September 08 Mummies and Daddies Club

Wow all you little uns are doing so well!!! Ellies alittle relaxed about doing things and is in no hurry. She can crawl she chooses not to she goes a few shuffles and sits back down again! Shes got no teeth as yet but im in no hurry as id dont fancy her biting me when shes having her milk lol. My little lad used to be so forward so this is a nice change for me.
Wow all you little uns are doing so well!!! Ellies alittle relaxed about doing things and is in no hurry. She can crawl she chooses not to she goes a few shuffles and sits back down again! Shes got no teeth as yet but im in no hurry as id dont fancy her biting me when shes having her milk lol. My little lad used to be so forward so this is a nice change for me.

My first was the same and it taught me not to be too worried about Daisy doing it all fast!

I have been wanting her to crawl for ages and now that she does she is a nightmare! :dohh: into everything!
i couldnt wait for zane to start crawling ect but now he is its a nightmare haha hes never still and hes always trying to climb onto the sofa n when he falls me heart skips a beat im far too over protective.

i gave him a stage 2 jar yesterday hes refusing to eat home cooked foods and i cant feed him stage 1 jars forever it took me 40 mins to feed him half a jar :dohh:

so today im making scrambled egss for the first time if hes hungery he will eat them haha
He will get there. Jacob is the oppisite HATES smooth food. But loves anything he can chew. But refuses for me to feed him he wants to do it himself :dohh: But wont use a spoon lol. So now i make his food and he eats with his fingers :rofl: yes not a good habbit but he only 8months so im not fused only prob is finding food that jacob can pick up. Tried spag ball other living room floor was a mess after :dohh: XxxX
hah zanes great with finger food but i dont think hed be gettin enough of a meal so i try to stear away from it.

hes been on n off food since he was ill so i was expecting it but i dont wana give him too mjuch fruit cuz it gives him the poos lol and i dont want him to live on junk
LOL Daisy is the same Ema! Moans to get the bowl/plate and spoon cos she wants to do it herself. :dohh:

I mostly do finger foods now too, or make sure she has something in her hand while I am feeding her.

She holds her spoon and puts something off her plate into the spoon with her fingers then puts the spoon with food on in her mouth,...... if that makes sense!

Moomin, have you tried the cow & Gate dry pasta stars? I used to cook them and mix them with the HIPP tomato and ham smooth jar, it was Daisys favourite and got her used to a bit of texture, they are quite small stars so not too much hassle for them to chew and swallow xxx
he had pasta shapes in a tomatoe sauce yesterday he liked them but hes too lazy to eat a full meal, hes so stubborn. if i give him a plate with food on it he will just throw the plate around (typical man already) im going to push the meals on him if hes hungery he will eat eventualy haha
Lucy loves finger food too - tbh she likes any food though!

Shes just started crawling and has somehow cut another 3 teeth in just a few days bringing her tooth count up to 5! Shes into wires now she can get to them so am having to have eyes in the back of my head!

Glad to hear all LO's are getting on well :)
LOL Sparkey, the wires thing is all too familar here! I caught Daisy laying on her belly stretching her arm under my sideboard one day trying to get a wire that is tucked down the back!!

She sounds like she has had a busy few days with crawling and all her new teeth!
i think all babies must love wires and cables zanes the same hahah soon as he sees one he goes for it then when he gets pulled away he crys his eyes out lol
Is anyone elses bub waking 2+ times a night? I'm trying to figure out why. I work full time an buggered, last night Savannah cried for over an hour until mum got up coz I didn't hear her :(
zane wakes up around once or twice a night sometimes more if hes not well. some babies just arent great sleepers i have no advice :(
She used to be a great sleeper though. She slept from 7:30-6/7, ate then back down til 9/10.
zane used to be great with sleeping, is she teething? thats what broke zanes sleepin pattern
Theres not bumps or anything yet, but if so then it's been happening the past 3 months. I'm just over it.
Once one comes through will it get better?
no it gets worse well zane has, the first 4 were the worst for him (4 front teeth that is) now ones at side r comin hes gettin abit better its not easy for them either so wen ur ready to rip ur hair out take afew mins n think about it like that
Ellies in to wires in a big way. If she can see them shes after them. Ellies doesnt like smooth food either ive been giving her sandwichs for lunch and finger foods. I kinda of half baby led weaned due to her not really liking me feeding her so shes very good with lumps. Today Ellie did crawl quite abit im guessing she'll just do it more and more and more.

Are you Los waking up for feeds or are they waking up to play? I read somewhere in one of my books that from about 8months on there brain becomes very very active and they just want to explore all the time. I know Benn slept through stopped at about 7 na half months and he was properly waking up wanting to play. He got better after a month or so was a nightmare though he'd be up at 2am wanting to play and giggling was cute though lol.
zane wakes up to scream haha sometimes a bottle works other times i hug him in bed lol

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