Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Well mines about 70bpm and the other 2 are about 90 something on either side both similar numbers. Mm I dunno. 12 week scan on 30th so I am really hoping that will settle my mind x
Sometimes the arteries confuse the doppler since it can pick up more beats (like an echo). I'm sure you're fine. :hugs: Did you try with a full bladder and down by your hair line?
They were both below my belly button and above my hair line. I dunno. In a way I hope it wasnt them as it seemed too slow. Im not going to worry about it though. X
Hi ladies, I finally met my midwife yesterday and asked her a million questions. She didnt know the answers to any of them so has referred me to a specialist.
The specialist has said they will see me 13th feb, a couple weeks after my anomaly scan to discuss what is happening and possibly scan me again depending on how the hematoma is behaving on 27th jan!
I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere x
Hello everybody,

I am new to this forum, hope everyone is doing good. I am 14w 6d pregnant I am married and have a beautiful little 4yr girl! But sunday (Dec. 29) I started cramping, but not anything very painful, and then about 20 min later started bleeding. I compared it to a light period for me b/c I have very heavy periods. So of course I freaked out and went straight to the ER. They tested for everything and gave me fluids, and I got an ultrasound that showed my little darling just a kicking and moving with a heartbeat of 157! Praise the Lord! But they had no ideal why I was bleeding so they sent me the next day to get my HCG levels checked to make sure they were up to were they should be, we again Thank God they were perfect! So I went to the Dr. and they went to get the heartbeat with there little doplar thing and only could pick up my heartbeat, so again I FREAKED OUT! They of course was like "honey don't panic." Really. They didn't want me to panic? whatever. Anyways they did another ultrasound and PRAISE JESUS there she was just as healthy and moving again with a heartbeat of 164! The DR. came in and said everything looks fine, BUT I have a pretty good sized blood clot (subchronic hematoma) and my body was doing what it was suppose to, recanizing that it was a foreign thing for a healthy preg so it was tryin to kick it out, but it could cause the placenta to detach, but everything looked fine. I am so worried still tho. It really helps to hear success stories. I go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound and my dr. says we may not even find it then so please send a pray up for me I would appreciate it! Also I bleed Sunday and not Monday but started back this morning (Tuesday) is that normal?
Hey sweetcheeks, I have read that people often bleed out so try not to worry, fingers crossed!

So quick update: I found both heartbeats about 4 days ago and can tell they are much faster, around 180bpm! Anyway I am 12 weeks today and had my scan yesterday and both looked fab and growing well, one is a day behind the other but I think that's fine. They said the sch wasn't seen!!!!! so this time I really hope it has buggered off. I still have lots of pains but think it might be another uti.

How is everyone else? xx
Welcome sweetcheeks, yes I've heard it is normal to bleed on and off with a sch. Hopefully it is the clot bleeding out so it will get smaller fingers crossed!
That's great northern! Glad babies are growing well and I hope the clot is really gone.

I've continued to have pains but they have eased slightly so I'm hoping that's a good sign. Gotta wait til 27th jan to find out what is happening. Still hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler so that's reassuring. Me, my son and husband have had the norovirus the last 2 days so I'm worried of becoming dehydrated, drinking as much water as possible but just one sip wouldn't stay down! Feeling slightly better today though so have managed to drink more. Hope you all had a great Christmas! x
Hi girls- I would like to join. I went in to my ob today for cramps (no bleeding yet) and they found SCH on us. My doctor told me pelvic rest, no lifting over 15 lbs, and take it easy. I'm a teacher so I'm off til the 6th so I can take it easy for a week. Not lifting my 4-year-old DS will be hard though. Just praying it goes away on its next scan is the 25th.
I got a call from the ER I was in sunday and they told me that radiation report came back and it should I had a placenta previa (marginal) so I called my dr to see if they got it too and they told me that they did the ultra sound themselves yesterday and all that showed was the hemorage so idk I just go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound they just told me to rest and drink lots of water. Its just really upsetting to hear more bad news 2 days later. :(
Welcome to the group Sweetcheeks and Heather.

Sweetcheeks - I feel for you hun, take it as easy as possible for the next 2 weeks and keep positive! Fingers crossed all will be ok.

Heather - did they say how big your SCH was? Great news you've not bled, hopefully it will stay that way & it will resolve itself without any stress!

Frizz - rubbish you're feeling so sick, but good that you're getting reassurance from the Doppler. 27th....eek that seems like a while to wait for your next appointment, I hope the time goes quick!

Northern - fab news your sch seems to have gone, lets hope it stays that way!!! Fingers x'd you don't have an UTI, but even if you do at least it's easily treatable, keep knocking back the water hun!

Update from me, not much really other than my brown spotting / discharge has completely gone over these past couple of weeks (yay!!!), and I came off the Progesterone injections on the 28th Dec (bigger YAY, the injection sites at the top of my bum cheeks were AGONY after 6 weeks of injections!!!). All good so far....... Next scan is due the week commencing 13th Jan (I still need to book it), and this will be the full anatomy anomaly (called morphology here) scan so fingers crossed that shows my 2nd SCH totally gone and a healthy little chap wriggling around!!

Happy New Year to you all, 2014 is going to be an exciting one for us all!

LL x
Its a bloody bugger all this worry hey! Fingers crossed for us all, I am weaning off the gestone injections, didn't have one last night, I've been on them for 10 weeks!!! I hate them.
I can stop them and the cycolgest now but I am worried and have some left so will stop them gradually x
Its a bloody bugger all this worry hey! Fingers crossed for us all, I am weaning off the gestone injections, didn't have one last night, I've been on them for 10 weeks!!! I hate them.
I can stop them and the cycolgest now but I am worried and have some left so will stop them gradually x

I hadn't realised you were on Gestone too! Yep, they totally suck don't they, can't believe how painful the last few weeks have been :cry:

I came off the cyclogest weeks and weeks ago so that's another yuk thing ticked off my list, fingers crossed it stays that way for both as my doc did say ANY more sight or hint of a bleed and & I'm back on the Gestone (fingers x'd it doesn't come to that!).

I'm still taking Duphaston tablets (another progesterone supplement) but have been told to wean myself gradually from 3 daily tablets down to none ......I'm scared to stop them!! Silly really!!
I know, its just the horrible unknown isn't it. I mean its worked till now so although they are horrible I would do it everyday if I had to :) Ive just managed to upload a pic of my twins in my avatar :) x
Double wow at your pics!! That's sooooooo gorgeous!!

I'm hoping to get a decent pic at my next scan as I'll be 19 + weeks, just a good head shot will do me :thumbup:
I thought they would be clearer but I guess as there are 2 its harder, 19 weeks should be a good photo! Do they charge you for them? they are £5 for 2 at ours! bloody cheek! x
I thought they would be clearer but I guess as there are 2 its harder, 19 weeks should be a good photo! Do they charge you for them? they are £5 for 2 at ours! bloody cheek! x

Cheeky sods charging you for the pics! Then again I guess if you're prepared to pay you could request as many as you!

I'm very lucky, all medical here (by law for expats) is private care & all my maternity treatment is fully covered by insurance for private treatment, which is a total godsend given the early troubles! Not all insurance policies will cover full maternity, let alone complications!! The initial IVF treatment we did have to pay for though.
Thats good then, well our IVF cost us about £40,000 in total the the odd fiver here and there doesn't matter. However we have said these little ones wont get any presents from us until they have paid their debt off :)))))) xxx
£40,000 wow! They will be worth every penny. Love the scan pics, amazing!

Loopy, glad the spotting has stopped! Good luck for your scan :)

The sickness has stopped for me thank goodness, just feeling a bit yucky now lol. Trying to be patient for the 27th and making myself be optimistic! I'll be over 20 weeks then so that sch better make itself scarce!

Happy new year to all you ladies, I hope his year brings health and happiness to you and your families x
My doctor didn't say, but it can be seen on the US photo and is about 1/2 the size of the baby... I'm only 7w3d so the baby is just over 1cm so I guess it's just over 1/2 a cm. I had a scan at 6w1d and it was not there at all so I don't know if its growing still or if it will go away.
yep shocking, NHS wouldn't even see me until I was 30 and I was 27 when me and hubby started trying so no choice but private.

20 weeks Frizz!! I can't wait to get to 20 weeks :) xx

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