September 08 Mummies and Daddies Club

well zane went away for the wkend to see his grandparents in scotland and came back a different baby hes louder and even tho he was crawling b4 he left hes got faster, i cried my eyes out wen he came home cuz he changed n i wasnt there! im guna be in bits wen i finaly start work lol

zanes already got 4 teeth and now has 4 more coming so ive got alot of teething nappys to deal with haha hes had 1 shower and 1 bath today already hahah.

so now hes in his walker watchin something special while i get chocolate out of my rug lol

edit: i cant believe our los are going to be one in 3 months time, times gone too fast
:wave: girls. How we doing?

We've had a rough few days with lots of tears, damned teeth!

Same. Up early today at 4:30 am. Poor little girly with her rosy red cheeks. Its now almost 6 am and she is just chewing some toys on the floor like a little puppy. :rofl:
Must be going round all September babies! Daisy has been a nightmare, constant moaning and rosy cheeks, shoving everything in her mouth! Then there is the dirty nappies :sick:!! She has been waking up alot through the night too, not such fin for Mummy, I am shattered!
I don't have a clue which tooth it is either, she won't let me anywhere near her mouth.
and yup, H has those nasty diapers too.

Oh September babes... :)
i've just given some toast 4 lunch thinking it help but she screamed in pain. this one's clearly bein difficult for her. poor baba's. worst part is watching them go through it isn't it?
It is horrible watching them :sad1: My fridge is full of teethers as they seem to help a little but like you all Daisy wont let me near! I am thinking it might be her top 2 coming in
i can just see the bottom one coming through next to the other so i presume its that 1 though i was convinced it had cut when she let me look te other day. Anything goes near her mouth, even her toys she screams poor girl. u wanna see my coffee table, it's bombarded with teethers, calpol, teething powder and gel :rofl:
Well Elliot's got another tooth and i only just noticed! So that's almost 5 now (the fifth is only just at the surface so any day now) :) So that explain's why he's been so clingy and easily upset!

zanes got his two bottom and 2 top now the 2 teeth either side of both are coming all at once but hes been suprising ok with these ones but oh god yes the teethign nappies are awful! He had 3 at nursery yesterday the poor girls.

i bought teething powder just to try it but ive lost it hahaha he doesnt really chew on teethers so uses me instead haha
Hey all, hope you and babies doing ok.

Jacob is doing great got his 9th tooth coming in now he already as 4 bottom and 4 top and its one of his pointy ones popped out 2 days ago. TBH he aint making a fuss at all he only made a fuss with 1st 2 then after than they just kept popping out without notice :rofl:

He crawling really fast. Wizzing everywhere. He walks around the sofa's too and lately has decided he doesnt need the sofa so lets go and trys to move forward but falls on his bum :rofl: or moves one foot and falls :rofl: but nothing bothers his he gets back up and trys again :rofl: i swear this lil boy is going to cause me more grey hairs than a 22 yr old deserves. He'll be one of these boys who one min is playing nicely and next min is swinging from a tree :rofl: he is on the go from the moment he wakes to the moment he falls asleep now :rofl: and i cant turn me back for a second as the min i do he is off. He now knows how to climb his legs out the highchair as well luckily it has arm bits otherwise he'd get out of that too :dohh:

He sleeps through from 7pm till 5.30 now hoping once darker mornings come in he will get up at 6 :rofl: i know its only 30mins but 6am doesnt seem as bad as 5.30 :rofl: But its hard to think at 5months old he was still getting up every hour :shock: just shows what moving does etc.

How's anyone else's babies doing?? How many crawlers do we have?? anyone else attempting to walk?? XxxX
Aww Ema he is doing so well! Daisy is now a cheeky little crawler, goes everywhere! She now sees everything as something to climb up on, and tries constantly to do so, she did try to walk away from the sofa once and fell this must of scared her cos she hasnt tried again yet!
i found a grey hair today *crys* needs to go buy hair dye haha
How's his relux Ema? Elliot's still sick every day, but loads better then it was. Just had to buy a load of new nice bibs lol.

Oh, he only goes backwards, round in circles, and rolls everywhere-hes started rocking back and forth on his knees now so thats a good sign hes wanting to crawl :)

aww jacob sounds like such a little charcater. he's very grown up for 8 months old!

no signs of crawling here, she doesn't like standing up either :dohh: the MIL told me thats exactly what the OH was like and that he didn't walk until 14 months so i'm not holding out any hope - guess she'll do it when she does it. We have mastered bum shuffling though and she's happy doing that.

We've been learning about bubbles, i got some the other day in hope to cheer her up some. It's os cute though, she'll go for them and can't undrestand why thye pop as soon as she touches them lol!
How's his relux Ema? Elliot's still sick every day, but loads better then it was. Just had to buy a load of new nice bibs lol.

Oh, he only goes backwards, round in circles, and rolls everywhere-hes started rocking back and forth on his knees now so thats a good sign hes wanting to crawl :)


Aw he is doing great isnt he! Jacob rocked for about 3 weeks then just took off all of a sudden.

As for reflux its shit. Still on 2 med's 3x a day at set times if i dont give him them he is screams when he is sick :( so he has then religously *sp* at 6am, 12pm and 6pm every day. Still talks of a mini op from the docs for the stitch at top of stomach but they've now decided they want to see when he is 1 as there supposed to outgrow it (in bad cases) by 1 but normally about 6 months (yeah right :rofl:) So when he is one if no improvment then its a op and after 3 months weaning him off med's. But im hoping it improves in next few months and we can just wean him off med's before. Have the hospital every 2-3 weeks with him which is fustrating as they say the same everytime but at least there keeping an eye on him :)

Thanks for asking chick XxxxX hopefully elliots will improve soon too. I know what you mean about bibs. I constantly have towels hanging over me sofa arm as he is sick that much i find it easier with towels now :dohh: XxxX
aww jacob sounds like such a little charcater. he's very grown up for 8 months old!

no signs of crawling here, she doesn't like standing up either :dohh: the MIL told me thats exactly what the OH was like and that he didn't walk until 14 months so i'm not holding out any hope - guess she'll do it when she does it. We have mastered bum shuffling though and she's happy doing that.

We've been learning about bubbles, i got some the other day in hope to cheer her up some. It's os cute though, she'll go for them and can't undrestand why thye pop as soon as she touches them lol!

Bless bum shufflers are so cute tho!! XxxX
Hey all, hope you and babies doing ok.

Jacob is doing great got his 9th tooth coming in now he already as 4 bottom and 4 top and its one of his pointy ones popped out 2 days ago. TBH he aint making a fuss at all he only made a fuss with 1st 2 then after than they just kept popping out without notice :rofl:

He crawling really fast. Wizzing everywhere. He walks around the sofa's too and lately has decided he doesnt need the sofa so lets go and trys to move forward but falls on his bum :rofl: or moves one foot and falls :rofl: but nothing bothers his he gets back up and trys again :rofl: i swear this lil boy is going to cause me more grey hairs than a 22 yr old deserves. He'll be one of these boys who one min is playing nicely and next min is swinging from a tree :rofl: he is on the go from the moment he wakes to the moment he falls asleep now :rofl: and i cant turn me back for a second as the min i do he is off. He now knows how to climb his legs out the highchair as well luckily it has arm bits otherwise he'd get out of that too :dohh:

He sleeps through from 7pm till 5.30 now hoping once darker mornings come in he will get up at 6 :rofl: i know its only 30mins but 6am doesnt seem as bad as 5.30 :rofl: But its hard to think at 5months old he was still getting up every hour :shock: just shows what moving does etc.

How's anyone else's babies doing?? How many crawlers do we have?? anyone else attempting to walk?? XxxX

Hi Ema!

Helena is doing that same thing, letting go of the couch and trying to walk and falling flat on her bum. :rofl: Gets right up and tries again. No tears here :rofl:

She can walk around furniture and pushing her little car, she can walk very slowly. Won't be long now!

Funny how they get so brave and go from standing to trying to walk so quickly!
:hi: Everyone!!

We've got some talented September/October babas about!! They all sound like they are doing great! :happydance:

Max is happily standing and cruising around the sofas but no sign of wanting to 'walk properly' yet! He still isnt crawling but is on all fours rocking back and forth..hes been doing this for the last four days..does this mean hes gunna maybe crawl soon!? It makes him sooo frustrated..he has definitly got daddys temper :dohh:!

Hes cross teething (my little vampire :D) and has teethy pegs number 5 and 6 on the im also armed with plenty of teething ammunition!! :rofl:

Hope everyone is ok!? Sounds as if we are all doing great!

My oh is expecting me to put zane in his own room from next week :( i was co sleeping till zane was 6 months and didnt wana sleep with me anymore so i was happy he was still in my room, when he was ill he came in bed with me during the night after being sick.
now hes better oh thinks its now time when i dont im not ready to let go hahah altho zane still wakes in the night n sometimes comes in my bed so ile be the one up and down in the night :(
Elliot did 'The Big Toddle' today :) ok-i had to take him as he can't walk yet lol.

(A charity thing for Banardo's).


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