september babies

i think you do get jealous the closer you get, my neighbor is due a week before me and im hoping i go first haha
Aaa someone I know had their first baby earlier today at 37+3 weight 6lbs5oz and was only in labour for a total of 6 hours from her waters breaking! Jealousss haha x x x

I hope it's me saying this at this point next week! Even saying that sounds exciting :D

I was just worried at people say if you get to your DD they don't discuss induction or a sweep til your 40 week appt but when I have that I'll be 40+5.
hoping I don't even see that stage of pregnancy though! I want to meet my little man!
Only 3 days to go til you're full term! How exciting! If you do get to 40 weeks and want to discuss an induction (fingers crossed that doesnt happen!) then I would just ring up and book your MW appointment for earlier.. maybe even 39+6 or something lol x x x
My appointments will be weekly from here on out. Going from 36 weeks to 39 weeks without an appointment seems very odd to be but different medical practices and all.
nhs seems to be cutting down all maternity visits now, with my other children u went every week after 34 weeks, and got 3 scans before due date and one the day after your due date, u got blood taken nealry every visits, ive had bloods done once by midwife and once in hospital, its madness
I'm on weekly appointments as of this week, tomorrow I see the nurse-practitioner (36 weeks) and then after that I'll be seeing my wonderful midwife again :thumbup:
My appointments are currently dead on every 2 weeks because there was a mix-up with my anti-D injection/bloods so ever since my 28 week appointment I've had to have my bloods taken every 2 weeks :wacko: :dohh: I have a midwife appt tomorrow but I'm not sure what time or whether it's at my doctors' or at my house as she hasn't been in touch to let me know :haha: I'd better give her a call once her phone's turned on after 9am :thumbup: x
anyone else starting to just feel crappy again....i feel nauseous again, still got bad heartburn cos baby is so high, last few days my lower back has been killing, and the SPD is causing my pubic bone to feel like its going to snap when i move in bed......i have to say, ive had enough now
Mine is breech sinead and i know the feeling! i think they actually give u more appointments for your first pregnancy, theres a chart in my folder that has a column in it with ticks for appointments that u only go to if its your first baby.....not sure if thats why your going less or because its just genuinely less? I am on day two of the big clothes wash and baby sort out, hoping to be TOTALLY ready by the end of today, he has SO.MANY.CLOTHES i had no idea! ive even sorted through again and got rid of anything i had mixed feelings about! im very fussy i thinnk....:s got midwife at 3+anti d+bloodtests blurgh but hopefully she will tell me hes turned a bit :) the insurance on my first ever car starts in a few hours so im like watching the clock so i can take it out for a spin!! xxx
Talking of NHS cuts. My midwife informed me that in 2 or 3 the local hospital is no longer supplying formula. She said as it stands at the moment anybody choosing not to breastfeed will need to bring in bottles, milk and even their steriliser! STERLISER!
That's ridiculous. That basically mean bringing a whole other bag in.

This doesn't affect me as I'm choosing to breastfeed but these cuts seem to be going a bit too far.
Arghh I've been having reeeally uncomfortable period like cramping all last night and today - paracetamol isn't even touching it! I think it might be to do with little man having a major growth spurt though because my bump definitely looks and feels bigger today!! But saying that I had a little bit of bloody discharge yesterday so who knows! :shrug: Why can't things be a bit more black and white during pregnancy?! lol xxx

Oooh mine has majorly grown over the past few days-week..... and has started to get a tad uncomfy.... backache and tummy aches.

God only knows how I am going to make it to 40 weeks or..... dare I say it????..... 42 weeks?! :haha:

Dont you go beating me to it lady! :rofl: xx

I really am counting down the days at the moment!! lol 42 weeks isn't even entering my thoughts!!!!

The race is on! I so hope I hit 37 weeks and boom.. labour time!! haha

Just saw your post on the other thread - not long left at work now then! :happydance: You'll feel a lot more relaxed when you finish, I did anyway! I majorly chilled out last week and then this week I'm starting to wash any baby clothes people have given me (don't think I'm gonna bother washing brand new things), got a midwife home visit on Thursday so having a major clean/tidy up!! Then it's my friend from works baby shower on friday!

My friends have paid for me to have a 'Mum-to-be photo shoot' next Tuesday and then they're throwing me a baby shower on Wednesday! So hopefully the next few weeks will go pretty quickly!

I haven't got much to do to be honest, I'm suprised to say it but if he made an appearance tomorrow everything would be ready!! That's how impatient I'm getting lol How are you getting on with having things ready? x x x

Oh yes, only a few more days in work now!! Cant believe it, even though I feel like I have been pregnant forever, it does seem to have gone quickly... I remember seeing posts from people saying they had 1 week left and I had like 90 days!! :haha: and it felt like an eternity!

i have a hospital appt tomorrow morning so only 1/2 day in work, and I also have a 1/2 days hol left to use before I finish, so really I have 7 days left! :happydance:

I am going to be doing lots of cleaning and washing and sorting, but I cant honestly say I am ready yet! LOL

The cot/mattress/travel system is being delivered on the 23rd.... and we just have to get the bedding which I think I may get today. So you are definately more organised than me LOL have you packed your hospital bag yet?

Aww thats so nice, a Mum-to-be photo shoot sounds fab! And a baby shower too? Lucky you!

Oh I know, I dont want to think I might go to 42 weeks, but then again i dont want to get to 40 and be gutted to think I may have 2 more weeks, so I think if I get myself in that mindset now, then if he does come early or on time, I wont be too disappointed!! xxx
Not sure how often I will be seeing my midwife here in Spain now that I am almost 36 weeks.
Have a 3rd. trimester bloodtest tomorrow (8am.. arg!) then I see the midwife on the 17th.. when I will be 37 weeks.
Then I am not sure when she will be booking me in again.. :shrug:
anyone else starting to just feel crappy again....i feel nauseous again, still got bad heartburn cos baby is so high, last few days my lower back has been killing, and the SPD is causing my pubic bone to feel like its going to snap when i move in bed......i have to say, ive had enough now

Eurgh, me!! I never had MS but I did have a few weeks of nausea.... but then the past few weeks if I lay on my right side (and ONLY my right?!?!?) I am sick in my sleep :sick: it happened again last night and its really scarey!!

I try my hardest to sleep on my left side, and this is how I have always slept, but for some reason since month 7-ish, I keep waking up on my right side!?

Need some kind of barrier to stop me rolling over! LOL and yes, I hate to say it too, but I am pretty fed up now :( sorry baby, I love you, but you are making me poorly! xx
anyone else starting to just feel crappy again....i feel nauseous again, still got bad heartburn cos baby is so high, last few days my lower back has been killing, and the SPD is causing my pubic bone to feel like its going to snap when i move in bed......i have to say, ive had enough now

Hi I am exactly the same. Can't go anywhere in the car without feeling sick, lower back killing as well as bad SPD too and it is definitely causing most pain to my pubic bone then anywhere else. It's nice to know there are others feeling exactly the same. I feel like I can't complain too much though as my sister is never able to have her own baby so she doesn't agree with me moaning about the pregnancy but at least I can moan to all you lovely ladies :flower:
I wish we had an 'eject' button which we could press as soon as we reached 37 weeks :haha:
Yeah I'm gettin so excited that I'm coming up to term! I know it sounds silly but I feel so jealous when I see people who have less time than me and are "watermelons" lol.
I'm not even letting the idea of a 42 week pregnancy enter my mind. Guess I can say that the longest I have to wait to meet LO is 5 weeks :)

Yeah I've been feeling rubbish lately! I get motion sickness when I'm in the car, a lift, if I move too fast it awful!
Has anyone else got really bad hip pain and a weird pain in your inner and outer thigh muscles?
I hate that I can't sleep on one side for more than an hour without getting a sore hip and my arm going numb. I can only have a small glass to drink then literally have to go to the toilet, sometimes even less.
Lady on my labour course said that it's a sign of impending labour so fingers crossed.
I'm ready, yet I'm a few more bits to wash and want to tidy and clean the nursery for the millionth time.
I just want him here now though! X
Its just flying by! We got our nursery furniture and iv been cleaning-nesting :) i want to get organised in case its early!!
Ugh glad to hear I'm not the only one reaching the end and miserable! Not miserable constantly, but when the back aches at the same time as the hips aching and the crampy Braxton Hicks join in, when I'm exhausted from doing absolutely nothing... Yeah. :dohh:
36 weeks today though! My brothers were born at this stage...
Check-up this afternoon.

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