S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

Hey everyone, this is my first post here on this website.... I have a two year old daughter peyton Danielle... I am a single mother as of April when Peyton's dad passed away suddenly leaving my world and Peytons shattered. I am 18 years old and i was 16 when i gave birth to my daughter. I'm not going to lie to anyone on here and say that its easy because it is far from it... the ups and the downs... and you never know whats around the corner. I am in college now while working two part time jobs and caring for my daughter on my own with no support from my family or peyton's late fathers family. peyton is by no means a mistake but if i had to do everything all over again i wouldnt of gotten pregnant at sixteen... currently i am looking for a way to get in touch with other teen mothers and share my story but for now i am just looking for people who know what i am going through to talk to...

RIP my baby i will love you forever and always <3
I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:
You will find BnB to be very loving and supporting and will be here when you need to vent, celebrate the happy times or just a shoulder to cry on..
I hope you make some good friends on here that will help you through some of the harder days!
Welcome to STM! :hugs:
It will definatly be nerves and hell proberley be scared of becoming a dad ... and he might need time to come to terms with it .. FOB to mine wasnt sure about it all when i told him about it and he was abit off with me but after a few months he changed and was getting excited and hes even more excited now he cant wait for him to be born abnd everything.. It is hard to deal with someone whos being like he is for a long time only thing you can do is sit down with him and have a proper talk and ask him if hes scared and everything about it and try comfort each other and make it seem less scary? xx

Beccy, ive tried so so hard
i cant take much more im liturally breaking down.. all i want is to be together..
im 15 weeks now :\ nearly 4 munfs i cant deal with how hes being..
he said he will talk tomorrow.. but all i wana do is lie ther in his arms =[
and i talk 2him.. and he doesnt seeeeeeeem to talk back to me..
he tells me he doesnt actually want to be with me + stuff x
Hey everyone, this is my first post here on this website.... I have a two year old daughter peyton Danielle... I am a single mother as of April when Peyton's dad passed away suddenly leaving my world and Peytons shattered. I am 18 years old and i was 16 when i gave birth to my daughter. I'm not going to lie to anyone on here and say that its easy because it is far from it... the ups and the downs... and you never know whats around the corner. I am in college now while working two part time jobs and caring for my daughter on my own with no support from my family or peyton's late fathers family. peyton is by no means a mistake but if i had to do everything all over again i wouldnt of gotten pregnant at sixteen... currently i am looking for a way to get in touch with other teen mothers and share my story but for now i am just looking for people who know what i am going through to talk to...

RIP my baby i will love you forever and always <3

i am so so sorry to hear that
i hope you are okay, and i hope you have some supportive friends.
your little girl will always look up too youuuu
<3 x
right, basicully ive found something out..

kierans being the same way with me as how his uncle was with his girlfriend everytime shes been pregnant..
going off the rails
n being horrible basicully

maybe lads just deal with things different..
but he was fine when the babys born
sorry but im not going over 5 months living like thiss!!
you really dont know the story of my past week girlies :( xxx

im sorry but please leave him :( he is making you miserable and he is not going to change. he doesnt care, i know thats hard to hear but its what i needed to hear to realise my ex really did not care about me, only himself, and that he would never change...
why should you put up with him being like that for the rest of your pregnancy?! you shouldnt! and if he does change his tune after babys born and decides to grow up and act like a man and not a little boy then fair play to him, but you shouldnt have to put up with him being so unloving etc just in the hope that he'll change after babys born.
ive not said anything for a while, was waiting to see if you said he'd got any better or anything but it doesnt seem a healthy relationship and if its making you this sad then get out hun :( you will be much better off xxx

Hey everyone, this is my first post here on this website.... I have a two year old daughter peyton Danielle... I am a single mother as of April when Peyton's dad passed away suddenly leaving my world and Peytons shattered. I am 18 years old and i was 16 when i gave birth to my daughter. I'm not going to lie to anyone on here and say that its easy because it is far from it... the ups and the downs... and you never know whats around the corner. I am in college now while working two part time jobs and caring for my daughter on my own with no support from my family or peyton's late fathers family. peyton is by no means a mistake but if i had to do everything all over again i wouldnt of gotten pregnant at sixteen... currently i am looking for a way to get in touch with other teen mothers and share my story but for now i am just looking for people who know what i am going through to talk to...

RIP my baby i will love you forever and always <3

hey, welcome to STM :) congratulations on your daughter and sorry about the loss of her father :(:( xxxx
It will definatly be nerves and hell proberley be scared of becoming a dad ... and he might need time to come to terms with it .. FOB to mine wasnt sure about it all when i told him about it and he was abit off with me but after a few months he changed and was getting excited and hes even more excited now he cant wait for him to be born abnd everything.. It is hard to deal with someone whos being like he is for a long time only thing you can do is sit down with him and have a proper talk and ask him if hes scared and everything about it and try comfort each other and make it seem less scary? xx

Beccy, ive tried so so hard
i cant take much more im liturally breaking down.. all i want is to be together..
im 15 weeks now :\ nearly 4 munfs i cant deal with how hes being..
he said he will talk tomorrow.. but all i wana do is lie ther in his arms =[
and i talk 2him.. and he doesnt seeeeeeeem to talk back to me..
he tells me he doesnt actually want to be with me + stuff x

aww preggo thanks hun and well an update on jared i am so extreamly emotional right now and i hate it i feel like my life is falling apart all over again and nothing have said about him is a lie its just he has this soft side that hardly nobody gets to see and i have gotten to time and time again but like i said before i just dont feel strong enough to tell him no anymore i miss him and crave his tuch and yet i am revolted by the thought of him because the way he broke my heart =/ grr why does life have to play these cruel games on us i wish there was just an easy button like the stapples button lol
My ribs are SOOO sore tonight..
Only when I push against them or stretch in a certain way though.. Not just random sharp pains like I get sometimes with him..
He's been SOOOO active today.. Even felt him abunch standing up! (Normally I rarely ever feel him when I'm standing up and walking around, usually just feel it when I'm lying or sitting down)
My moms so excited she keeps looking at my belly when hes moving to see if she can see like a arm or leg clearly..
She had her hand on my belly tonight and he was moving around some when I was standing there and shes like "That has to be a hand or something right there!!"
This boy likes to be carried high though.. He's ALWAYS up in my ribs these days..
My poor stomach and bowels, I'll just feel him down there moving and they start rumbling from the commotion..
I think he likes beating on them BECAUSE they make such amazing noises!
Seriously I don't see how women can be constipated all the way into the third trimester.. He kicks them so much and keeps everything flowing! (Sorry, TMI)
But really, I had HORRIBLE constipation(well, irritable bowel syndrome runs in the family) in my first trimester and even continued into my second until I was like 14-15 weeks and he was big enough he could just kick them and get them moving again! :haha:
Seriously though.. I bet that's why I'm no longer having problems with it..

Anyway I'm so sorry you guys are having such problems with O/H's!
Men are such selfish immature pigs! (Well, ALOT of them)

I'm gonna rent a movie called "Inside the womb" my cousin told me about it and said it's really good and really interesting especially for those who are expecting!
I'm really looking forward to watching it! You girls might be interested in looking into it too..
Also.. My 3d/4d ultrasound is monday!!! :happydance:
First time I get to see my L/O in what.. 8 weeks?
Not to mention it will be all 3dish and get a pretty clear view of what he'll look like!
You all keep talking about getting growth scans when you're like 28 weeks..
But my doctor never mentioned it at my last appointment and I meant to ask him when my next ultrasound would be but by the time I remembered he was already busy with another patient :cry:
My next doctors appointment is the same day anyway..
And since I'm getting the portrait scan I don't know if he'll still end up doing one any time soon or what..
I don't know.. I just want monday to come already!!!
aw jas i cant wait for monday for you lol i get another ultrasound done tommorow to see how much they have grown but i get them done every two weeks it i cant wait either i am like SWEEEEEEET lol i want to see how chunky they are getting because the whole world knows how i seem to be growing i am so big i never thought i could grow this big i am so scared for when they are born i just keep thinking there is no way in hell that anyguy is going to think of me as attractive after words i am going to need a tummy tuck and i have no way of getting my hands on the money for THAT oi i am running off of 5 hours of sleep lol and yet i am wide awake and i feel so weird
It will definatly be nerves and hell proberley be scared of becoming a dad ... and he might need time to come to terms with it .. FOB to mine wasnt sure about it all when i told him about it and he was abit off with me but after a few months he changed and was getting excited and hes even more excited now he cant wait for him to be born abnd everything.. It is hard to deal with someone whos being like he is for a long time only thing you can do is sit down with him and have a proper talk and ask him if hes scared and everything about it and try comfort each other and make it seem less scary? xx

Beccy, ive tried so so hard
i cant take much more im liturally breaking down.. all i want is to be together..
im 15 weeks now :\ nearly 4 munfs i cant deal with how hes being..
he said he will talk tomorrow.. but all i wana do is lie ther in his arms =[
and i talk 2him.. and he doesnt seeeeeeeem to talk back to me..
he tells me he doesnt actually want to be with me + stuff x

Wel from when i got pregnant til 16 weeks the lad who i was going out with at the time wasnt with him long at all but i thought baby was his and everythin.. but obviously found out it cant have been cause i was so far along and dates worked out with me ex.. but that lad he was actually the lad of my dreams and he was always going on about getting engaged to me hell never leave me etc etc but obviously when i told him babys not his he basically flipped like any lad would and i was devestated and he was but he ended up getting violent to me and now hes not aloud near me cause police thinks hes dangerous to me and my unborn baby .. but it isnt worth the stress and everything i know from what happened with me even though its different to whats happening with you.. but if hes going to be like this with you just keave him to be like that and if he comes back and realises the mistake he made walking away then its down to you to forgive him or not i spose :( im sorry im not much help i wish i could help but try to keep ya head up cause last thing you want is getting stressed and everything :hugs: xx
aww preggo thanks hun and well an update on jared i am so extreamly emotional right now and i hate it i feel like my life is falling apart all over again and nothing have said about him is a lie its just he has this soft side that hardly nobody gets to see and i have gotten to time and time again but like i said before i just dont feel strong enough to tell him no anymore i miss him and crave his tuch and yet i am revolted by the thought of him because the way he broke my heart =/ grr why does life have to play these cruel games on us i wish there was just an easy button like the stapples button lol

awe its okay, I feel insanely emotional too, its so hard to alone. Maybe it's the time of year? lol. I wish there was an easy button. There one day will be a better man out there for you <3 that's what I keep telling myself. If you do decide to get back together w/ him be careful, and I will be here for you if it doesn't work out<3
Man I really had to scroll back far to get to this thread! :haha:

My grandma called today and said she accidently scheduled their month-long vacation to Florida for February!! :cry:
My grandparents wont be there for the birth of their first great grand baby :cry:
I told my mom to tell them they better hurry back because I ain't waiting til May to push him out! :haha:

I'm really bummed though.. They've been struggling to come around to the idea of me being pregnant and such (Well my grandma mainly.. Even took her to my 16W ultrasound to help her cope and be a little more excited and supportive)
It sucks they wont be around to meet their great grand baby when he first arrives though..
Oh thats not good!
i wish my mamar would go on holiday for a month or something when i pop! dont want to sound horrible but my mamar does my head in shes too fussy and she just drives me up the wall .. like she came over other week and there was 2 teddies on the table that i needed to put away in babies room .. and she started teasing my dog saying 'what are these do you want them' ..putting them near him getting him all excited and wound up and then she said 'no you cant have it' .. my grandad ended up having a go at her when they went home cause were teaching the dog whats his and what isnt for when baby arrives. stupid women :growlmad: shell never learn and shes how old! plus shes one of them people who will randomly come over and not ask me first and if i dont answer the door she starts tapping on the windows :growlmad: shell just end up waking baby up and ill flip in end :haha:

luckily im moving away from them so theyd have to get a bus or 2 to get to me just i wish they would ring first to let me know at least soon as babys here shell do it more cause shell use the excuse she wanted to know if i need any help with the baby and my dads even said ill need time to bond with him on my own for awhile .. when he gets to like 1/2 she wont be interested in him thats my biggest problem she just will be cause hes little and newborn ..

Sorry for blabbing on :haha: you got me ranting about my mamar Jas lol!
Oh thats not good!
i wish my mamar would go on holiday for a month or something when i pop! dont want to sound horrible but my mamar does my head in shes too fussy and she just drives me up the wall .. like she came over other week and there was 2 teddies on the table that i needed to put away in babies room .. and she started teasing my dog saying 'what are these do you want them' ..putting them near him getting him all excited and wound up and then she said 'no you cant have it' .. my grandad ended up having a go at her when they went home cause were teaching the dog whats his and what isnt for when baby arrives. stupid women :growlmad: shell never learn and shes how old! plus shes one of them people who will randomly come over and not ask me first and if i dont answer the door she starts tapping on the windows :growlmad: shell just end up waking baby up and ill flip in end :haha:

luckily im moving away from them so theyd have to get a bus or 2 to get to me just i wish they would ring first to let me know at least soon as babys here shell do it more cause shell use the excuse she wanted to know if i need any help with the baby and my dads even said ill need time to bond with him on my own for awhile .. when he gets to like 1/2 she wont be interested in him thats my biggest problem she just will be cause hes little and newborn ..

Sorry for blabbing on :haha: you got me ranting about my mamar Jas lol!

Sorry you're stuck with such a.. how do I put this nicely.. Rude? Mamar
2 more days to my ultrasound!

awe, I don't have any grandparents, well one but she's on my dads said and I barely see my dad so I don't see my grandma ever.

My mom read a book on how to be a good birthing partner so I'm excited:)
Haha you can put it however you like i wont take offence she just needs to learn to stop being how she is she still treats me like a 10year old and i just sometimes want to tell her what i think but i dont cause im not someone to be that nasty i spose lol she just needs to back off abit in my family great grandmas and that never have been part of kids lifes .. like i hardly seen my great grandmas and theyve both passed now but they both hardly knew who i was and got mixed up with names .. im just bothered that my mum and dad take alot of interest in there first grand child and obviously my sister :) but alot of families are close and get on really well :D like yours seems to wish mine wasnt how they are lol
2 more days to my ultrasound!

awe, I don't have any grandparents, well one but she's on my dads said and I barely see my dad so I don't see my grandma ever.

My mom read a book on how to be a good birthing partner so I'm excited:)

Bet you cant wait for your scan!! make sure you find out how much he weighs :D

My mum keeps saying she hopes she can get there in time!! lmao so im abit worried i hope she can tbh cause ill be devestated if she isnt there cause ill have to have FOB cause he now says he would like to come in the room with me! but i dont want him to just because i dont feel comfy dont want that to sound daft lol but i had my heart set on my mum being with me
ok so i just found out today by the specialist... yes my doc finally let me go see him... that i can have my babies on christmass i really want to but am worried because i dont want to ruin xmas for my family seeing as my mom is going to be with me when i deliver i came up with a plan that we could do christmas a day early also i think it would be alot safer and so does the special doc because just waiting to two extra weeks i will have an EVEN higher chance than i am at right now of losing them =( so i say safer that they are born and in the NICU being taken care of then in the womb and possibably dying

:happydance:You guys i really am excited i want to have my babies and i want them to be my little christmas babies they were sent to me to save me like god sent jesus to save the world :happydance:

sorry to sound so religious it is just how i feel they were ment for me to save me
2 more days to my ultrasound!

awe, I don't have any grandparents, well one but she's on my dads said and I barely see my dad so I don't see my grandma ever.

My mom read a book on how to be a good birthing partner so I'm excited:)

Bet you cant wait for your scan!! make sure you find out how much he weighs :D

My mum keeps saying she hopes she can get there in time!! lmao so im abit worried i hope she can tbh cause ill be devestated if she isnt there cause ill have to have FOB cause he now says he would like to come in the room with me! but i dont want him to just because i dont feel comfy dont want that to sound daft lol but i had my heart set on my mum being with me

aw prego i cant wait to hear how its going and becy she will be there for you and i wish you the best of luck
ok so i just found out today by the specialist... yes my doc finally let me go see him... that i can have my babies on christmass i really want to but am worried because i dont want to ruin xmas for my family seeing as my mom is going to be with me when i deliver i came up with a plan that we could do christmas a day early also i think it would be alot safer and so does the special doc because just waiting to two extra weeks i will have an EVEN higher chance than i am at right now of losing them =( so i say safer that they are born and in the NICU being taken care of then in the womb and possibably dying

:happydance:You guys i really am excited i want to have my babies and i want them to be my little christmas babies they were sent to me to save me like god sent jesus to save the world :happydance:

sorry to sound so religious it is just how i feel they were ment for me to save me

WOW 3 little babies on xmas day- what a present!!:hugs:
:happydance: Yay! Xmas bubba's!! :pink::pink::pink:
What an expensive time xmas will be in years
to come!! :haha:

I've come back from the physiotherapist today as I had
bad back pains and found out I've got SPD! :nope:
(SPD = Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction)
Been given loadsa diff pelvic floor exersises to do and a
lovely orthopaedic maternity belt to wear when walking
around. Oh how attractive I must look! :haha:

Anyone else got this?


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