september babies

Hi all, I am getting fed up now! I'm due on 10th September and can't believe I've still got 10 weeks to go, I feel like I've been pregnant for years!

On the plus side, every time I'm feeling crappy, I get a big boost just feeling bubs moving about! I love him so much already it's ridiculous.

I find out on 29th July whether I'll be having a c-section. Not really sure what I want to do so feeling a bit nervous.

Hope everyone's pregnancies are treating them as well as can be. We're on the final stretch now girlies! :thumbup:
I`m kind of fed up of being pregnant. The Braxton Hicks are a pain right now as I standing for 4-8 hours a day with only two days off , smh . It`s putting a lot of stress on my back and I can`t fully sleep through the night anymore as I get a pain shooting from my lower back to my foot. I`m just ready to have him already :(

I leave for vacation this weekend to Florida. Hopefully my child`s father will see me, if not then so be it. He`s not really acting like he wants to be part of his life :(

I get a sonogram when I come back from vacation. OB wants to get a guaranteed look of how the baby`s positioned. Can`t wait as it`s been since 22 weeks since I last saw him and found out he was a BOY :)
Lack of sleep is really getting me now, I have a cold too so in addition to being uncomfortable I am unable to breath. Snoring like a warthog and keeping poor DH awake when he has a 2 hours drive each way for work and leaves at 5.30 and we don't have a spare room.
Oh i feel you on not sleeping... snap here.... i get so frustrated.... last night i did actually fall alseep at 4am but i was up at 645am for work but hey its better than nothing.

My feet are really hurting... they puff up alot, very attractive.

We went shopping for crib stuff yesterday though so that was great though. Soooo cute!!
Thankfully I have finished work, I don't think I'd function. I have my DH accounts to do and the housework but that's about it so at least I can nap in the afternoon if I need to.
Me to I wouldn't be coping if I was still at work :( its the heat that's getting me, just feel like I have permanent sun stroke ! Looking forward to him making an appearance now although not looking forward to the getting him out part!!
The heat! Awful, especially as I am normally a cold person. I've taken to having cool showers morning and night and I can't use the hairdryer coz I over heat.
Kind lady at work told me the labour and birth is easier than the 9 months of pregnancy.

Hey there Ladies! I haven't posted here, but I am part of the September Sweet Peas thread.
Due sometime around the 6th to the 9th of September, but of course I may go earlier or later depending on babe.

I am enjoying most of this pregnancy.. feeling good over all. A bit more tired, a bit uncomfortable and sometimes in pain from a foot in my ribs..:haha:, but over all I would have to say I really like being pregnant.
The heat here in Spain is quite strong though. I notice that I feel it a lot more than usual. So, I have just been going in the community pool as often as possible.

Also.. been looking up baby positioning online a lot and turns out that swimming the breast stroke is GREAT for helping to get baby into the optimal position for birth. Thankfully (knock on wood), baby has pretty much always prefered the LOA position, which I have read is the most optimal, followed by the OA and then ROA postions. Just hope he decides to stay that way!!

:hugs: to all you ladies.. we are on the final leg of our pregnancy journey now!!! :flower:
How is everyone feeling at the moment?
I've been sleeping a bit better. This is due to having a fan on full right at the bottom of the bed. Still waking a few times to get comfy.
Cant believe ive only got just over 8 weeks left. Im soooo unorganised.


I am feeling disorganised too, I had loads of stuff really early and haven't got anything since, "nursery" still a dumping ground for all our boxes as is one corner of the lounge - Oooops!

I feel like I am going to go into labor early with this baby. I have been on my feet and hustling so much more this time around. At the end of everyday I am so Achey and EXHAUSTED! On my feet with a toddler and carrying him around.... I think this peanut is gonna come before DD. Anyone else feel the same?
So glad to see all the september mommies :) It's really not that far away when you think about it.
I feel like I am going to go into labor early with this baby. I have been on my feet and hustling so much more this time around. At the end of everyday I am so Achey and EXHAUSTED! On my feet with a toddler and carrying him around.... I think this peanut is gonna come before DD. Anyone else feel the same?

i feel that way. i`m at school 4 hours a day, then work after from 4-8 hour shifts. my feet are starting to swell now and it hurts to walk on them :( plus my back aches from neck to lower back, smh. i`m trying to last at work until i deliver. and with my braxton hicks becoming a lot stronger now, i feel he`ll be here in august instead of september. plus, i feel sharp pains below due to standing up at work.
I think mine is going to hold of till I'm started, even when at the minute u would think it was crying to break out when it moves
Definitely getting to the 'had enough' stage :cry: baby due 6th sept. house looks like a building site & plasterers delayed today so that's put us a week behind. Feeling lonely cause hubby is in south Africa for two weeks on business and I miss him! god knows how we coped when he was in the army and away for 6 months at a tine! I feel tired, heavy and hot! And I can't sleep.... Sorry for moaning, I know how lucky I am and can't wait to meet my little girl but just really want my body back and as mentioned, I miss sleeping on my tummy! X
I feel like I am going to go into labor early with this baby. I have been on my feet and hustling so much more this time around. At the end of everyday I am so Achey and EXHAUSTED! On my feet with a toddler and carrying him around.... I think this peanut is gonna come before DD. Anyone else feel the same?

My first two were both one day early. I don't have a definite date feeling like I did with last one (and I was correct). The due date is September 20th but I think this one will show up any time after the 9th.
I'm really starting to hope I have an August baby, I've developed PUPPPS.
For those of you who don't know what it is it's a crazy rash on your tummy that itches like mad all day long and the only cure is having the baby :(
As much as I don't want to leave you lovely ladies behind I want to be comfy and stop scratching like I have fleas lol x
im so ready to have this little man now!! everyones having their babiees this month i feel so lonely :( lets hope i have an end of august baby my due dates the 10th sept!! my last little boy came a few hours late but hey he was fashionably late :D

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