september babies

Feeling a bit rubbish this afternoon. My back is killing me, my tummy hurts, havnt got much of an appetite. As much as I would like to say I want this pregnancy over, I would prefer to last until my due date. I'm due 1st sept. Border line for school years. I'd prefer to be a couple dates over so that they are one of the eldest and not youngest. Silly reason I know but I was a young one in my year and it wasn't much fun.
Since you mentioned this, I had a look at the US. I grew up in California and the cut off date is December 2 though it is being moved in phases to September 1st by the 2014-2015 school year by a bill signed last year.

The cut off range in the US seems to go from June 1st to January 1st for starting school. Very confusing now that I look.
Exausted.... only another 9 shifts at work left.... roll on next friday.

anyone else feeling huge?? i dunno but my bump seems to have puffed up and baby feels so tight in there!! The moving about is really quite uncomfortable now...
im the same i dont want him to be early as i want him to be the eldest not the youngest! i think it makes a huge difference x
im the same i dont want him to be early as i want him to be the eldest not the youngest! i think it makes a huge difference x

It depends more on the child than anything else, in my opinion. You would be better off seeing how your child does as they get closer to school age. Early socialization is a plus not matter what.

Both my brother and I are mid-late September babies and though the cut off was December 1st where we grew up, neither of us had any problems due to age. My brother is more a less a genius and always did well both academically and socially. I was a different story but that is due more to how I learn rather than anything else. I was capable but never interested, if that makes sense.

Even as an adult, I have rarely got along with people close to my age and with 7 siblings, I always had people close to my age around. Always they are older or younger by a marked amount.
I'm due the 8th and although I wouldn't mind it coming a week or so early with the way I'm feeling hopefully I'll make it upto my due date...
Working with children I know that a whole year can make such a huge huge difference on a child of 4 year old, having to learn what a child almost a year older is. I hope my child gets to spend more time learning in a nursery but what will be will be!
I have one who is oct born and went to fine fab doing well ect my next one is august and she starts in sept she has speech delay and is very funny about other children and is so shy I think it is a huge diff being oldest verse youngest I want another old one but alotho nit due till 19th sept I think she will be august :/
Im sure in a couple of eyar it won't make much of a difference at all but I know it must be hard now, babys starting school... so wrong!
yeah i dont think it matters later on it just matters early when you consider that being the last few days of august he will be a year younger than loads in his class :s i am april so a bit middle of the road really not any experience either way. it wont matter at the end of the day but there is such a big difference between 4 and 5 years old i couldnt imagine sending him younger! x
I think they're mostly too young to go at 4. I was OK, 4 in the July and went in Sept but I prefer the way they do it in other countries. Aussie go at 6, Swedish at 7.
Say if your baby is born 31st Aug they'll still be 3 the week before they start school. They're only babies.
Well iv got my midwife check up today, we will see if the baby has grown, or I will have to have a growth scan, I think it has my tummy is soo tight!
I think my baby is going to be small, it just doesn't feel as big as my other babies were, but it is sitting back to back so cantt even feel it only hands or knees, does anyone know how many scans you get??
does anyone know how many scans you get??

As far as I'm aware if your pregnancy is classed as "low risk" without any complications and your growth measurements are on target then you only get a 12 week scan and a 20 week scan.
Well that's in UK where I am at least...
They have done some amounts of cut backs, you don't seem to see anyone anymore compared to what it use to be like a few years ago, I've only seen my mw twice and had 2 scans, its madness, was hoping for one last scan
Yup only 2 scans unless there are any issues, and my LO is growing just fine, im spot on for 31 weeks apparantly, no no extra scan for me, which is a tad disappointing as id like to see my baby again...and get an idea of its weight!
Anyone else starting to feel larhargic I feel so tiers yet struggle to sleep ??? Feel all icky and porly u kbwo the type of poorly that u can't quiet put finger on what exactly

Can't wait for my scan on 4th august ( low placenta) see baby Wendy again

Also anyone baby got a "side" mine WON'T go on my left side never has been always right and got wonky belly haha
Mine is back to back can only feel it when it pushes it knees of arms out, just feels empty in there
I have an anterior placenta but I feel the baby on both sides, the top, and the bottom. Just nothing in the middle. It sure seems to move around quite a bit sometimes though.
Mine always has his bum sticking out on my right side (I guess it's his bum as it's big and round lol) xxx

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