remember remember my bfp this november!

Lisa, thats great that the doc is going to test you!! Its certainly reassuring when you know they are on side and ready to help. That sucks that you have to wait another week for your laptop!!! Hehe yes, calamine lotion is amazing, i used it when i got the pox when i was 13. I think ill get some tomorrow just in case what jack has is the pox.

loobs, im really not sure what it is! hes got little red bumps all over but they dont seem to be bothering him and they dont seem to be getting worse... theres more of them, but they havent turned into blisters yet. How long does it take for that to happen? I was thinking of taking him to the doctor this afternoon because if they could confirm that it's not chicken pox then we could take him to the firework party tonight. he doesnt seem ill at all any more, his fever is gone and he's in fine spirits. Can they get a rash all over from teething?

bumble b, im not sure.... i know for some people its shorter than others so i guess there must be some people who have longer surges. they say that a +opk means you will O within 24-48 hours so i would just have LOTS and LOTS of sex over the next couple of days and hope for the best! :dust:

well, like i said in my reply to loobi, jack seems a lot better today. his fever is completely gone and he is really cheerful but these little spots are multiplying!! Im going to have to do some googling, see what i can find out.

Hope you all have a great day :hugs:
it may be a viral rash.... the blisters would be pretty much instant with the spots....
ah lisa that brillo that the dr gonna check ya out....

now, i am 5 dpo, and am having the strangest feeling in my cervix area... its not a pain, more a kinda poking feeling... anyone got any clue what this could be??? ita been going on for bout an hour, on and off... not there all the time...
is a viral rash contagious? i know quite a few people who's babies get a similar rash when they are teething, as Jack is now, but Jacks never had it like this before.

I just dont know what to do about the firework party, i really want to take Jack as he will have such a great time, he would love it, and he seems fine but i dont want to take him and infect everyone! But having said that, Dan and i havent caught anything so.....

What would you guys do?
poking??? now that is weird!

Have you had a period since the m/c, laura?
no i didnt get a period yet.. its due next sat...
i ov earlier than expected, my cycle is 33 days usually, so would have been due to o yesterday, but i got +opk on sunday ..... the poking has stopped now, just went toilet and had yellowy cm..... (TMI) not smelly or anything ....
re the viral , its not contagious..... one of my ds always gets a rash when he gets abd throat or cold.... but, like you say, it could be a teething it bothering him?
Its not bothering him in the slightest, its not even red! its only red on his bum which i would expect, what with being stuck in a nappy all day. But no, it doesnt seem to be bothering him. im really starting to think its just teething, he is producing dribble at an alarming rate!

I know this sounds like a bit of a crazy question loobs but have you done a pregnancy test since the m/c? is there any possible way that you didnt actually miscarry? Please tell me to shut up if you want, i have never had a miscarriage so i wouldnt have a clue what it is like :hugs:
Hi Ladies!! :hi:

I promise I haven't forgotten about you! It's been a crazy busy week again, and next week is only looking worse. :wacko: On the plus side my 2 ww seems to be going quickly, as I'm already 7 dpo. AF is due next Thursday, so if she doesn't show I'll test on Friday. My temp went up quite a bit today, but I know better than to put too much stock into individual temps. Today I get to take the dogs to the vet, as they've been having really gross accidents for the last couple weeks. I think they just need their anal glands expressed (gross, I know), so hopefully that will take care of the problem. It looks to be a relatively calm weekend, so I should be able to check in more. I have conferences with students all next week, so I'll pop on when I can. Know that I'm still here and at least reading posts to try to stay caught up!

LISA: So glad to see you back, hun!! Sorry about your laptop. That really sucks. Good luck with freefalling this cycle! Hopefully you'll enjoy it more and you'll get a :bfp: at the end of it all!! HUGS!!

im_mi: sorry about little Jack! It's awful when our little ones are sick and there's not much we can do about it. I hope he feels better soon!

bumble_b: YAY for the positive opk!!! Sending you tons of :dust:!! And your puppy is just adorable! How long before you can bring her home now?

Erin: Glad to see you're gearing up for O! Good luck! Catch that eggie!!

Laura: 5 dpo already?! Wow! Hopefully this is the sticky bean you've been waiting for! And I love your avatar; what gorgeous kiddos!!

Becky: How are you doing, hun? Six weeks now, I see! How exciting!! Hopefully we'll all be joining you soon!!

Well, I hear that Alex is up, so I'd better go get her. HUGS and :dust: to everyone!!!
im_mi, i did do one yes, and it was defo neg..... i woul dnever tell yo to shut up, its so helpful to be able to talk things thru, and we are like a little familyh in here, i think we can say anything we want to to eachother....
i think if i was you, i would take him to the party.... if it was anything sinister, he would be bothered by it..... not long now til testing then??? oh i really hope you get your :bfp:

yay jenny! weve missed you! wow this cycle has flown by, cant believe your testing soon!! :wohoo:

sorry loobs, of course youve tested :dohh: i think i will take him to the party, like you said he would soon let us know if there was something amiss. Ill see how he is later :)
Hey girls, lovely to see you're all doing well and spreading loads of PMA for this cycle! :thumbup:

im_mi, it's been years since I've been to a fireworks do, hubby works mostly late shifts and his days off are always midweek so it's difficult. We'll be re-arranging his work pattern a bit once LO comes along so we can enjoy events like that again. I'm sure your LO will be absolutely fine this evening. :flower:

lisa, so good to see you back! I hope your tests go well. :flower: What on earth are PC World doing to your laptop that's taking so long lol. Mind you, I used to work there and we used to send laptops away for repair and it did take bloody ages for them to come back.

laura, the yellow CM was a good sign for me - I hope it is for you too!

Jefner, lovely to see you, looks like your students like to keep you busy lol.

bumble b, yay for the OPK! Hope this is a super-fertile month for you. :flower:

As for me, I'm thrilled to be at the 6 week mark, it was a little milestone I'd set myself. My ms is tolerable at the moment, though I wish the little food I'm able to eat wasn't all junk lol. GP prescribed me some anti-sickness meds which really helped yesterday but I don't want to rely on them. Oh, and the constipation sucks, I've never had it so bad lol.

:dust: to all!
bexx... have you tried popping a few prunes into your cereal?? or sprinkling some bran onto it.... have to say, i really like prunes.... so they were great for me.... what preg vits are you taking?? i couldnt take any of the pregnacare ones, they made me constipated and even prunes werent shifting it.... hope this helps even a little bit for you
laura, I can't stand prunes lol. I found prune juice helps me keep regular, but it also aggravates my ms. Can't win lol. I'm taking senna tablets at bedtime, hopefully within a couple of days they'll have an effect. I'll give the bran a go too.

I'm not taking any vits other than the folic acid. For some unknown reason, they are what cause my vertigo attacks. I've tried the pregnacare ones (both conception and plus) and sainsburys mum & bump, they all have the same effect on me.

I'll be fine, I am having very small bowel movements, just not as regular as I'd like. I know there are some people who haven't been able to go for over a week, so I'm not really too bad in the great scheme of things lol.
Wow I feel like it's been forever since I've been on here! Bexx, already at the 6 week mark, WOW! :happydance:

Loobi, hopefully all that poking is a good sign!

We had a wonderful night complete with cheap champagne and the most expensive steak I think I've ever eaten! But wow was it good. We got a little drunk, and managed to BD once last night. I wasn't feeling too great, this morning, so we just left the hotel and came home. Hubby set me up down on the couch with a giant glass of water and a blanket and pillow. He's so sweet. He just went out to get us burritos from this burrito bar here. They are so good, I can't wait 'til he comes back!

Yes, I am gearing up for O! My cervix is already soft and begining to open, so I know it'll be any day now. I'm starting to think I O earlier than I think. Especially with last month's cycle only being 24 days.

I've got 2 more days left on vacation, and I'm going to enjoy them to their fullest! Tomorrow I've got to go to the medical school for something for my job, but I'm not actually working. It's more like an educational type thing, and I'm actually pretty excited about it! Then tomorrow night I think we might try to have a night out with friends!

Glad to see you back, WelshRose and Jenny!

Im_Mi......I don't know anything about how the chicken pox comes on. I remember I was almost 12 when I got them and it was bad! If it is, be glad your son got them now.

Alright, I'm off.....sorry for my novel, just had to catch up.....have a good night girls!
hello there..

jlove ...good to hear from

welll, i have just been curled up on the sofa with the worst crampy tummy.... so i reckon my first feeling that we will have missed it this time round is pretty spot on.... i didnt end up taking anything for it, but i nearly did, but got a wookie and curled up and snoozed for a bit, its eased off for now, but it will probly be back, i do usually get a bad tummy bout a week before she comes, so thats about right, i am due her visit next sunday....

i am trying not to be disappointed..... bt i so wanted to be pg by the time my edd came around to help me cope with it.... i am seriously thinking girls, that it is ust not meant to be for us.... might just give up on it now, its too painful when it doesnt work out... and we had thought we were all done with having babies anyway, its ust when we lost Jarrod, we so wanted to try again.... but maybe he was our last chance...

sorry if you think i am a moaner... i have tried so hard to be upbeat and ok, for everyone else, sometimes i just cant manage...

hope you are all well
loobi, don't give up :hugs: i know it's hard sometimes but it will happen for you, i just know it will. i didn't think i'd ovulate before christmas but i have. this is a magic thread full of magical people :hugs: we are here to pick you up when you are feeling down in the dumps. it's not over this cycle until the evil :witch: shows up & she aint coming anywhere near any of us, we will kick her butt!!!! :rofl:

i'm off out to a fireworks display with steve & my 2 little nieces tonight :happydance:
thanks bumble b.... you got my crying now.... .. have a great night.....xxxxxxxx
Aww Loobi, i can't send big enough hugs babe:hugs: The EDD of our precious Lil Angels always painful Honey, he will never be forgotten. I know personally I felt a bit better after Lil Bean's EDD back in Aug, and like you we to would love a BFP before Pinky & Perky's EDD on the 4th of Jan. Don't give up Babe:hugs: You will get there, I just know it.
Well we've come back from the in-laws after having fireworks.....Callum was SO excited bless him:rofl: This is going to sound nuts but i have sore nipples...:shock:....didn't even think that I'd O yet so....:shrug:....not getting excited about it as have been fooled by my body :tease: me before:dohh:
Hope everyone is having a good saturday.....who do we think is going to be out of x factor this week? John & Edward or Lloyd I think....????.....:shrug:
Heaps of love and hugs xxxx
aww Laura :hug:

I imagine the lead-up to the EDD is probably worse than the day itself because it feels like a black cloud is approaching on what should have been a wonderful day. Once it has passed I'm sure you'll feel like a weight has been lifted and you can properly begin to heal.

Perhaps you could arrange to have a special remembrance do on the day. I know it might seem a bit sombre, but have you actually had a special time where you've properly said goodbye yet? I think it might be really beneficial to do something like that if you haven't already.

I hope my suggestion isn't insensitive, I haven't had a lot of experience with bereavement so far and am never too sure of the right thing to say. :hugs:

Lisa, glad you and Callum had a lovely time. I've no idea who'll be out on X-Factor tomorrow, I'd have said the twins but they seem to be bizarrely popular. I honestly can't say anyone is really shining for me though, I'm not really that enthused about any of this year's contestants.
loobs :hugs: dont apologise! I really really believe that you are still supposed to have more babies hun, i can completely understand why you are feeling so down in the dumps, i cant imagine how hard it must be to deal with TTC after losses. I just feel in my heart that you have more babies to come.

Erin, youve got me craving steak now!! omnomnom....

Lisa, im glad callum enjoyed the fireworks! Jack hated them, lol. Some insensitive prick was setting some off at 1am this morning, woke him up! the buggers. Im sure you'll get your BFP before pinky and perky's due date :hugs:

Bexx :hugs: how are you feeling these days?

Well, girls, i am DRUNK. lol. had a couple of shots of sambuca at work that a customer bought me, and now i am drinking wine! not ovulating until next weekend so dont need to worry about any potential baby. i am so excited for next saturday night, DH and i are going to go out for a meal and a few drinks together for the first time since... well, before i was pregnant with jack! I just cannot wait, its been so long. will be great to feel like a couple again, you know?

anyway i hope you are all enjoying your weekends. hugs to you all :hugs:

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