Jeeeeez. That was a miserable miserable

One day of cramping was worst than the next... for DAYS

. Whew... Now on to all the testing! I should get my CD3 blood work results back at my appointment on Wednesday (and I'll also get another ultrasound then). Then on to the HSG Thursday! And I think the DH is going to try to get his stuff taken care of then too. Busy week but lots of incoming information!
Sarah - Welcome, and yes, a lot of women get good results on 50 mg... I would think your doctor will consult with you each month on if you should continue or up the dosage (and if he doesn't reach out to you, I'd reach out to him). Good luck!
AJR - I think it looks like you still might have a little time before O, but I'm terrible at predicting OPKs... I just know when I see a pos lol.