i dont really know Bumbleb.... just keep at it love... make sure those little

are in there when your eggy pops........
nothing much to report here today... its rainign as usual, kids all gone to school today, so its just dh and I here..... but he is going out shortly, so i will be on my own... cleaning is already done , so i may do a bit of sewing.... be nice to have a bit of peace and quiet.....
i am actually fed up with this metal taste in my mouth, it is defo soemthing hormonal, cos i used to get it in the run up to AF, but this month i have had it the whole way thru since i was bleeding..... its horrible, nothing takes it away....
right here i go..hope everyone is doing good....
Jlove, hope you are enjoying your time off, and your night away with hubby was lovely....
im_mi how is Jack doing?? is it defo chicken pox??
bumbleb...keep on

welshrose... if you are reading this..HELLLOOOOOOO
bexx, if you look in, i hope the ms is not getting you down too much.... you poor thing..
jenny.... missing you, hope youa re ok
all our new ladies.... helllooooooooooooo.... hope you are all doing good....
lotsa love and