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September IUI's!

Hi Ladies!

Luster - that is soo exciting!! Congrats! Go figure, 4 cycles of monitoring and boom! BFP when you're trying on your own. :)

Rae - how are you feeling??

Today is 3dpiui for me. I'm trying not to worry but I just am after my experience on Sunday. The doc had a hard time getting the catheter into my uterus and then I had quite a bit of discharge after, so of course I'm thinking she didn't get it in and all the sperm leaked out!! Lol! I know they say that the IUI can loosen up CM, it's just that I didn't get that at all with my first one. So I'm sure I'm being overly paranoid. Anyhow, I am still overall feeling much more calm this time around, so I'm happy about that.
Fossie - I wouldn't worry about it (I know, easier said than done!) but discharge is normal after an IUI. Mine had some trouble with the catheter too. She had me cough during it so she could readjust the speculum. But hey, it worked!

I'm not feeling too well. Morning sickness is kicking my butt. I'm nauseous all day and it is making me feel miserable. I know it is good because it means my hormone levels must still be high but man is it a killer. I have my first ultrasound tomorrow.
Rae - that's a bummer! Were you sick like that with your first one? But that's exciting about your u/s today! What is it that they look at this early? Is there a heartbeat?
I had some morning sickness with my first but it was mostly just throwing up not the all day nausea. Today has been better though. They look to see the sac and the yolk sac and possibly a heartbeat. Just basically making sure everything is growing and is in the right place. Everything was good with our little blob today.
Fossie, thank you and good luck! I also had discharge after IUI, totally normal

Raelynn, hope you feel better and glad that your sono went well!
Yes, Fossie, this morning was my ultrasound! CD12!

My doctor found one follicle that was 17mm already in my right ovary, and two that were 13mm in my left. She told me to take my HCG trigger at 23:59 tomorrow night, and then they will inseminate about 1:30 in the afternoon on Sunday the 26th!
Luster - let us know when you get your beta from today back!
Very big weekend. I'm hesitant to jump back on this rollercoaster again, but here goes nothing!
So update with Beta #2 at 13dpo- went up to 136 (was 29 at 11dpo) so it more than quadrupled! I can't believe it. Progesterone is at 21 now so I will continue the crinone 1x a day. I don't go in for my first sono until Nov 4th (since I have to wait until I'm at least over 5 weeks) so this wait is going to kill me!
lusterleaf - Congrats!! So glad your beta was good. I have our second scan on Nov 3 so we'll be pretty close on that.
luster - that is great news about your beta!!

rae - your little blob, lol! Cute! Glad to hear that all is well (outside of the nausea).

amigone - that's so exciting! And you'll be exactly one week behind me! :D
My ovaries have been served their eviction notice via trigger shot - 24-36 hours to shape up and ship out! I am hoping that at least two of the three ripen and come to meet their spermie friends. I know we'll never know, but I'm big on visualizations.
Hey ladies!

amigone - your imagery cracks me up! Love it! Did you get your IUI yesterday?

luster - that's awesome news! Is that wait for the sono as bad as the 2ww? Or easier because at least you know you're pregnant?!

afm - Today is 8dpiui. I haven't felt a whole lot of anything outside of sore boobs, but now that I am about a week away from AF, that's pretty normal. I swear I felt more last month! Oh well, time will tell. I've promised I won't test until Saturday, which will be 13dpiui.
fossie- I guess it is even more nerve wracking because I just want to be able to see that everything is developing normally! Although when I go in I'll be 5.5 weeks so they'll probably only really be able to see a sac and fetal pole at this point. On a side note, I didn't have any symptoms whatsoever (besides bleeding briefly at 10dpo) so hoping you get a BFP soon!

Rae good luck at your sono!!
fossie - Same here. I didn't have any real symptoms until closer to test day. Even then, nothing major, I just had a feeling of my uterus being bloated or full when I laid on my stomach. Last pregnancy my only real symptom was that I was super thirsty and a little crampy at 10dpIUI. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Amigone - Hoping everything went well with your IUI! Good luck and hopefully the TWW flies by!

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