remember remember my bfp this november!

im_mi...sorry the auld hag showed up for you love...
hello to our new ladies......
bumble b.....oh yay for the new kitchen..... and boo for all the washing, i am ploughng thru a mountain asi type... and have a mountain of ironing to match.... its never ending round here....

well, as far as the ttc in our house goes..i think we may havemissed it.... i didnt think i would be ov til this week, but it seems it has already happened, we did :sex: yesterday morning, and friday.... but when i got th epos opk yesterday , we never managed any more... too many kids around all day then dd was upset at bedtime so she ended up in our room..... this morning when i got up i had what felt like a stitch for about 15 mins, so i am assuming that, that was it..... i suppose we did dtd a couple of times, butnot gonn ahold my breath for a :bfp: this month...
my due date for Jarrod is dec 10, and i am dreadingit, i feelsick as it approaches... my poor baby boy, i so wanted him and loved him.... i go things to do... hope all are well today....

lots of love
oh laura, that must be so hard approaching little Jarrod's due date. Are you and your family going to do anything to mark it? i know the thought of it must be horrendous but maybe doing something special, like light a candle for him or release some helium balloons in the garden with messages to him, might be cathartic and help the healing process some? :hugs:

Yeah bexx i really thought we'd done it this month! never mind. Im sorry you have having morning sickness, i was lucky with #1 and didnt get it very bad but friends of mine really struggled with it, it looks like an awful thing to go through! I hope it gets much better soon. My friend used to use those seabands, they are magnetic bracelets that sit on pressure points on your wrist and she said it really helped. maybe worth a go?

bumble b, try not to get too frustrated over your OPK's, theres loads of women here (myself included) who have never got a positive. are you doing them more than once a day? you have to do them quite regularly or you could miss the surge!

Welcome to all of our new ladies! may we all get our :bfp: 's this month!

yeahwe will do something, not sure what , as there is bound to be alot of snot and tears around....

its dd 6th birthday on wed, so got that to look forward to,,she wants a choc cake this year, so i got all the gear to make that this morning while i was out getting presents, the temp has realy dropped here this morning.brrrrrr it was raining earlier and the rain was so cold....

right, here i go this mountain of ironing wont wait any longer.... see ya when i surface from underneat h it..Oh btw...opk was almost neg earlier, so , will defo not beholding my i will be the one setting up the december thread..... at the end of this month... its ok, i am not upset.... a bit disappointed, but sure once the eggs gone its gone, theres not chasing it ay???? haha..... trying hard to keep my chin(s) up...
you never know, laura, you might have caught the eggy after all! :hugs: the temp dropped here today as well i couldnt believe how chilly it was this morning! jack even let me put his hood up :laugh2:
well, its been lashing all night again, but the sun is shining at the mo, well, kinda, its not totally light out, but the sun is bright if you know what i mean.... mind youthe moon is still out too..... that confuses the kids...

managed to get :sex: in yesterday lunchtime, but i dunno i have a feeling we missed it...
neg opk, and no ov pains, so its defo passed now.... so i am in the 2ww 1dpo..... gonna try to not think bout it too much, as i seriously do feel this...but as you all know yourselves, its hard to not hope against all hope....

i actually have decided that next time,i am not going to tell dh thatits the right time, i think he feels pressured and it tAKES OUT THE FUN OF IT ALL, AND HE HATES THAT FEELING Of (oops sorry caps on) , in his words, being a baby making machine..... he doesnt like it..

dd birthday tomorrow.... got to wrap her pressies today while she out at school, then mop all me floors.... hope to then do some sewing, but older dd ( 19) is coming over today for a while and she has just broken up with her boyfriend( a bad news boyfriend as far as i am concerned so not bad news) so i will have to listen to her ...... i just wish she would find a nice bloke , she seems to always go for the bad boys, ( that song by alexandra burke is apt for her) ....

ah well, i guess ibetter get off ere and sort everyone out for school....

lotsa love
im_mi my opks have gone almost positive twice in the last week but then they fade again & i never quite get there. my temp was high today but only coz i had a couple of glasses of red last night with my dinner i think! we will see what it's like tomorrow.

jefner, i have only just noticed the pic of alex, oh my god she is gorgeous, her outfit is great :thumbup:

loobi i can pretty much guarantee i will be in the next thread, i need to kick my bodys butt into gear so it starts working properly for once, so frustrating!

well i'd best get ready, got a day off today so going to see my sister for a cuppa, she's feeling poorly bless her, she's 3 girlies on here, not sure if you have seen her in the pma thread?

best wrap up warm, it's freezing! :cold:
bumbleb.. do you mind me asking... when your opk goes almost pos... do you get the ewcm as well????
Hi girls!
Well, I'm back from my weekend, and wow was it fun. A little TOOOO fun as I was hungover all weekend. Haha. Got 12 hours sleep last night so I'm up's like 6:30 am here and I am off work ALLLLL week! Just fixed myself a "cuppa" as you girls call it.....actually I fixed a "potta" coffee. DH will be up soon, and he's gonna want some too.

Yesterday was the first day of no bleeding, so now I just have to monitor my CP and CM and all that good stuff. I'm not going to temp, but I might go buy some OPKs.....those seem to help atleast notify me of when O is coming.

Alright, just wanted to check in. Good luck in the TWW loobi!
I hope you have a nice afternoon with your daughter today, loobs, and that she feels a lot better soon.

bumble b, do you get any other signs of ovulation? because some people never get positives on OPK's. what brand of OPK do you use?

Glad you enjoyed your weekend Erin :) and enjoy your 'potta' :rofl: i need a coffee maker, big time. Over here in the UK most of us just get instant coffee, but you cant beat a cup of proper fresh coffee! mmmm....

My poor little man has a fever :( im pretty sure its just his teeth, theyve been bothering him for weeks and this morning he's had his hand in his mouth pretty much all day. He's just got 4 left to come now, all 4 of them molars. he cut all of the other 4 molars in the space of a week, the poor love, and from the state of him today i think thats whats happening again. We dont usually give him medicine or anything like that but i had to give him a little calpol this morning he was in a right state, poor little thing.
welcome back erin, glad you had a blast.....
ah no im_mi, poor jack...i do feel so sorry for the poor little loves when they are teething.... one of our ds, had real trouble, and like Jack, got 4 all at once.....

hope evryone is well...

its so hard to watch them in so much pain knowing theres nothing you can do about it, it sucks :( he's really perked up now though and hes not half as hot as he was earlier :)

must get down to some serious house cleaning today. the swine flu is back in our town so we have stopped going to all of the baby & toddler groups for now, so i have no excuse for not doing it!! cleaning is so unnatural for me lol, i think im going to have to devise a rota and stick to it! i love having a clean tidy house but obviously not enough to actually clean :rofl:
i had ewcm yesterday but it's almost like my body is gearing up for ovulation but never quite gets there :shrug:
maybe you should start temping hun, that might give you a clue?
i had it for a few days before i got the +opk.... but its gone now... no more since yesterday, i really hope this was it, i am assuming it was, as i had the ewcm and the pains i get....

i cant do the temping thing, cos i dont sleepwell enough....i am up and down all night..since i lost baby in july..... my nights are too disturbed.....

i have a few friends, whose husbands do thier cleaning and laundry etc...AND go out to work etc.... and these women have the cheek to tell me they need a break.....grrrrrrr...
i am glad little fella is perkingup a bit , poor little man...its horrible isnt it?

brrrr..the wind is whipping up a storm here, its really cold....... not raining yet, butit was a little while ago, and the raindrops are like ice cold......i dont mind the cold weather to be honest, but the rain P***es me off......

right here i go , gonna make a :coffee: was your "potta" earlier... i havent had a real cup of coffee for yonks, i dont really drink it much, more a tea girl.....

bye bye for now girls
btw that means that the husbands go out to work as well as doing the housework..... personally i think thats bad....xxxxxx butmaybe i am old fashioned
^it is a little old fashioned BUT that doesnt mean you are wrong! I do think the housework should be divvied up by who is most available to do it, and its more traditional for the man to work full time so it seems fitting that the lady does more in the house. In our house, i work 20hrs a week and he works 50 so i do the majority of the cleaning, hoovering etc but he does but he does bits and pieces like the dishes on the weekends and he always tidies up in the evening whilst im putting jack to bed. Because he wants to pull his weight it makes me want to do more for him, you know? He appreciates what i do which is great :)
oh and my poor little man is just in such a state now :( keeps flushing hot and cold and didnt want his lunch because his mouth is so sore. hes just fallen asleep on me for the second time today, he never has more than one nap! poor little soul i so wish i didnt have to work tonight, i dont want to leave him :cry:
ah no poor little soldier... i hope he feels better tomorrow, looking like you may be in for a bad night ay???

hope everybody is ok...its fierce quiet in here today....
i think we have a lady or two that joined us almost ready to test.... how's it going girls???

you are right... what i said is a bit old fashioned, but these women are at home all day... i dunno.....

i would love someone to help me out a bit....

right i am off to have alittle sew for the evening, theres footy on, so dh wont miss me....

bye bye for today

IM_MI... i hope Jack is ok and you get some sleep....

Hehe laura if you are old fashioned then so am i! :D i like it when women are confident enough in their status to be able to slot into a more traditional role without feeling like they are 'letting the side down'. Women and men have their own individual talents and not everyone is the same. Our family would fall to pieces if i was the main wage-earner and dan was the house husband! I couldnt take being away from my baby and my home. I think its really slack that those women dont do anything around the house when they dont work and their husbands do, i mean dont they want to look after them? DH works so hard and never complains about it, i like to cook him a nice dinner when he gets home and look after him.

Jack is much better now and sleeping soundly. checked him when i got home from work and he doesnt feel feverish at all! i think i might sleep in his room tonight on the spare mattress, just so i can keep an eye on him.
hiya.. did your little soldier sleep??? hope he ( and you) got a restful night...

well, we were pleasantly woken up at 5.30am, with dd singing happy birthday to herself at the end of our bed... very early, and i wasnt ready to wake up..but sooo cute..blesss her, cant believe she is 6.....

just had alovely little chat with dd in OZ... on skype, she is doing well, its getting very hot over there, i dont envy her the heat with a pregnant belly....

well, it looks pleasant outside.... not surebout how hot or cold it is, althogh i had to put my big old fluffy dressing gown on when i got out of bed this morning, it was chilly, but, on the other hand, it was mega mega early....
gotta make a choc button cake today ..... i love baking....oooh i found a great cookie recipe the other day..gonna try it out after i havebeen grocery shopping, will let ya know how it goes... i always make the teachers presents at xmas, last year i made some lovely coconut truffles and so this yeari thought i would do cookies or shortbread.... will taste test this recipe and see what i decide...

sorry hear i go again the boring old laura waffle.... where did our new ladies go??? i scared em away....

hope evrybody is ok...

lotsa love

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