~S.T.L<3~*Lots of babies, Adoption and Waiting for Beth's BFP! <3

Ok ladies...Laugh as you may...This is actually the 3rd time I'm typing this..LOL..I closed out my screen twice now losing what I had typed..:dohh:

In a nutshell...Ya'll know I am not due to O' until this weekend at the earliest..AND I had some major sharp-killer-pains on my left side thursday and same type of pain on the right side friday; spotting after the dh and I had a "midnight tryst" on sunday morning...Here's why I am going absolutely crazy...and I'll break it down for you from the VERY beginning...

**excuse me if I am repeating myself from earlier postings here or anywhere on the board**

May 2011-found out we were pg.
June 2011-M/C on Father's Day
July 2011-Nadda, Nothing, Zip, Zilch, Zero AF
August 2011-AF arrived on the 27th (lasted 7 days exactly)
September 2011- BFP on OPK on the 8th/sex; BFP on HPT on the 20th; spotting on the 29th and 30th
October 2011- on the 2nd-Bleeding heavily, cramps, BFN on HPT; O' type pains on the night of the 16th and part of the 17th--O due on 18th; dime size glob of creamy cm on the 22nd; cm wet/milky/some ew stretch to it from the 22nd on; spotting briefly on the 30th; "flow" on the 31st with NO cramps.
November 2011- on the 1st and 2nd-"flow" but no cramps *used 1 tampon and 1 pad the entire time from the 31st to the 2nd--hardly anything on pads
3rd-super sharp pain in left side-thought maybe cyst burst and thought "flow" that had dwindled would pick up again-didn't. 4th-sharp pain on right side-"flow" did not pick up again and at least this day the pain didn't last as long as it did the day before. On the 5th--got a wild hair in my butt to do my own experiment with hpts--took one test--nothing (see pics on previous post above somewhere...LOL); took another hpt on the 6th same result...BFN--it WAS supposed to be! Today-the 7th-woke up-still spotting but it's mainly at the cervix which by the way is HIGH and SOFT and closed...OMG...WTH???? After AF leaves--it's always low and hard till around O' time. AND my (*)(*)'s hurt when I touch them and were hurting this am from my tshirt touching them...super sore back for the past week, my hands are going to sleep--carpal tunnel?? I have a headache today--lack of caffiene?? SOO...I took another hpt just for sh*t's and giggles...LOL..Thinking it will be BFN...BUT WTH...I can see "something" on it at the 5 minute mark! I had the pics sent to my email and only one arrived and of course I deleted the others off my phone--didn't think I would need to send them again. I have only one good pic-and on it there's a shadow where I see the line unlike the good pic which I was able to get that didn't have a shadow and now I can't find it...:growlmad:
So ladies..CALL ME STUPID!! have any of you had any experience with someone that is perimenopausal??? I am 37 years old and really think that is what it is...I know I can take supplements to help with it, but I was just wondering if that's what it sounds like...I will post my hpt pic (sucky as it is and ya'll can have a good laugh :haha:)

Thanks Ladies!, Luv, Stephanie

blown up hpt.jpg *edited my post to include this pic*
Tanda and Calebsmom--GREAT SX ladies!!! Keep them coming...I will be so glad when I can shake this headache...UGH...Lunch is over for me at 2:30--I get the kiddos that are up from nap...YAY me!!

Talk to you soon!! Luv,Stephanie
Um well, you have me thoroughly confused! LOL I'd say take another HPT in the morning with FMU (if for no other reason, do it for sh!ts and giggles again)!
Wow is it possible that you could have ovulated sooner than you thought?? Are your cycles regular. That blows my mind I have no idea! So far still for me slight cramping low by my pelvic area on and off throughout the day and slight little twinges of pain in my bb's..hoping this is not all in my head as I will be amazed if I get preg again this quick and easy after a chemical
My lower back has started hurting a little this afternoon, but that could simply be because of my injured tailbone! I'm not reading into any of it too much, just stating the facts of what I feel, lol.
Lower back pain is a good preg. sign:) Any other symptoms
Just gassy, hungry, and lower backache for today.
Well, that changed fast. I have an update to my current symptoms and going ons – I have some heartburn again. And I have a little sensation in my abdomen (but that might be a gas pain), and I just got a tickle on my boob and when I reached to scratch it, I noticed that I’m a little tender! So, hmmmmm…

So, I was thinkin – and this is appropriate for the title of this thread; we are in November, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. And I know we are all hoping for a turkey baby bump this month! Have any of you thought about how you’ll announce it?

All of my family and DH’s family had been told about our first pregnancy 2 months ago, by the gifts that we had given our parents as the clue. Well, obviously we can’t do that one again, so I was thinking of how we might announce it this time. And, since I’d be testing the week before thanksgiving, my hubby had a great idea. When we are sitting around the table for Thanksgiving, I should ask for a food at the table to be passed to me, and in the same breath and tone of voice follow with “I’m pregnant” and see who if anyone catches on. So it’d be like this: “Please pass the green beans I’m pregnant” – no pause, no hesitation, no voice change. First off – it’s a GREAT idea, however – there is NO WAY I could pull that off with a straight face!!!! I think I’d have to make DH do it. More like this “Please pass the turkey we are pregnant”! :rofl:

Well, I guess we’ll see…

PS - the sensation in my tummy was gas LOL :haha:
Check this crap out...
ITS POSITIVE.jpeg I'll be damned if this didn't come out POSITIVE..Not sure how the pic is looking but the "test" line is DARKER than my "I know I'm pregnant" BFP I had in September....WTH?????

I won't be back till I get home later..I'm sneaking this on because I need ya'lls input...

Thanks, Luv Stephanie
OMG!!! That's a line!
Update ASAP please as sooooon as you get home!!!!
(I'm off to the ranch, I'll be back online in a few hours - and I'll be looking for an update Stephanie!) :hugs:
Ok, that seriously DID NOT MAKE SENCE...LOL...

That pic was from the 2nd test I took this afternoon about 3:30...A whole hour or so after taking the other...I even took the 1st one apart and scrutinized the H*LL out of it--nothing new--no darker "there" lines just what I had posted after taking it and pointing out what I "thought" I was seeing...I used the excuse that I needed to go get gas before morning to run to the Walmart and asked the hubby if he wanted anything--well my daughter said "can we have ice cream?"..SOOO....long story short--picked up a pack of First Responce tests...No I peed like 30 minutes ago and here I am having just peed on that blasted stick--couldn't help myself..LOL...
Working on getting the pics sent to my email...I will post them although I don't know if I see anything or not..:shrug: So who knows...The box came with 3 tests- one to waste--did that already..1 for the morning and 1 for "Shits and Giggles.."...LOL... Give me a minute or so and I'll put the pics up...Won't hurt my feelings one bit if ya'll don't see anything...This is just the Darndest thing...LOL

Luv, Stephanie

PS...Here's what I can only figure happened.......

M/C with spotting on Sept. 29th; Actual bleeding and cramping on the 2nd. Bleeding ended by October 7th. (9 days total)

BD'ing on 10/10 or 10/11, 10/12, 10/16, 10/18, 10/20, 10/22, 24th, 10/26 skipped and don't remember about the 28th...

dime size glob of creamy cm on underwear evening of 10/22 BUT on 10/20 I had this "wet" spot on underwear in the AM...All I can figure is that either I was O'ing at the time and not on the 17th like I thought or heck I don't know...Anyhow...From the 7th of October to say "possible O'" day of the 22nd--15 days. Now I had spotting on October 30th; "flow" for a good 3 days on 31st, 1st, 2nd then back to spotting on TP only but this happened mainly after sex on saturday/sunday (midnight)--hubby did hit cervix cause I yelled at him for "ramming" it so hard at the end...So from the 22nd to the 30th--8 days.
Ok...now for the math--8+15=23+9=32 days as of the 31st--I was expecting AF on the 1st OR November 4th (that would have been day 36) BUT here's the big but!!....IF I O'ed on the 22nd and I was only 8dpo on the 30th--I would have been 14 dpo on the 5th NOT the 4th and most tickers go to dpo 15 as the day AF would be due. CONFUSING!!! Now it is possible that because my cm got really "wet" during that week of the 22nd-29th--I might have O'ed around the 24th and that moves my days ahead again to today being dpo 14....SO I guess anything is POSSIBLE...:shrug::shrug::shrug:

Ok...Now that I have thoroughly confused you, me, the dog, the guinie pig, a fly sitting here on my computer--what do ya'll think?

LUV, Stephanie
Now I didn't have to teetle but did anyhow...So pretty sure anything I saw was just my eyes going cross...

Won't hurt my feelings if you don't see anything...:kiss:

First Responce 11 07 11.jpeg

First Responce 11 07 11 2nd pic.jpeg

First Responce 11 07 11 Inverted.jpeg

First Responce 11 07 11 better pic.jpeg

There are notes on each one...Have a gander and laugh...LOL...Cause like I said I'm thoroughly confused about this one!!!
Ok, I've been neglectful...SO SORRY to make these last few posts about "me"...Forgive me... Ladies--your sx sound wonderful!!! I have been having lower back pain for a week now--gets to where I have to use my dh to help me roll over because of the slipped discs in my back...I can't stop eating sweets--but not really hungry for anything either...Not really nauseated or anything like that and my chin is still broke out...I have a headache that is lingering and I need to eat (not ate supper yet)...My boobs hurt when I touch them and I am debating on "freeing" the girls just to see what happens...LOL...

Please let me know how ya'll are!!! Hugs, and Baby Dust Ladies!!

PS...I like the idea of announcing your "turkey" to the rest of the "turkeys" in your families while at the table--just slipping in casually....Something you might mention too is the fact that you will be needing to get another stocking to hang up this christmas...That might get them to wondering too.. : )
Those pics aren't as clear to me as the other one you had posted. But definitely use a FRER with FMU in the morning and POST THAT PIC! Can't wait to see it!
Those pics aren't as clear to me as the other one you had posted. But definitely use a FRER with FMU in the morning and POST THAT PIC! Can't wait to see it!

I am def going to do that...And yeah, I know about the pics...I tried to make them clearer, but the lighting is different here than at work...I might try to take a few more in the kitchen where the lighting is different and see what happens...LOL...

I'm going to go to bed and try to rest..I nearly fell asleep driving home :sleep:....UGH...

Something I noticed too...My cervix is still soft...I just don't understand that one...It should be hard right now...Is it really possible???? Good Golly...I don't know if I should be excited at the possiblity or not....

Luv and Hugs, Stephanie
I am about to go to bed and wanted to post this pic so I can compare it the mornings...

Not much clearer 11 07 11 FRE.jpeg need to edit..."is the line not showing up?":shrug:

OH, and my hubby is an ASSHOLE...Yep I said it...I showed him the pics of my obviously + hpt and he said "so". That was it and went back to watching the darn tv! Well at least I have you ladies to share this with. :flower:

I want to see lots of new posts tomorrow--I hope that everyone is doing FABULOUS...as for me--I will be more confused in the am...LOL...

Luv, Stephanie and Good Night all...Happy BD'ing to Zoey! *and to the rest of you ladies :winkwink:!!!

Ok just got home from work...congrats hope thats your BFP!!! I do see a line on the first but not the latest ones you posted...my left nipple is starting to not wanna stay soft:) Hope this is a sign as the same the same thing happened last month! Sounds like all of us are having good symptoms! It would be great if we all got our BFPs!!! I am also still having the cramoing...this afternoon it was going down my leg
So it's 10.30pm and I am so bloody tired!! Just got in some BDing and fell asleep with my legs in the air hahaha!!
These symptoms are sounding lovely as well, fingers crossed we get those BFPs soon!!
Stephanie, I am absolutely baffled but I cannot wait to see some more test pictured from you!! Here's hoping this is a genuine BFP!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!
I don't have too much more news about Bella (thanks for your thoughts BTW). They started to do the surgery today but they weren't sure if they clamped her liver if she would have enough blood elsewhere to travel to her heart so they are injecting dye into her tomorrow to have a look before proceeding with the surgery. The surgeon has high hopes that she will be okay but they can never tell if a seizure will or will not occur. This morning was very difficult, having to leave her and potentially say goodbye just in case anything happened.. then goto work!! Seeming like tomorrow is going to be a similar day. I'm continuing to pray and keep my fingers crossed that she will be alright!!!

I will be back tomorrow afternoon and hopefully i'll be more awake then I am now!!

Hope everything goes good woth the surgery. I woke up this morning woth a slight cough and stuffy nose and my temp finally rose from 97 (4day in a row) to 97.7. Im hope this is a good sign. This is my first week temping...5dpo today

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