Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Linny- Haha it's okay! I really don't mind if i get sick. I will do whatever I have to! :)

Never- Don't worry about your hubby. I agree that he's probably just stressed too about not knowing and doesn't know how to show it because he doesn't want to tell you he's worried or stressed. :hugs:

Leeze- I haven't heard of that tea but I do know that raspberry tea leaf is good for the uterus. It strengthens it so that tea you are talking about sounds good because it's mixed with green tea too. :)
Welcome CNotte and BabyW hope your journey to BFP is short and sweet but hey stick around this thread is great I love it and the girls are great.
I took MACA for 3 months it helped regulate my OV day and leghten my LP I know I took the two a day and I think for the 3rd month I doubled that then stopped when I OV and I got my BFP that month :happydance: I was TCC for nearly a year and a half I think I stopped counting!

Linny thanks :flower: I hope I can be of some help! SBB is doing great and has loads of tips fresh in her head as well which is brill!

Never men they are terrible some times, I agree whith who ever said it may be damage control may be he is scared :hugs: hope your ok:hugs: its even harder for you when you have to deal with the seperation as well not like you can have a chat about it later:hugs:

Dandy :hugs: SBB is so right does not matter how they get here when they do it all melts away and you will be on cloud nine!

Ok think my labtop is going to die, was thinking we should have a way to update here when the preggos go off to have baby, my DH would be useless at updating and I may not get on BNB to do so! does any one want to add me on FB or I can give you my mobile number so I can update! no offence taken if no one wants to :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Im about to catch up but waiting for my pain pill to kick in. Im in ALOT of pain. Af is being VERY cruel to me.

Todays test gave me some relief but made VERY mad at my previous dr. My blood levels are perfect.... My A1C was supposedly at a 54 (which is like diabetic shock) and today got tested and they were 5.5!! And my glucose after even eating and drinking was 88. And my ultrasound revealed that my ovaries look just as they should. Couple small cysts that are normal small size...nothing to worry about at all! Im so upset that I could have inseminated last cycle but because my dr messed up MAJORLY we didn't do it. And after the trans vag ultrasound and pap hurting alot.

Im just so upset that my previous dr lied that much. She could have told me that she din't want to inseminate for us.....

Okay im going to catch up now! I see a ton of pages and newbies!
Okay here I go....I hope I dont forget anyone....:flower:

SBB- Samuel is just too precious! Im so glad you still come on here and catch us up on him and how you are doing! Your labor did sound pretty tramatic but like you said def worth it! I read and had a friend tell me that those nipple shields worked magic for her! Is OH loven the ENORMOUS boos? :haha::haha: I know Amy would! But I bet they kinda hurt!

Sparkle- Good LUCK hunni and can't wait to see pictures of your little princess! Sending you LOADS of great baby vibes for a good birth! :cloud9:

Celtic- You can add me hunni on FB!! I would love to have another girly to stalk :blush::haha: and you can definitely have my mobile # as well. That way I could update the girlies here as well! Oh and thank you so much for those recipes. I may just still do a nice "diet" to keep my general weight under control sense my A1C is 5.5! Still upset that it was never high. :dohh: But I did love your recipes so im thinking i may just use them anyways. Specially your white sauce..that sounded lovely! I was talking to Amy about you today and how this thread is so nice to have and haven girlies like ya'll. So again thank you! :flower::hugs: How are you doing hun? How are the numbers lately?

Yazzy- Your plans for your business and home sound so awesome! I think its a great idea and DEF feel that OH will just love it! I think men love a determined woman that has goals and dreams! Well I think any partner is like that! :blush:

Leeze- Ive never heard of that tea! Sounds good cuz I know rasberry and green tea are both great to drink. Im sorry that your feeling a little low this month. TTCing definitely takes its toll on us! I just hope you get your bfp soon. But its good that you have such a great OH as well.

Dandy- I dont know much about soy but do you think your body is adjusting to it now? LIke with maca take a week break so your body doesn't get used to it? Just wondering sense you had 2 good cycles with soy...maybe youve adjusted to it.

Never- Im sorry you and OH are going through this. I think maybe he is subconciously preparing himself for a BFN or something. Kinda like what SBB said. And I know your prob tired of us tellen ya to test! I just think that your cycle is so darn regular and for this one to be so crazy there has to be something in there....but I do remember when I got my bfp that I got really nervous about costs and what not and thinking I was TOTALLY out...specially when cramps started to come. I kept testing beyond my bfp...I think I had like 14 tests bc I worried it wasn't real. Keep the faith hun and if its bfn at least you have your FS to look forward to and possibly put u even closer to that BFP. Which I hope is soon cuz you and OH deserve to FINALLY live together!! So my FX and loads of prayers doll!

Kel- That was a nice temp dip hunni. I think all of us are on our toes waiting to see what happens tomorrow! Have you guys had warm streaks up there? We get really cold then warm! So weird. Not to mention all these dead birds and fish popping up everywhere...kinda freaky.

Cnotte and Baby- First off im sorry for your losses! The maca is great and this thread is AMAZING! These women have gotten me through the worst of the worst and the best as well! And you are most def welcomed here! I love it here and am rarely on any other thread bc these women have so much knowledge and I trust what they say as well!

Char- When are we gonna see bump pics? I wanna say team blue! Do you have names yet?

OMG am I forgetting anyone?? I might have to go back through and check!
TTC- Have you made it home hunni? I hope your travels were ok! :hugs:

Kikki- I love your new little ticker thingy~ So cute! I want one :haha: So any new symptoms coming yet? When is your first MW appt?
:wave: tnt :hugs: sorry your other doc stuffed you around so bad :trouble:

tnt soy is taken like clomid, i have done 1 cycle of clomid and now 2 of soy, but im already after i Oved last cycle and i took a higher dose this one :dohh: so i have no idea how my body works :dohh:
Morning ladies :hi:

never - I think men panic when they think having a child!! At the end of the day, you will manage :hugs: there must be something thats trigered this all off? Try talking to him :)

sparkle - thinking of you babe :hugs::kiss:

Sbb - Ooh your labour sounds long!! But you did extremly Well wiv the pain relief you had :) :hugs: thats what im scared off - the pain relief not working
Linny - feel free to add me on facebook, Charlotte mcconnachie. That goes for all you girls :)

Tnt - I cant believe your doc :( thats really horrible!! As if things wernt hard as they are :hugs:

kiki - you might get lucky and not be sick like me :)

Sorry ladies I know ive forgotten loads... Chat later Xxx
Hi ladies,

Im about to catch up but waiting for my pain pill to kick in. Im in ALOT of pain. Af is being VERY cruel to me.

Todays test gave me some relief but made VERY mad at my previous dr. My blood levels are perfect.... My A1C was supposedly at a 54 (which is like diabetic shock) and today got tested and they were 5.5!! And my glucose after even eating and drinking was 88. And my ultrasound revealed that my ovaries look just as they should. Couple small cysts that are normal small size...nothing to worry about at all! Im so upset that I could have inseminated last cycle but because my dr messed up MAJORLY we didn't do it. And after the trans vag ultrasound and pap hurting alot.

Im just so upset that my previous dr lied that much. She could have told me that she din't want to inseminate for us.....

Okay im going to catch up now! I see a ton of pages and newbies!

OMG if I could get over to your old doctor I bitch slap her, how in gods name did she F up so bad :growlmad::growlmad: so mad for you!!!! if she had other issues which Im thinking your thinking she should of said or move in to the 20th centuary for crying out loud! the idiot! sorry rant over!

On another note :happydance:Im so happy your A1c is not 54,5.5 is brill and 8.8 is good as well :happydance: this is great news for TCC this month! I do wonder if the meds have made some diffierence will you still have to stay on them! :flower: Im so glad you liked the recepies and my white Sauce its always a hit here any way! I love my food so I love to cook good food thats tasty but good for you as well, I have a fair bit of weight I want to shift when my little man gets here.

Im glad as well your ovarys look good not so happy your in pain though:hugs: I found you on FB I can let you know and you can update here for me :winkwink: hehehe

so what the plan now hun, I hope moving forward with TCC for this cycle
Oh im so bad I cant remember who posted this link but I had a go any way and I got girl oooh they better have it right by my scan becuase Im so looking forward to my little boy now LOL
Tnt- Unreal! That doctor should be fired! That is just awful. Good news is there is only a few small cysts. I hope your pain goes away very soon!! :hugs: And thank you! You will have a ticker soon!! I have my Fx'd so tightly for you. I haven't had any symptoms. Just a little more tired than usual. I'm sure they are on their way, haha. My first appt is January 24th. I will be 7 weeks. It feels like it's forever away!

Char- You weren't sick at all? :)

Sparkle- Thinking of you!!

Hello to all you other lovely ladies! :flower:
Tnt- Unreal! That doctor should be fired! That is just awful. Good news is there is only a few small cysts. I hope your pain goes away very soon!! :hugs: And thank you! You will have a ticker soon!! I have my Fx'd so tightly for you. I haven't had any symptoms. Just a little more tired than usual. I'm sure they are on their way, haha. My first appt is January 24th. I will be 7 weeks. It feels like it's forever away!

Char- You weren't sick at all? :)

Sparkle- Thinking of you!!

Hello to all you other lovely ladies! :flower:

Just thinking my DD was a september baby well her due date was in September she came a little early in August!!

OOOh 6 weeks is the norm is MS is going to kick in, I had it very early on this baby before I even done a test:dohh:
Good morning ladies. The DH just left for TDY for the next 2 days and I'm wondering what to do with myself. I'll probably spot clean the house and work through the weekend.

I am on Day 2 of my Maca experience. Therefore if I am PG currently it'll help some, I hope. If I'm not I'll just be preparing my body for a :bfp: hopefully soon. DH had his morning 500mg dose as well. I have to mix it in his food he's not big on pills of any kind.
Good morning ladies. The DH just left for TDY for the next 2 days and I'm wondering what to do with myself. I'll probably spot clean the house and work through the weekend.

I am on Day 2 of my Maca experience. Therefore if I am PG currently it'll help some, I hope. If I'm not I'll just be preparing my body for a :bfp: hopefully soon. DH had his morning 500mg dose as well. I have to mix it in his food he's not big on pills of any kind.

Oh I forgot to mention its great for the sex drive! for both of you and if it does not give you more of an urge it does make it better :flower::haha: well it did for me any way! can add me on FB hun and you can take my number if you'd like me to update :D Isn't is just flying by EEEEEEK!!

TNT...:nope: just don't understand your previous doc? Is there anyone you can complain to, I think the way she's treated you is SHOCKING!!!! Absolutley disgusting :hugs: happy your feeling much better and have lots of plans for the future! you doing hun :hugs: :hugs:

Char....I will add ya on FB :D

Well Ive had a nice morning, took my BF and her baby to docs cos she's a chest infection then went for lunch at hers. Her baby is gorgeous and fell asleep in my arms awwwwww :D

Sparkle went in for her induction this morning at 11.30am so hopefully thats underway as I type. I will let you know if i hear anything :D
Morning :hi:

selfish post this am as I am a bit behind on time but I wnted to stop by to say HI and wish

SPARK a very EASY labor today... YAY YAY another bubba amougst us... can't WAIT to see photos

be back in a bit to catch up properly
Celtic - LOL!! You know I've read that about the maca root!!

I swear sometimes I feel we are always :sex:. I kid you not!! I laugh about it because I hear some couples say 'oh yeah we have sex about 2 times a week.' I baffle them when I tell them we have sex about 4 -5 times a week!! So far even on day 2 I've already felt the energy effects of the root. I tell you, it helps in the morning gym routine too. Just that extra push.
:rofl: Cnotte....ahhhh all the :sex: how I miss that now I can't even see never mind touch my toes :haha:

:hi: Kel....liking the rise....wanting a couple more now please.....:D

Char...just added what I hope is you otherwise someones gonna think they've a stalker :rofl:
Linny - I can understand that but what I wouldn't do to have a belly to look down on instead on my toes! *lol* I hear PG women have a high libido. When I was newly PG in 09' I was off the walls about :sex:. I mean we were in bed twice the amount we normally were before I was PG. *lol*
Linny - I can understand that but what I wouldn't do to have a belly to look down on instead on my toes! *lol* I hear PG women have a high libido. When I was newly PG in 09' I was off the walls about :sex:. I mean we were in bed twice the amount we normally were before I was PG. *lol*

Oh for some that is true all right or can be in certain trimisters but when you get to the last one with only a few weeks to go a huge bump makes it hard to how shall I say hit the right spot:haha::haha: Mother nature likes to make us feel very uncomfortable just before labour or I doubt so many of us would be living for it to start:haha: only time in your life you will do a dance when you feel a pain of contraction mad!!

Oh yea you will be looking down on a big bump and laughing at how you cant see your toes any more :haha: positive thinking and all that :flower::winkwink:

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