong before I continue to try.

Any information about the waiting thing would be appreciated!
Hi Ladies,

The only reason I've been advised to wait approx 3 months is because my consultant advised me that a recent pregnancy 'could' cause a false positive result for some of the clotting disorder tests (i.e. lupus/ antiphospholipid tests).

Rabbittchild – its sounds like you have a pro-active doc! To have a clotting disorder you’d have to get two positive tests in a row six weeks apart. Sounds like your doc took a test six weeks after mc and if that’s negative - great, but if it is positive then you can have another blood test at your next appointment which would rule out or make them query a clotting disorder. I wish mine would do that!

Petitpas, you said your doc did chromosomal and hormone blood levels done. I’m guessing she didn’t do clotting which is why you didn’t have to wait. Fingers crossed you won’t need to worry about bloods after all and that your bean is an extra sticky one!

At the end of the day many people never find any reason for recurrent mc even after endless testing, so I do think it is important (not wanting to sound clichéd here) to listen to your body. If you feel ready to try again, then go for it - the tests can wait.
Peanuts, I didn't have clotting tests done because I already have a known clotting problem. I found out years ago that I am Factor V Leiden heterozygous and last year I suffered from clots in my legs and lungs. So bleuch.
I was tested for lupus/antiphospholipid syndrome last year after coming off the blood thinners (and before ttc-ing) but they only did one test and it came back negative :shrug: I have heard that the test does not give an exact yes/no answer and can be interpreted in different ways so maybe that is why your doctor is testing you twice?
Oh dear Petipas, I’m sorry to hear all that you’ve been through.

From what I know, the antiphospholipid test is for antibody which your body has either created or not. If you get a negative, you don’t have it. If you get a positive, it could be a false positive and hence why they test you again 6 weeks later to confirm.

My doc is playing safe and not testing me at all for 3 months just in case I did get a false positive due to recent pregnancy.
My point is I wish they’d get the test out of the way earlier! If I did get a negative then it would be it over, but if it was positive, they would have to test again in 6 weeks to confirm which would be 3 months anyway!

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